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Forked from mklement0/Test-WinCredential.ps1
Created October 9, 2020 09:50
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Test-WinCredential: PowerShell function for validating Windows domain / local user credentials.
function Test-WinCredential {
Validates Windows user credentials.
Validates a [pscredential] instance representing user-account credentials
against the current user's logon domain or local machine.
.PARAMETER Credential
The [pscredential] instance to validate, typically obtained with
The .UserName value may be:
* a mere username: e.g, "jdoe"
* prefixed with a NETBIOS domain name (NTLM format): e.g., "us\jdoe"
* in UPN format: e.g., ""
* If the logon domain is the current machine, validation happens against
the local user database.
* If an NTLM-format username is specified, the NETBIOS domain prefix, if
specified, must match the NETBIOS logon domain as reflected in
* If a UPN-format username is specified, its domain suffix should match
$env:USERDNSDOMAIN, although if it doesn't, only a warning is issued
and an attempt to validate against the logon domain is still attempted,
so as to support UPNs whose domain suffix differs from the logon DNS
name. To avoid the warning, use the NTLM-format username with the
NETBIOS domain prefix, or omit the domain part altogether.
* If the credentials are valid in principle, but using them with the
target account is in effect not possible - such as due to the account
being disabled or having expired - a warning to that effect is issued
and $False is returned.
* The SecureString instance containing the decrypted password in the input
credentials is decrypted *in local memory*, though it is again encrypted
*in transit* when querying Active Directory.
Use this switch to validate perform validation against the local machine's
user database rather than against the current logon domain.
If you're not currently logged on to a domain, use of this switch is
Conversely, however, the only way to validate against a domain
is to be logged on to it.
A Boolean indicating whether the credentials were successfully validated.
Gratefully adapted from,
via; WinAPI solution for local-account validation inspired
Test-WinCredential -Credential jdoe
Prompts for the password for user "jdoe" and validates it against the current
logon domain (which may be the local machine). 'True' ($True) as the output
indicates successful validation.
Test-WinCredential us\jdoe
Prompts for the password for user "us\jdoe" and validates it against
the current logon domain, whose NETBIOS name (as reflected in $env:USERDOMAIN)
must match.
Prompts for the password for user "" and validates it against
the current logon domain, whose DNS name (as reflected in $env:USERDNSDOMAIN)
is expected to match; if not, a warning is issued, but validation is still
Test-WinCredential Administrator -Local
Prompts for the password of the machine-local administrator account and
validates it against the local user database.
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $False)]
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[pscredential] $Credential = (Get-Credential '')
[switch] $Local
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; Set-StrictMode -Version 1
if ($env:OS -ne 'Windows_NT') { Throw "This command runs on WINDOWS ONLY." }
# Note: Not necessary in PowerShell Core.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
$logonDomain = $env:USERDOMAIN # NETBIOS domain name or local machine name.
$username = $Credential.UserName
$isUpn = $Credential.UserName -match '@'
$specifiedDomain = '' # A domain contained $Credential.UserName, if any, extracted below.
# See if we're logged on to an actual domain or just to the local machine...
$loggedOnToDomain = $env:COMPUTERNAME -ne $env:USERDOMAIN
# ... and set the validation context accordingly.
$contextType = (
[System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Machine, # !! LOCAL account - not actually used; see below.
[System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain # AD DS
)[$loggedOnToDomain -and -not $Local]
# Extract the domain-name portion, if any, from the username.
# Recognizes formats NTLM (domain\username) and UPN (username@dns.domain)
if ($Credential.UserName -match '^[^\\]+(?=\\)|(?<=@).+$') {
$specifiedDomain = $Matches[0]
# Note: We must pass a mere username to .ValidateCredentials below.
# .GetNetworkCredential().UserName conveniently strips the NTLM-style
# domain prefix, but we must strip the UPN-style suffix manually.
$username = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName -replace '@.+$'
# If a domain name was specified, validate it.
if ($specifiedDomain) {
if ($Local -and $specifiedDomain -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) { Throw "You've requested validation of machine-local credentials with -Local, so your username must not have a domain component that differs from the local machine name." }
elseif (-not $isUpn -and $specifiedDomain -ne $logonDomain) { Throw "Specified NETBIOS domain prefix ($specifiedDomain) does not match the logon domain ($logonDomain)." }
elseif ($isUpn -and -not $loggedOnToDomain) { Throw "You've specified a UPN, but you're not logged on to a domain: $($Credential.UserName)" }
elseif ($isUpn -and $specifiedDomain -ne $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) {
Write-Warning @"
You've specified a UPN, but its domain-name part ($specifiedDomain) does not match the logon DNS domain name ($env:USERDNSDOMAIN).
