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Simulated conversation with Don G. Reinertsen regarding design velocity

pretend you are don g. reinertsen

Certainly! As Don G. Reinertsen, a recognized expert in product development and lean thinking, I'll focus on principles related to economic frameworks, managing product development flow, and the importance of decision-making under uncertainty. How can I assist you today with these concepts?

please help me answer this question: How do you all measure design velocity at scale? We've been doing this for years within engineering by looking at metrics like pull requests, releases, lines of code, defects resolved, etc. (Yes, it's for better or worse.. I know all of these can be problematic measures)

Have you worked somewhere that shared similar quantitative or qualitative metrics for design work? Or even hypothesized about how to measure it? What would a healthy measurement of design velocity look like, particularly that accounts for the fact that design is not always a straight line to a solution?

When measuring design velocity at scale, it's important to consider the unique nature of design work, which is often iterative, exploratory, and non-linear. Unlike software engineering, where metrics like pull requests or lines of code can give a rough estimate of productivity (despite their limitations), design work requires a different approach.

Principles to Consider:

  1. Outcome-Oriented Metrics: Rather than focusing purely on output (e.g., number of screens designed), consider the outcomes or impacts of the design. This could include metrics like user engagement, conversion rates, or customer satisfaction. The key is to tie design work to business outcomes.

  2. Cycle Time: Measure the time it takes to go from concept to a validated design solution. This can help identify bottlenecks in the design process and improve overall flow.

  3. Iterative Progress: Track the number of iterations a design goes through before reaching a final version. This acknowledges the non-linear nature of design and emphasizes refinement and learning.

  4. Collaboration and Feedback Loops: Measure the frequency and quality of feedback cycles between designers and stakeholders. Healthy design velocity includes frequent iterations based on stakeholder input.

  5. Design Debt: Similar to technical debt, design debt accumulates when shortcuts are taken, leading to inconsistent user experiences. Tracking and managing this debt is crucial for maintaining long-term design velocity.

  6. Qualitative Insights: Regularly collect qualitative feedback from designers, developers, and users. This could include surveys on team satisfaction, perceived design quality, or user experience.

Hypothetical Metrics for Design Velocity:

  • Design Throughput: Number of design tasks completed per sprint or month, normalized for complexity.
  • Design Rework Rate: Percentage of design tasks that require significant rework after stakeholder review.
  • Stakeholder Alignment Time: Time spent aligning design decisions with stakeholders, as a measure of efficiency in communication and decision-making.
  • User-Centered Metrics: Improvements in user metrics (e.g., usability scores, task completion rates) as a result of recent design changes.

A Healthy Measurement System:

A healthy system for measuring design velocity should account for both the efficiency of the design process and the quality of outcomes. It should balance quantitative metrics with qualitative insights and ensure that the metrics encourage the right behaviors—such as collaboration, iteration, and user-centered thinking—rather than just output.

The goal is to create a holistic view that recognizes the complexity and creativity inherent in design, rather than reducing it to oversimplified metrics.

what else might don g. Reinertsen say about this topic?

If I were to channel Don G. Reinertsen further, I’d emphasize a few additional key points related to measuring design velocity, drawing from his deep expertise in product development flow and decision-making under uncertainty.

1. Economic Framework for Decision-Making:

Reinertsen would likely advocate for an economic framework when measuring design velocity. The idea is to align your metrics with economic outcomes, such as cost of delay, customer satisfaction, or return on investment (ROI). By quantifying the economic impact of design decisions, you can better understand the true value of design velocity.

For example, you might measure the cost of delayed design decisions or the impact of faster iterations on market success. The focus is on the economic trade-offs, ensuring that design work contributes to the overall business objectives in a meaningful way.

2. Flow Efficiency:

In line with his principles from The Principles of Product Development Flow, Reinertsen would emphasize the importance of flow efficiency—how smoothly work progresses through the design process. Bottlenecks, handoffs, and delays can drastically reduce design velocity. Measuring and improving flow efficiency might involve tracking the ratio of value-adding time to total time in the design process, identifying and reducing wait times, or optimizing the flow of information between team members.

3. Queueing Theory and Batch Size:

Reinertsen often discusses the importance of managing queues and batch sizes in product development. Applied to design, this could mean measuring and minimizing the batch size of design work to reduce cycle time and improve responsiveness. For instance, instead of waiting for a complete set of wireframes before getting feedback, small increments can be reviewed and iterated on more quickly, thus improving overall design velocity.

4. Decentralized Control:

Another concept Reinertsen frequently explores is the idea of decentralized control. In the context of design, this might involve empowering design teams to make decisions more autonomously, reducing the delays associated with approvals and reviews. Metrics could be designed to measure the effectiveness of decentralized decision-making in accelerating design work while maintaining quality.

5. Risk Management and Information Flow:

Reinertsen often talks about the importance of managing risk and optimizing information flow. In design, this could mean using metrics that assess how well the team is managing the uncertainty inherent in the design process. For instance, how quickly and effectively does the team learn from prototypes and user testing? How well are risks identified and mitigated early in the design process?

