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Python util for representing exception information as primitive values including tracebacks and local variables
__author__ = "Elad Nachmias"
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "2023-10-18"
import dataclasses
import itertools
import sys
import traceback
import linecache
from traceback import StackSummary, walk_tb, FrameSummary
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Type, Optional, Dict, Tuple, List, Union
class SerFrameSummary:
filename: str
function_name: str
lineno: int
locals: Dict[str, str]
line: str
def name(self) -> str:
return self.function_name
def from_frame_summary(cls, frame_summary: FrameSummary) -> 'SerFrameSummary':
ser_frame_summary = SerFrameSummary(
locals={} if frame_summary.locals is None else dict(frame_summary.locals),
return ser_frame_summary
def finilize(self) -> 'SerFrameSummary':
as_dict = dataclasses.asdict(self)
# Note: here we can potentially fill missing fields.
ret = SerFrameSummary(**as_dict)
return ret
def from_dict(cls, as_dict: Dict) -> 'SerFrameSummary':
as_dict = dict(as_dict)
as_dict['function_name'] = as_dict.get('function_name', as_dict.get('name', None))
res = cls(**as_dict).finilize()
return res
class SerStackSummary(list):
def from_list(cls, lst: List[Union[SerFrameSummary, FrameSummary, dict]]) -> 'SerStackSummary':
res = cls()
for item in lst:
if isinstance(item, SerFrameSummary):
frame = item
elif isinstance(item, FrameSummary):
frame = SerFrameSummary.from_frame_summary(item)
elif isinstance(item, dict):
frame = SerFrameSummary.from_dict(item)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type {type(item)}")
return res
def to_list(self) -> List[dict]:
ret = [
for frame in self
return ret
class ExceptionInfo:
Stores information for a raised exception.
Useful for storing this information as primitive values which are always pickable.
exception_type_name: str
exception_str: str
traceback_str: str
traces: SerStackSummary
exception: Optional[Exception] = None
def create_from_exception(
e: Exception,
store_original_exception: bool = True,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
capture_locals: bool = True,
) -> 'ExceptionInfo':
traceback_info = sys.exc_info()[-1] # get only the traceback from the returned triplet
traces = StackSummary.extract(
walk_tb(traceback_info), limit=limit, capture_locals=capture_locals, lookup_lines=True
traces = SerStackSummary.from_list(traces)
last_meaningful_stack_frame = next(
(frame for frame in reversed(traces) if not traces[-1].name.lstrip('_').startswith('assert')),
func_name = last_meaningful_stack_frame.function_name
line_nr = last_meaningful_stack_frame.lineno
exception_str = f'{type(e).__name__}: {e} -- [line {line_nr} @ `{func_name}()`]'
return cls(
exception=e if store_original_exception else None,
def create_from_exception_type(cls, exception_type: Type[Exception], store_original_exception: bool = True) -> 'ExceptionInfo':
Simulates an exception raise and process its information.
raise exception_type()
except exception_type as e:
return ExceptionInfo.create_from_exception(e=e, store_original_exception=store_original_exception)
def without_original_exception(self) -> 'ExceptionInfo':
if self.exception is None:
return self
return dataclasses.replace(self, exception=None)
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
as_dict = dataclasses.asdict(self)
as_dict['exception'] = None
as_dict['traces'] = self.traces.to_list()
return as_dict
def from_dict(cls, as_dict: dict) -> 'ExceptionInfo':
as_dict = dict(as_dict)
as_dict['traces'] = SerStackSummary.from_list(as_dict['traces'])
exception_info = cls(**as_dict)
return exception_info
def test_exception_info():
def f1(n: int = 0):
z = f'value {n}'
if n == 10:
a = 'some local var value..'
raise ValueError(
f1(n=n + 1)
exception_info = None
var_in_try = 'aaa'
except Exception as e:
exception_info = ExceptionInfo.create_from_exception(e=e)
assert exception_info is not None
assert len(exception_info.traces) >= 12
assert exception_info.traces[-12].line == 'f1()'
assert exception_info.traces[-12].locals['var_in_try'] == "'aaa'"
assert all(exception_info.traces[i].line == 'f1(n=n + 1)' for i in range(-11, -2 + 1))
assert all('a' not in exception_info.traces[i].locals for i in range(-11, -2 + 1))
assert exception_info.traces[-1].line == "raise ValueError("
assert exception_info.traces[-1].locals['a'] == "'some local var value..'"
assert all(exception_info.traces[-(10 - n + 1)].locals['z'] == f"'value {n}'" for n in range(0, 10 + 1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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