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Forked from dfinke/clickbait.ps1
Created February 24, 2024 00:22
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# Set up the constants:
$ObjectPronouns = 'Her', 'Him', 'Them'
$PossesivePronouns = 'Her', 'His', 'Their'
$PersonalPronouns = 'She', 'He', 'They'
$States = 'California', 'Texas', 'Florida', 'New York', 'Pennsylvania', 'Illinois', 'Ohio', 'Georgia', 'North Carolina', 'Michigan'
$Nouns = 'Athlete', 'Clown', 'Shovel', 'Paleo Diet', 'Doctor', 'Parent', 'Cat', 'Dog', 'Chicken', 'Robot', 'Video Game', 'Avocado', 'Plastic Straw', 'Serial Killer', 'Telephone Psychic'
$Places = 'House', 'Attic', 'Bank Deposit Box', 'School', 'Basement', 'Workplace', 'Donut Shop', 'Apocalypse Bunker'
$When = 'Soon', 'This Year', 'Later Today', 'RIGHT NOW', 'Next Week'
function generateAreMillennialsKillingHeadline {
$noun = $Nouns | Get-Random
'Are Millennials Killing the {0} Industry?' -f $noun
function generateWhatYouDontKnowHeadline {
$noun = $Nouns | Get-Random
$pluralNoun = ($Nouns | Get-Random) + 's'
$when = $WHEN | Get-Random
'Without This {0}, {1} Could Kill You {2}' -f $noun, $pluralNoun, $when
function generateBigCompaniesHateHerHeadline {
$pronoun = $ObjectPronouns | Get-Random
$state = $States | Get-Random
$noun1 = $Nouns | Get-Random
$noun2 = $Nouns | Get-Random
'Big Companies Hate {0}! See How This {1} {2} Invented a Cheaper {3}' -f $pronoun, $state, $noun1, $noun2
function generateYouWontBelieveHeadline {
$state = $States | Get-Random
$noun = $Nouns | Get-Random
$pronoun = $PossesivePronouns | Get-Random
$place = $Places | Get-Random
"You Won't Believe What This {0} {1} Found in {2} {3}" -f $state, $noun, $pronoun, $place
function generateDontWantYouToKnowHeadline {
$pluralNoun1 = ($Nouns | Get-Random) + 's'
$pluralNoun2 = ($Nouns | Get-Random) + 's'
"What {0} Don't Want You To Know About {1}" -f $pluralNoun1, $pluralNoun2
function generateGiftIdeaHeadline {
$number = Get-Random -Min 7 -Max 16
$noun = $Nouns | Get-Random
$state = $States | Get-Random
'{0} Gift Ideas to Give Your {1} From {2}' -f $number, $noun, $state
function generateReasonsWhyHeadline {
$number1 = Get-Random -Min 3 -Max 20
$pluralNoun = ($Nouns | Get-Random) + 's'
$number2 = Get-Random -Min 3 -Max ($number1 + 1)
'{0} Reasons Why {1} Are More Interesting Than You Think (Number {2} Will Surprise You!)' -f $number1, $pluralNoun, $number2
function generateJobAutomatedHeadline {
$state = $States | Get-Random
$noun = $Nouns | Get-Random
$i = Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 3
$pronoun1 = $PossesivePronouns[$i]
$pronoun2 = $PersonalPronouns[$i]
if ($pronoun1 -eq 'their') {
"This {0} {1} Didn't Think Robots Would Take {2 } Job. {3} Were Wrong." -f $state, $noun, $pronoun1, $pronoun2
else {
"This {0} {1} Didn't Think Robots Would Take {2} Job. {3} Was Wrong." -f $state, $noun, $pronoun1, $pronoun2
'Clickbait Headline Generator'
'Our website needs to trick people into looking at ads!'
$numberOfHeadlines = 0
while ($true) {
$response = Read-Host 'Enter the number of clickbait headlines to generate'
if ($response -notmatch "^\d+$") {
'Please enter a number.'
else {
$numberOfHeadlines = $response
1..$numberOfHeadlines | ForEach-Object {
$clickbaitType = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 9
switch ($clickbaitType) {
1 { $headLine = generateAreMillennialsKillingHeadline }
2 { $headLine = generateWhatYouDontKnowHeadline }
3 { $headLine = generateBigCompaniesHateHerHeadline }
4 { $headLine = generateYouWontBelieveHeadline }
5 { $headLine = generateDontWantYouToKnowHeadline }
6 { $headLine = generateGiftIdeaHeadline }
7 { $headLine = generateReasonsWhyHeadline }
8 { $headLine = generateJobAutomatedHeadline }
$website = 'wobsite', 'blag', 'Facebuuk', 'Googles', 'Facesbook', 'Tweedie', 'Pastagram' | Get-Random
$when = ($When | Get-Random).tolower()
"Post these to our $website $when!"
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