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Created January 29, 2022 14:57
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Example of DynamoDB single table design for a daily vocabapp (NoSQL Workbench json)
"ModelName": "full-table-design",
"ModelMetadata": {
"Author": "",
"DateCreated": "Jun 04, 2021, 05:33 PM",
"DateLastModified": "Jun 16, 2021, 11:01 PM",
"Description": "",
"AWSService": "Amazon DynamoDB",
"Version": "3.0"
"DataModel": [
"TableName": "full-table-design",
"KeyAttributes": {
"PartitionKey": {
"AttributeName": "PK",
"AttributeType": "S"
"SortKey": {
"AttributeName": "SK",
"AttributeType": "S"
"NonKeyAttributes": [
"AttributeName": "Email address",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Username",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Character set preference",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "List name",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Subscribed status",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Date subscribed",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Date unsubscribed",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "List id",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Word",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Date",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Quiz details",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "GSI1PK",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "GSI1SK",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "List difficulty level",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Simplified",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Traditional",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Pinyin",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Definition",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "Word id",
"AttributeType": "S"
"GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [
"IndexName": "Leaderboard-view",
"KeyAttributes": {
"PartitionKey": {
"AttributeName": "GSI1PK",
"AttributeType": "S"
"SortKey": {
"AttributeName": "GSI1SK",
"AttributeType": "S"
"Projection": {
"ProjectionType": "ALL"
"TableData": [
"PK": {
"S": "USER#123-e3d6-4076-8fe4-052957b98c12"
"SK": {
"S": "USER#123-e3d6-4076-8fe4-052957b98c12"
"Email address": {
"S": ""
"Username": {
"S": "小沈"
"Character set preference": {
"S": "Simplified"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "USER"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "USER#123-e3d6-4076-8fe4-052957b98c12"
"PK": {
"S": "USER#234-e749-402c-aa06-60a604c0de82"
"SK": {
"S": "USER#234-e749-402c-aa06-60a604c0de82"
"Email address": {
"S": ""
"Username": {
"S": "小陈"
"Character set preference": {
"S": "Traditional"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "USER"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "USER#234-e749-402c-aa06-60a604c0de82"
"PK": {
"S": "USER#123-e3d6-4076-8fe4-052957b98c12"
"SK": {
"S": "LIST#1"
"Character set preference": {
"S": "Simplified"
"List name": {
"S": "HSK Level 1"
"Subscribed status": {
"S": "Subscribed"
"Date subscribed": {
"S": "2021-06-08T21:37:33"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "USER"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "USER#123-e3d6-4076-8fe4-052957b98c12#LIST#1#SIMPLIFIED"
"PK": {
"S": "USER#234-e749-402c-aa06-60a604c0de82"
"SK": {
"S": "LIST#2"
"Character set preference": {
"S": "Traditional"
"List name": {
"S": "HSK Level 2"
"Subscribed status": {
"S": "Unsubscribed"
"Date subscribed": {
"S": "2021-06-08T21:36:22"
"Date unsubscribed": {
"S": "2021-06-08T21:37:13"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "USER"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "USER#234-e749-402c-aa06-60a604c0de82#LIST#2#TRADITIONAL"
"PK": {
"S": "USER#123-e3d6-4076-8fe4-052957b98c12"
"SK": {
"S": "QUIZ#1ebc896a-ee52-605e-8c1b-acde48001122"
"List id": {
"S": "1"
"Date": {
"S": "2021-06-08 (created first)"
"Quiz details": {