Proceeding on the assumption that the UPN still refers to an account in the logon domain.
To avoid this warning, use the NTLM username form ($env:USERDOMAIN\$username),
or omit the domain part altogether ($username).
Write-Verbose ("Validating: " + (@{
username = $username
domain = $logonDomain
contextType = $contextType
} | Out-String))
if ($Local -or -not $loggedOnToDomain) { # LOCAL account
# !! System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext with non-domain-joined machines with context 'Machine' doesn't work
# !! reliably - can result in the following exceptoin:
# !! Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous
# !! connections to the server or shared resource and try again.
# Therefore, we use the WinAPI's LogonUser function instead, which requires compiling a helper type on demand.
(Add-Type -PassThru -TypeDefinition @'
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace net.same2u.util {
public class WinCredentialHelper {
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
private static extern bool LogonUser(string lpszUsername, string lpszDomain, string lpszPassword, int dwLogonType, int dwLogonProvider, out IntPtr phToken);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);
// Validates the specified credentials (username and password) agains the account database of the specified domain,
// which defaults to the current domain or, for non-domain-joined machines, the local machine.
// Note: Strictly speaking, the ability to log on locally, at the time of the call is tested;
// especially in domain environments, incidental restrictions such as time of day or what workstations a user may log on to
// could prevent logon, even if the credentials are valid in principle.
// See the error codes at, starting with 1326 (ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE).
public static bool Validate(string username, string password, string domain = "") {
IntPtr hToken = IntPtr.Zero;
if (domain == String.Empty) domain = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERDOMAIN");
// Note: * On a machine not connected to a domain, the domain parameter is seemingly IGNORED.
// * In a domain environment:
// * to explicitly target only the local user-account database, pass "." for `domain`.
// * if you pass null for `domain`, `username` must be in UPN format (
bool ok = LogonUser(username, domain, password, 3 /*LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK*/, 0 /*LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT*/, out hToken);
// int lastErr = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Console.WriteLine(lastErr);
if (hToken != IntPtr.Zero) CloseHandle(hToken);
return ok;
'@)::Validate($username, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password)
else { # DOMAIN == AD DS account.
# Note: While .GetNetworkCredential().password retrieves the *plain-text* password *locally*, the *connection
# to AD* (in the case of [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain) is
# encrypted, because "When the context options are not specified by the application,
# the Account Management API uses the following combination of options:
# ContextOptions.Negotiate | ContextOptions.Signing | ContextOptions.Sealing
# " -
$principalContext = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext $contextType, $logonDomain
try {
$principalContext.ValidateCredentials($username, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password)
catch {
# An exception occurring in .ValidateCredentials() often suggests that the credentials were valid in principle,
# but there's a problem with the *account*, such as it being disabled or
# the password having expired; we return $False in that case, but issue a *warning*
# with the cause of the problem.
# !! However, it can also indicate the inability to connect to the server.
# Note: The underlying exception message is wrapped as follows, so we must extract it:
# Exception calling "ValidateCredentials" with "2" argument(s): "<msg>"<newline>
Write-Warning ($_.exception.message -replace '\r?\n' -split '"' -ne '')[-1]
$False # Output $False, given that *in effect* the credentials do not work.
finally {
# -- Generic code that handles direct invocation of the script:
# Allows direct calls to the embedded function or mere dot-sourcing for later use of the function.
if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.' -or $MyInvocation.Line -eq '') { # Being dot-sourced
if ($MyInvocation.Line -eq '' -and $host.Name -eq 'Visual Studio Code Host') { # Support for debugging in VSCode
# If the current file is directly launched for debugging from the editor,
# use a custom invocation with arguments for debugging.
Write-Warning 'VSCode debugging: Invoking embedded function with custom arguments.'
& ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PSCommandPath)) # Add arguments for debugging here.
} else {
# Nothing further to do: the function has been defined in the current scope for *later* use.
# However, we warn if arguments were unexpectedly passed or something is being piped.
if ($Args.Count -or $MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { Write-Warning "Ignoring arguments and/or pipeline input due to being dot-sourced: $PSCommandPath" }
} else { # Script is invoked directly (by name/path directly or via &)
# Call the embedded function of the same name, relaying any arguments passed.
if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { # pipeline input present
$Input | & ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PSCommandPath)) @Args
} else { # only arguments, if any
& ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PSCommandPath)) @Args
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