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Last active October 19, 2022 16:26
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I created this script to use python and the pillow lib to increase the size of apriltags, I believe it's easier to adapt than a postscript. You need to change the data in the variables area for desired family and tag, put this in root of the cloned apriltags-imgs repository.
# ======================================= IMPORTS ====================================#
pip install Pillow
pip install numpy
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import glob
import numpy as np
# ======================================= VARIABLES ====================================#
# Dots per inch - Printer parameters
dpi = 300
# Image size disired in mm
resize_mm = 150 # In millimetrs
# Need a Apriltag wiht this values in folder
tagFamily = 'tagStandard41h12' # Must be same name that folder
tagID = '112'
# ======================================= CONVERSIONS ====================================#
The general formula to convert a number of pixels in millimeters:
DPI - dots per inch
25.4 is simply the amount of millimeters in an inch
decimal_mm = (pixels * 25.4) / dpi
pixels = (decimal_mm * dpi) / 25.4
# (width, height) - A4 size 297 x 210 mm
# Convert paper A4 dimension to based DPI
a4_size = (int(np.around((210 * dpi)/25.4)) , int(np.around((297 * dpi)/25.4)))
# Desired apriltag size to pixel based on dpi
size_to_pixels = int(np.around((resize_mm * dpi)/25.4))
# ======================================= CREATE A4 BACKGROUND ====================================#
# A4 size - (width, height) in pixels based on DPI.
# Create a black page with A4 dimension
a4im ='RGB',
(a4_size[0],a4_size[1]), # A4 at 300dpi
(255, 255, 255)) # White
print('Creating a empty white A4 page')
# ======================================= LOAD AND RESIZE IMAGE ====================================#
path = f"{tagFamily}\\*{tagID}.png"
# Opens a image in RGB mode
for filename in glob.glob(path):
im =
print(f'Founded ID: {tagID} Family: {tagFamily} in folder')
# Upscale the apriltag without interpolation
im = im.resize((size_to_pixels,size_to_pixels),Image.NEAREST) # Need the Image.NEAREST to remove blur
# im.size (width, height)
# Background size
# a4im.size (width, height)
offset_tag = ((a4im.size[0] - im.size[0]) // 2, (a4im.size[1] - im.size[1]) // 2) # To center the tag
print(f'Apriltag resized to: {resize_mm} mm')
# Fill the empty a4 page with a apriltag
a4im.paste(im, offset_tag) # centered by offset
#a4im.paste(im, im.getbbox()) # Not centered, top-left corner
print(f'Apriltag added to A4 page')
# ======================================= LABELING PAGE ====================================#
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(a4im)
fnt = ImageFont.truetype('arial',100) # FontType and FontSize
text = f'ID: {tagID}\nFamily: {tagFamily}\nSize: {resize_mm} mm'
offset_text = (im.size[0]/4, ((a4im.size[1] - im.size[1]) / 2) + im.size[1] + 100 ) # Labeling location, need a better aproach
draw.text(offset_text, text, (0,0,0),font=fnt)
# ======================================= EXPORTING PDF ====================================#
outputfile = f'{tagFamily}_{tagID}.pdf', 'PDF', quality=100)
print(f'PDF sucessful saved -- {outputfile}')
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