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Created November 13, 2016 13:34
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Define ANDROID_HOME if doesn't exist
afterEvaluate {
def sdkPath = prepareAndroidHome()
private String prepareAndroidHome()
def localProperties = new File( project.rootDir, '' )
def properties = new Properties()
if ( localProperties.exists() )
localProperties.withInputStream { properties.load it }
def sdkDirProperty = 'sdk.dir'
def sdkDirPath = properties.getProperty sdkDirProperty
if ( sdkDirPath == null )
sdkDirPath = System.getenv( 'ANDROID_HOME' )
if ( sdkDirPath == null )
def androidSdkPath = "${System.getProperty( 'user.home' )}/.android"
if ( localProperties.exists() )
localProperties.withWriterAppend( 'UTF-8' ) {
it.write "$sdkDirProperty=$androidSdkPath\n" as String
localProperties.withWriter( 'UTF-8' ) {
it.write "# DO NOT check this file into source control.\n"
it.write "$sdkDirProperty=$androidSdkPath\n" as String
sdkDirPath = androidSdkPath
return sdkDirPath
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