"S": "{ \"List id\": \"1\", \"Question count\": \"10\", \"Quiz percentage\": \"50%\", \"Question details\": [ { \"...\"} ] }"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "DATE#2021-06-08"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "QUIZ#1ebc896a-ee52-605e-8c1b-acde48001122"
"PK": {
"S": "USER#123-e3d6-4076-8fe4-052957b98c12"
"SK": {
"S": "QUIZ#1ebc896f-ded7-6d04-8bef-acde48001122"
"List id": {
"S": "1"
"Date": {
"S": "2021-06-08 (created second)"
"Quiz details": {
"S": "{ \"List id\": \"1\", \"Question count\": \"10\", \"Quiz percentage\": \"50%\", \"Question details\": [ { \"...\"} ] }"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "DATE#2021-06-08"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "QUIZ#1ebc896f-ded7-6d04-8bef-acde48001122"
"PK": {
"S": "USER#123-e3d6-4076-8fe4-052957b98c12"
"SK": {
"S": "SENTENCE#1ebc8970-26f9-697a-a378-acde48001122"
"List id": {
"S": "1"
"Word": {
"S": "{ \"word details\" }"
"Date": {
"S": "2021-06-08 (created first)"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "DATE#2021-06-08"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "SENTENCE#1ebc8970-26f9-697a-a378-acde48001122"
"PK": {
"S": "USER#234-e749-402c-aa06-60a604c0de82"
"SK": {
"S": "SENTENCE#1ebc8973-6865-6a96-8b75-acde48001122"
"List id": {
"S": "2"
"Word": {
"S": "{ \"word details\" }"
"Date": {
"S": "2021-06-08 (created second)"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "DATE#2021-06-08"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "SENTENCE#1ebc8973-6865-6a96-8b75-acde48001122"
"PK": {
"S": "USER#234-e749-402c-aa06-60a604c0de82"
"SK": {
"S": "SENTENCE#1ebc8973-dc16-6846-baf0-acde48001122"
"List id": {
"S": "2"
"Word": {
"S": "{ \"word details\" }"
"Date": {
"S": "2021-06-08 (created third)"
"GSI1PK": {
"S": "DATE#2021-06-08"
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "SENTENCE#1ebc8973-dc16-6846-baf0-acde48001122"
"PK": {
"S": "LIST#1"
"SK": {
"S": "LIST#1"
"List name": {
"S": "HSK Level 1"
"GSI1PK": {
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "LIST#1"
"List difficulty level": {
"S": "Beginner"
"PK": {
"S": "LIST#2"
"SK": {
"S": "LIST#2"
"List name": {
"S": "HSK Level 2"
"GSI1PK": {
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "LIST#2"
"List difficulty level": {
"S": "Intermediate"
"PK": {
"S": "LIST#3"
"SK": {
"S": "LIST#3"
"List name": {
"S": "HSK Level 3"
"GSI1PK": {
"GSI1SK": {
"S": "LIST#3"
"List difficulty level": {
"S": "Advanced"
"PK": {
"S": "WORD#123"
"SK": {
"S": "WORD#123"
"Simplified": {
"S": ""
"Traditional": {
"S": ""
"Pinyin": {
"S": "wo3"
"Definition": {
"S": "Me, myself"
"PK": {
"S": "WORD#234"
"SK": {
"S": "WORD#234"
"Simplified": {
"S": ""
"Traditional": {
"S": ""
"Pinyin": {
"S": "ni3"
"Definition": {
"S": "You"
"PK": {
"S": "WORD#345"
"SK": {
"S": "WORD#345"
"Simplified": {
"S": "你好"
"Traditional": {
"S": "你好"
"Pinyin": {
"S": "ni3hao3"
"Definition": {
"S": "Hello, hi"
"PK": {
"S": "LIST#1"
"SK": {
"S": "WORD#123"
"Word": {
"S": "{ \"word details\" }"
"PK": {
"S": "LIST#1"
"SK": {
"S": "WORD#234"
"Word": {
"S": "{ \"word details\" }"
"PK": {
"S": "LIST#2"
"SK": {
"S": "WORD#345"
"Word": {
"S": "{ \"word details\" }"
"PK": {
"S": "LIST#1"
"SK": {
"S": "DATESENT#2021-06-08"
"Word": {
"S": "{ \"word details\" }"
"Word id": {
"S": "123"
"PK": {
"S": "LIST#2"
"SK": {
"S": "DATESENT#2021-06-08"
"Word": {
"S": "{ \"word details\" }"
"Word id": {
"S": "345"
"DataAccess": {
"MySql": {}
"BillingMode": "PROVISIONED",
"ProvisionedCapacitySettings": {
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"ReadCapacityUnits": 5,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 5
"AutoScalingRead": {
"ScalableTargetRequest": {
"MinCapacity": 1,
"MaxCapacity": 10,
"ServiceRole": "AWSServiceRoleForApplicationAutoScaling_DynamoDBTable"
"ScalingPolicyConfiguration": {
"TargetValue": 70
"AutoScalingWrite": {
"ScalableTargetRequest": {
"MinCapacity": 1,
"MaxCapacity": 10,
"ServiceRole": "AWSServiceRoleForApplicationAutoScaling_DynamoDBTable"
"ScalingPolicyConfiguration": {
"TargetValue": 70
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