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Forked from anonymous/gist:7050368
Created October 19, 2013 00:44
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function svmStruct = best_svm_classifer_rbf(cdata,labels)
%Write a function called crossfun to calculate the predicted classification yfit from a test vector
%xtest, when the SVM is trained on a sample xtrain that has classification ytrain.
function yfit = crossfun(xtrain,ytrain,xtest, rbf_sigma, boxconstraint)
% Train the model on xtrain, ytrain,
% and get predictions of class of xtest and output it as yfit
svmStruct = svmtrain(xtrain,ytrain,'Kernel_Function','rbf',...
yfit = svmclassify(svmStruct,xtest);
%Set up a partition for cross validation. This step causes the cross validation to be fixed.
%Without this step, the cross validation is random.
c = cvpartition(length(labels),'kfold',10);
%Set up a function that takes an input z=[rbf_sigma,boxconstraint],
%and returns the cross-validation value of exp(z). The reason to take
%exp(z) is twofold: rbf_sigma and boxconstraint must be positive.
% You should look at points spaced approximately exponentially apart.
% This function handle computes the cross validation at parameters ex
minfn = @(z)crossval('mcr',cdata,labels,'Predfun', ...
%Search for the best parameters [rbf_sigma,boxconstraint] with fminsearch, setting looser tolerances than the defaults.
opts = optimset('TolX',5e-4,'TolFun',5e-4);
[searchmin fval] = fminsearch(minfn,randn(2,1),opts);
%best parameters after the optimization
bp = exp(searchmin);
%Use the z parameters to train a new SVM classifier:
svmStruct = svmtrain(cdata,grp,'Kernel_Function','rbf',...
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