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Last active January 16, 2020 15:48
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Simple ReasonML i18n internationalization example with strong static typing and JS/TS support with GenType
/** Schema for translations, with @genType for TS/JS usage */
type translations = {
helloMessage: string,
helloMessageWithVariable: (~name: string) => string,
/** English translations */
let translationsEN = {
helloMessage: "Hello there!",
helloMessageWithVariable: (~name) => "Hello there, " ++ name ++ "!",
/** Finnish translations need to use `{js|syntax|js}` due to funky letters */
let translationsFI = {
helloMessage: {js|"Hei siellä!"|js},
helloMessageWithVariable: (~name) => {j|"Hei siellä, $name!"|j},
You can set language in your browser with
localStorage.setItem('systemLang', 'fi');
let systemLang =
Dom.Storage.getItem("systemLang", Dom.Storage.localStorage)->Belt.Option.getWithDefault("en");
/** Set systemLang in localStorage & reload page to apply change */
let setSystemLang = (lang) => {
Dom.Storage.setItem("systemLang", switch lang {
| `en => "en"
| `fi => "fi"
}, Dom.Storage.localStorage);
let reload: unit => unit = [%raw () => "window.location.reload();"];
/** helper for accessing translations */
let t =
switch (systemLang) {
| "fi" => translationsFI
| "en" => translationsEN
| _ => translationsEN
/** Usage: */
let message = t.helloMessageWithVariable(~name="Jaska")
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