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Created April 27, 2017 01:01
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Properties in C++
template <typename T, typename Class, T(Class::*Getter)(), void(Class::*Setter)(const T&)>
class _property {
typedef _property<T, Class, Getter, Setter> self_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef Class parent_type;
decltype(Getter) getter_func = Getter;
decltype(Setter) setter_func = Setter;
value_type _value;
parent_type* _parent;
_property() = default;
_property(const self_type&) = default;
~_property() = default;
_property(parent_type* p=nullptr):
value_type operator()() {
return (this->_parent->*getter_func)();
operator value_type() {
return (this->_parent->*getter_func)();
self_type& operator=(const value_type& rhs) {
return *this;
#define property(type, klass, name, getter_body, setter_body) \
private: \
type _##name##_getter() { \
getter_body; \
} \
void _##name##_setter(const type& value) { \
setter_body; \
} \
public: \
_property<type, klass, _##name##_getter, _##name##_setter> name;
class weight {
float _weight;
property(float, weight, kilos,
return this->_weight;,
this->_weight = value;
property(float, weight, pounds,
return this->_weight / 0.4535f;,
this->_weight = value * 0.4535f;
~weight() = default;
#include <iostream>
int main() {
weight w;
w.kilos = 8.0f;
std::cout << w.kilos << " kilos = " << w.pounds << " pounds" << std::endl;
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