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Created April 10, 2023 20:48
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  • Save elsehow/f8cf558bf32a204255ce666e2fbb628d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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digraph G {
rankdir = TB;
node [shape=rectangle, width=3, height=0.5, fontsize=14, fontcolor=white];
L5 [label="Layer 5: Social", fillcolor="#ff4d4d", style=filled];
L4 [label="Layer 4: Application", fillcolor="#b84dff", style=filled];
L3 [label="Layer 3: Transport", fillcolor="#4d94ff", style=filled];
L2 [label="Layer 2: Protocol", fillcolor="#ff66cc", style=filled];
L1 [label="Layer 1: Physical", fillcolor="#4dff88", style=filled];
L5 -> L4 [style=invis];
L4 -> L3 [style=invis];
L3 -> L2 [style=invis];
L2 -> L1 [style=invis];
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