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Created October 7, 2011 08:23
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var circleCenterPt = new paper.Point(150, 300);
var circleRadius = 75;
var sineWaveLength = 300;
var cosineWaveLength = 300;
var sineWaveStep = sineWaveLength/360;
var cosineWaveStep = cosineWaveLength/360;
var angle = 0;
// Add marker
var circle = new paper.Path.Circle(circleCenterPt, circleRadius);
circle.strokeColor = 'blue';
// Add angle line
var line = new paper.Path.Line(circleCenterPt, circleCenterPt);
line.strokeColor = 'blue';
line.dashArray = [2, 2];
// Add x-axis
var xAxis = new paper.Path.Line(
new paper.Point(0, circleCenterPt.y),
new paper.Point(circleCenterPt.x + sineWaveLength, circleCenterPt.y));
xAxis.strokeColor = 'gray';
var xAxisText = new paper.PointText(circleCenterPt.add([sineWaveLength - 100, 20]));
xAxisText.fillColor = 'gray';
xAxisText.content = 'sine wave, sin(t)';
// Add y-axis
var yAxis = new paper.Path.Line(
new paper.Point(circleCenterPt.x, 0),
new paper.Point(circleCenterPt.x, cosineWaveLength + circleCenterPt.x));
yAxis.strokeColor = 'gray';
var yAxisText = new paper.PointText(new paper.Point(circleCenterPt.x + 10, 20));
yAxisText.fillColor = 'gray';
yAxisText.content = 'cosine wave, cos(t)';
// Add circle angle marker
var marker = new paper.Path.Circle(new paper.Point(10, 10), 5);
marker.strokeColor = 'blue';
marker.fillColor = 'white';
// Add angle text
var angleDegText = new paper.PointText(circleCenterPt.add([circleRadius, circleRadius]));
angleDegText.fillColor = 'gray';
angleDegText.content = '';
var angleRadText = new paper.PointText(angleDegText.position.add([0, 20]));
angleRadText.fillColor = 'gray';
angleRadText.content = '';
// Add sine path, which maps to the y-axis
var sineWave = new paper.Path();
sineWave.strokeColor = 'green';
for (var i = 0; i < sineWaveLength/sineWaveStep; ++i) {
i * sineWaveStep,
Math.sin((angle + i) / 180 * Math.PI) * circleRadius
var sineWaveMarker = new paper.Path.Line();
sineWaveMarker.strokeColor = 'black';
sineWaveMarker.dashArray = [2, 2];
// Add a cosine path, which maps to the x-axis
var cosineWave = new paper.Path();
cosineWave.strokeColor = 'green';
for (var i = 0; i < cosineWaveLength/cosineWaveStep; ++i) {
Math.cos((angle + i) / 180 * Math.PI) * circleRadius,
-i * cosineWaveStep
var cosineWaveMarker = new paper.Path.Line();
cosineWaveMarker.strokeColor = 'black';
cosineWaveMarker.dashArray = [2, 2];
function animate() {
// Update marker position on the circle
var a = (angle++) / 180 * Math.PI;
marker.position.x = circleCenterPt.x + Math.cos(a) * circleRadius;
marker.position.y = circleCenterPt.y - Math.sin(a) * circleRadius;
line.segments[1].point = marker.position;
// Update degree and (rounded) radian angle text
angleDegText.content = (angle % 360) + '°';
angleRadText.content = Math.round((a % (Math.PI*2)) * 1000)/1000 + ' rad';
// Update sine wave points, essentially just moving them one step back
// then add a fresh point to the current angle
for (var i = sineWave.segments.length - 1; i > 0; --i) {
sineWave.segments[i].point.y = sineWave.segments[i - 1].point.y;
sineWave.segments[0].point.y = marker.position.y;
sineWaveMarker.segments[0].point = marker.position.clone();
sineWaveMarker.segments[1].point = sineWave.segments[0].point.clone();
// Same as above, but for the cosine points
for (var i = cosineWave.segments.length - 1; i > 0; --i) {
cosineWave.segments[i].point.x = cosineWave.segments[i - 1].point.x;
cosineWave.segments[0].point.x = marker.position.x;
cosineWaveMarker.segments[0].point = marker.position.clone();
cosineWaveMarker.segments[1].point = cosineWave.segments[0].point.clone();
// Redraw!
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