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Forked from dreamiurg/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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from __future__ import with_statement
from fabric.api import local, settings, abort, run, cd, env, sudo
from fabric.colors import green as _green
from fabric.colors import yellow as _yellow
from fabric.colors import red as _red
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
from fabric.contrib.files import upload_template, exists
from fabric.operations import require
from fabric.context_managers import prefix
import os.path
import inspect
import sys
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Globals
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
env.project_name = 'feedback'
def _set_vagrant_env():
env.python = 'python2.6'
env.path = '/home/vagrant/www'
env.repo_path = '/vagrant'
env.env_path = os.path.join(env.path, 'env')
env.code_path = os.path.join(env.repo_path, env.project_name)
env.cmd_apache_start = 'sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl start'
env.cmd_apache_stop = 'sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl stop'
env.cmd_apache_restart = 'sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl restart'
env.mysql_admin_user = 'root'
env.mysql_admin_pass = 'root'
sys.path.insert(0, env.project_name)
from config.vagrant import DATABASES
env.mysql_dbname = DATABASES['default']['NAME']
env.mysql_user = DATABASES['default']['USER']
env.mysql_pass = DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD']
except ImportError:
print(_red('... Unable to get database configuration from Django project, falling back to defaults'))
env.mysql_dbname = env.project_name
env.mysql_user = env.project_name
env.mysql_pass = env.project_name
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Environments
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def vagrant():
Select vagrant-managed VM for commands
env.settings = 'vagrant'
# get vagrant ssh setup
vagrant_config = _get_vagrant_config()
env.key_filename = vagrant_config['IdentityFile']
env.hosts = ['%s:%s' % (vagrant_config['HostName'], vagrant_config['Port'])]
env.user = vagrant_config['User']
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main commands
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def setup():
Setup a fresh virtualenv, install everything we need, and fire up the database.
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
def destroy_world():
Removes everything
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
mkdirs() # drop_database files are copied here
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database operations
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_database():
Create database and db user
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
if env.settings != 'vagrant':
print('... skipping this action for non-vagrant environment')
upload_template('sql/createdb.sql.template', '%(path)s/temp.sql' % env, context=env, use_jinja=True)
run('mysql -u %(mysql_admin_user)s -p%(mysql_admin_pass)s --batch < %(path)s/temp.sql' % env)
run('rm -f %(path)s/temp.sql' % env)
def drop_database():
Create database and db user
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
if env.settings != 'vagrant':
print('... skipping this action for non-vagrant environment')
upload_template('sql/dropdb.sql.template', '%(path)s/temp.sql' % env, context=env, use_jinja=True)
run('mysql -u %(mysql_admin_user)s -p%(mysql_admin_pass)s --batch < %(path)s/temp.sql' % env)
run('rm -f %(path)s/temp.sql' % env)
def populate_database():
Create initial database scheme and load initial data
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
virtualenv('FLAVOR=%(settings)s %(python)s %(code_path)s/ syncdb --noinput --migrate' % env)
virtualenv('FLAVOR=%(settings)s %(python)s %(code_path)s/ loaddata %(repo_path)s/sql/init.json' % env)
def migrate():
Migrate database scheme and data
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
virtualenv('FLAVOR=%(settings)s %(python)s %(code_path)s/ migrate common' % env)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def dummy():
Dummy task for testing
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
run('uname -a && hostname && pwd')
def wsgi_restart():
Gently restarts mod_wsgi by touching it's config
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
if env.settings == 'vagrant':
run('touch /etc/apache2/sites-available/%(project_name)s.wsgi' % env)
def apache_restart():
Restarts apache
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
def apache_start():
Starts apache
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
def apache_stop():
Stops apache
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
def setup_virtualenv():
Setup a fresh virtualenv.
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
run('virtualenv -p %(python)s --no-site-packages %(env_path)s' % env)
virtualenv('easy_install -U setuptools')
virtualenv('easy_install pip')
def virtualenv(command):
Run command in virtualenv.
with prefix('source %(env_path)s/bin/activate' % env):
def install_requirements():
Install the required packages using pip.
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
virtualenv('pip install -q -E %(env_path)s -r %(repo_path)s/requirements.txt' % env)
def install_apache_conf():
Backup old httpd.conf and install new one.
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
if env.settings == 'vagrant':
upload_template('apache/vagrant.conf.template', '/etc/apache2/sites-available/%(project_name)s' % env,
context=env, use_jinja=True, use_sudo=True)
upload_template('apache/config.wsgi.template', '/etc/apache2/sites-available/%(project_name)s.wsgi' % env,
context=env, use_jinja=True, use_sudo=True)
sudo('a2ensite %(project_name)s' % env)
# write your own code for other environments,
# like shared hosting
def remove_apache_conf():
Removes apache conf. Vagrant-only version for now
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
if env.settings != 'vagrant':
sudo('a2dissite %(project_name)s' % env)
def maintenance_on():
Turn maintenance mode on.
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
run('touch %(repo_path)s/.upgrading' % env)
def maintenance_off():
Turn maintenance mode off.
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
run('rm -f %(repo_path)s/.upgrading' % env)
def mkdirs():
Create all directories required for project
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
run('mkdir -p %(path)s' % env)
def rmdirs():
Removes all directories. Vagrant-only version for now
print(_yellow('>>> starting %s()' % _fn()))
require('settings', provided_by=[vagrant])
if env.settings != 'vagrant':
run('rm -rf %(path)s' % env)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions not to be run directly
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _fn():
Returns current function name
return inspect.stack()[1][3]
def _get_vagrant_config():
Parses vagrant configuration and returns it as dict of ssh parameters
and their values
result = local('vagrant ssh_config', capture=True)
conf = {}
for line in iter(result.splitlines()):
parts = line.split()
conf[parts[0]] = ' '.join(parts[1:])
return conf
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