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Jie Liu eirture

  • Qiniu Cloud
  • Hangzhou, China
  • 08:11 (UTC +08:00)
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estorgio / Mounting VirtualBox shared folders on Ubuntu Server 16.04
Last active June 19, 2024 15:50
Mounting VirtualBox shared folders on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS

Update 28 July 2019: An updated version of this guide for Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS is now available. Feel free to check it out.

Update 23 May 2020: This guide is ALREADY OUTDATED and might no longer work with new versions of Ubuntu and VirtualBox. Please consider switching to the updated guide instead. I will no longer respond to the replies to this gist. Thank you.

Mounting VirtualBox shared folders on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS

This guide will walk you through steps on how to setup a VirtualBox shared folder inside your Ubuntu Server guest. Tested on Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)

Bhavdip /
Created October 6, 2016 15:53
Modify Sketch to never ending trial

###Sketch trial non stop

Open hosts files:

$ open /private/etc/hosts

Edit the file adding:

zlbruce / svg2icns
Created October 1, 2016 01:17
covert svg to icns (with imagemagick)
echo "*** SVG 2 ICNS ***"
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: svg2icns filename.svg"
exit 100
echo "processing: $name"
snakevil /
Last active March 21, 2023 12:30
【译】Docker 和子进程“僵尸化”问题

【译】Docker 和子进程“僵尸化”问题

作者 Hongli Lai 看着像是华人,可惜没找到文章的中文版本,于是就很土鳖地手翻了一遍。文章的措辞很口语化,因此意译为主。点击这里可以阅读原文。

在构建 Docker 容器时,我们需要注意子进程的“僵尸化”问题(PID 1 Zombie Reaping Problem)。这会导致不可预知的和看起来匪夷所思的问题。本文解释了这个问题,也解释了如何去解决,并提供了一种预构建方案:Baseimage-docker 。

angrycoffeemonster / Sublime Text 3 Build 3103 License Key - CRACK
Created April 18, 2016 02:13
Sublime Text 3 Build 3103 License Key - CRACK
I use the first
Michael Barnes
Single User License
8A353C41 872A0D5C DF9B2950 AFF6F667
C458EA6D 8EA3C286 98D1D650 131A97AB
AA919AEC EF20E143 B361B1E7 4C8B7F04
ralavay /
Last active June 17, 2024 12:27
Enable syntax highlight for Nginx conf file in Vim
# Highligh Nginx config file in Vim
# Download syntax highlight
mkdir -p ~/.vim/syntax/
wget -O ~/.vim/syntax/nginx.vim
# Set location of Nginx config file
cat > ~/.vim/filetype.vim <<EOF
yowu / HttpProxy.go
Last active August 21, 2024 05:06
A simple HTTP proxy by Golang
package main
import (
PurpleBooth /
Last active September 18, 2024 04:31
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


linjer /
Last active April 1, 2024 07:15
Script to automatically remote old Mac OSX Time Machine Backups older than a specified number of days


  • gfind (via brew install findutils)
  • Time Machine drive mounted on your computer (or you can change path from standard /Volume/Time\ Machine\ Backups/Backups.backup.db/
  • Admin/sudo access in the OSX terminal


  • Be sure to set the correct machine name. You can check the actual folder things are going into by looking in the backup location.
  • By default, it erases all backups older than 30 days. Adjust as desired.