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Last active July 9, 2019 20:26
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Parent animator offset via private API
import Ember from 'ember';
import move from 'ember-animated/motions/move';
import { fadeIn, fadeOut } from 'ember-animated/motions/opacity';
import { easeIn, easeOut, easeInAndOut } from 'ember-animated/easings/cosine';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName: 'Ember Twiddle',
isThingActive: false,
showThingActions: true,
duration: 1500,
things: null,
init() {
this.set('things', this.makeItems(2));
this.initialThings = [...this.things];
actions: {
activate(thing) {
// manages vertical motion during list sorting
*transition({ keptSprites, duration }) {
// console.log(arguments[0]);
for (let sprite of keptSprites) {
move(sprite, { duration, easing: easeOut });
// manages icons sliding in/out of list items
*iconTransition({ insertedSprites, keptSprites, removedSprites, duration }) {
// a slight slide in from the right
for (let sprite of insertedSprites) {
sprite.startTranslatedBy(50, 0);
move(sprite, { duration, easing: easeOut });
// fadeIn(sprite);
// handle interruption
for (let sprite of keptSprites) {
move(sprite, { duration, easing: easeOut });
// fadeIn(sprite);
// a slight slide out to the right
for (let sprite of removedSprites) {
sprite.endTranslatedBy(50, 0);
move(sprite, { duration, easing: easeIn });
// fadeOut(sprite);
// manages icons sliding in/out of list items
*iconTransitionWithOffset({ insertedSprites, keptSprites, removedSprites, duration }) {
// a slight slide in from the right
for (let sprite of insertedSprites) {
let offsetDy = 0
// WARNING: this is private API.
let offsetSprite = sprite._offsetSprite;
if (offsetSprite) {
offsetDy = -;
sprite.startTranslatedBy(50, -offsetDy);
move(sprite, { duration, easing: easeOut });
// fadeIn(sprite);
// handle interruption
for (let sprite of keptSprites) {
move(sprite, { duration, easing: easeOut });
// fadeIn(sprite);
// a slight slide out to the right
for (let sprite of removedSprites) {
sprite.endTranslatedBy(50, 0);
move(sprite, { duration, easing: easeIn });
// fadeOut(sprite);
makeItems(count = 5) {
let result = Ember.A();
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return (result);
function makeRandomItem(index) {
var messages = ["Dwight", "Stanley", "Kelly", "Ryan", "Kevin"];
var images = ['', '', '', '', ''];
return { id: index, message: messages[index], image: images[index] };
body {
margin: 12px 16px;
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 12pt;
.thing {
width: 50vw;
padding: 1rem;
margin: 0.5rem 0;
color: white;
background: steelblue;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
/* overflow: hidden; */
.icons {
<h1>Nested Animator Offset</h1>
<h2>Simple Example</h2>
<p>Single animator that slides and fades icons. <br>This is the end goal for the icons in the nested example below.</p>
<div class="thing {{if isThingActive 'is-active'}}" {{action (mut isThingActive) (not isThingActive)}}>
<p>Some little thing (click me).</p>
{{#animated-if isThingActive use=iconTransition duration=duration}}
<div class="activeIcons">✅</div>
<div class="activeIcons">❎</div>
<h2>Nested Example</h2>
<p>Nested animator that slides and fades icons.</p>
<p><strong>⬇️ Click any item to flip the list sorting</strong> and select that item. <br>Notice the inserted icons' starting position is offset by some amount and is not synced with the parent animator vertical motion.</p>
<p>The vertical movement is simply the list sort order changing.</p>
<p>Selected Thing ID: <code>{{selectedThing}}</code></p>
{{#animated-each things key="id" use=transition duration=duration as |thing|}}
<div class="thing" {{action 'activate' thing}}>
<p>[{{}}] {{thing.message}}</p>
{{#animated-if (eq selectedThing) use=iconTransition duration=duration}}
<div class="icons enabled">✅</div>
<div class="icons disabled">❎</div>
<h2>Nested Example with Adjusted Offset</h2>
<p>Here, the icon transition uses the private API of <code>sprite._offsetParent</code> to account for the changing vertical position of the parent animator.</p>
<p><strong>⬇️ Click the first item</strong> and notice that the inserted icons now properly follow the parent animator vertical motion.</p>
<p>Selected Thing ID: <code>{{selectedThing}}</code></p>
{{#animated-each things key="id" use=transition duration=duration as |thing|}}
<div class="thing" {{action 'activate' thing}}>
<p>[{{}}] {{thing.message}}</p>
{{#animated-if (eq selectedThing) use=iconTransitionWithOffset duration=duration}}
<div class="icons enabled">✅</div>
<div class="icons disabled">❎</div>
"version": "0.15.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "3.4.3",
"ember-template-compiler": "3.4.3",
"ember-testing": "3.4.3"
"addons": {
"ember-animated": "0.6.1",
"ember-truth-helpers": "2.1.0"
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