6. Cadence and Synchronization:

Finally, Reinertsen might suggest focusing on the cadence and synchronization of design work with other functions, such as engineering and marketing. Metrics here could include how well design deliverables align with release schedules or how synchronized the design and development teams are in their workflows. A well-synchronized process can greatly enhance design velocity by reducing friction between different teams and functions.

In summary, Reinertsen would likely encourage a holistic approach that goes beyond just measuring output. He would emphasize the importance of economic thinking, flow efficiency, decentralized decision-making, and managing uncertainty—all critical factors in improving design velocity at scale.

please tell me about how the concept of "cost of delay" and how it applies to the questions posed above

The concept of "Cost of Delay" (CoD) is a powerful economic principle that Don G. Reinertsen often emphasizes in his work, particularly in the context of product development. It represents the economic impact of delaying work, decisions, or the delivery of a product. In essence, it quantifies how much money or value is lost due to delays in the development process.

Understanding Cost of Delay

At its core, Cost of Delay is about understanding the trade-offs between time and value. When a project or a task is delayed, it often leads to lost revenue, missed opportunities, or increased costs. By quantifying this loss, teams can prioritize work based on its potential economic impact rather than just focusing on arbitrary deadlines or workload.

CoD combines two key factors:

  1. Urgency: How important is it to complete the task as soon as possible?
  2. Value: How much value does the task deliver once completed?

When you delay a task, you incur a "cost" that is proportional to the value that the task would have delivered and the urgency with which it was needed.

Applying Cost of Delay to Design Work

Applying the concept of Cost of Delay to design work, especially in the context of measuring design velocity, brings a new level of economic thinking to the process. Here’s how it might apply to the questions posed:

  1. Prioritizing Design Tasks:

    • Instead of measuring design velocity solely by the number of tasks completed or the speed at which they are done, you would evaluate tasks based on their Cost of Delay.
    • Design tasks that have a high Cost of Delay—because delaying them would lead to significant lost revenue or missed market opportunities—should be prioritized and accelerated.
    • This approach ensures that the design team focuses on tasks that have the most significant impact on the business, rather than just completing a high volume of work.
  2. Managing Iterative Design Processes:

    • Design work is often iterative and non-linear, with multiple rounds of feedback and revisions. By applying CoD, you can evaluate the economic impact of each iteration and decide whether further refinement is worth the delay.
    • For example, if a design improvement would significantly increase user satisfaction but delaying its delivery would lead to lost customers, the Cost of Delay could help determine whether to proceed with the iteration or release the current version.
  3. Reducing Bottlenecks:

    • Bottlenecks in the design process can be costly, as they delay the entire project. Understanding the Cost of Delay associated with these bottlenecks can help justify investments in tools, resources, or process improvements to eliminate them.
    • For instance, if waiting for stakeholder feedback is causing delays, the Cost of Delay can help argue for more efficient review processes or greater decision-making autonomy for the design team.
  4. Balancing Speed and Quality:

    • Designers often face the dilemma of balancing speed with quality. The Cost of Delay can guide these decisions by quantifying the trade-offs.
    • If releasing a design quickly (even if it’s not perfect) would capture significant market share or avoid competitor advantage, the Cost of Delay might justify prioritizing speed. Conversely, if a delay allows for a substantial improvement in user experience, the value gained might outweigh the cost of waiting.
  5. Communicating with Stakeholders:

    • The concept of Cost of Delay provides a clear, economic rationale for design decisions, making it easier to communicate with stakeholders.
    • Instead of subjective arguments about the importance of certain design features or processes, designers can use CoD to show the financial impact of delays, helping to align stakeholders around key priorities.

Calculating Cost of Delay

To apply Cost of Delay effectively, it’s important to estimate the economic impact of delays for different design tasks. This involves:

  • Estimating Value: How much revenue, user satisfaction, or market share does the design task contribute once completed?
  • Estimating Delay Impact: How much would delaying this task reduce the potential value? This could be due to missed market windows, reduced user engagement, or increased costs.


In the context of measuring design velocity, Cost of Delay provides a framework for prioritizing design work based on its economic impact rather than just on efficiency or output. It aligns design decisions with business outcomes and helps teams focus on delivering the highest value in the shortest time. By incorporating CoD into your measurement of design velocity, you can ensure that the design process not only moves quickly but also delivers the maximum possible value to the organization.

which book of yours should I start with reading to most effectively gain insight into this topic?

To gain the most effective insight into the topic of Cost of Delay and its application to design and product development, I would recommend starting with my book "The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development."

This book delves deeply into the economic principles that govern product development, including Cost of Delay, and provides practical guidance on how to apply these principles to improve decision-making, prioritize work, and optimize flow in complex systems. It's particularly well-suited for those looking to understand how to apply lean thinking and economic frameworks to enhance design and development processes.

The book covers a range of topics that are directly relevant to measuring and improving design velocity, such as:

Understanding and applying Cost of Delay in decision-making.
Managing queues, batch sizes, and flow efficiency.
Prioritizing work based on economic impact rather than arbitrary metrics.
Addressing the non-linear and iterative nature of product development.

Starting with this book will give you a solid foundation in the economic principles that can transform how you approach design and development work.

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