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Created July 30, 2019 10:01
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Using ReasonApollo with a configurable wrapper
module type MyGraphQLMutation = {
module GQL: ReasonApolloTypes.Config;
include (module type of ReasonApolloMutation.Make(GQL));
module type MyGraphQLQuery = {
module GQL: ReasonApolloTypes.Config;
include (module type of ReasonApolloQuery.Make(GQL));
module MyQueryWrapper = (Query: MyGraphQLQuery) => {
let make = (~children, ~fetchPolicy, /* etc, whatever configurations you prefer */ ) => {
// eg. we can do some things better than ReasonApollo
let fetchPolicy = switch fetchPolicy {
| `network => Some("network-only")
| `cache => Some("cache-only")
| `cacheFirst => Some("cache-first")
| _ => None
// call Apollo and do some generic error handling etc.
<Query ?fetchPolicy>
{({result, refetch, fetchMore, /* etc..*/}) =>
switch (result) {
| Loading => <p> "Still loading!"->React.string </p>
| Error(_) => <p> "Error!"->React.string </p>
| Data(data) => children(~result, ~data, ~fetchMore, ~refetch, /* etc... */)
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