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Created August 29, 2024 12:49
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# Fetch instance types
instance_types=$(aws ec2 describe-instance-types --region us-east-1 \
--filters "Name=processor-info.supported-architecture,Values=arm64_mac" \
| jq -r '.InstanceTypes[].InstanceType' | sed 's/\.metal//g')
# Loop through each instance type and fetch pricing information
for instance_type in $instance_types; do
aws pricing get-products --service-code AmazonEC2 \
--filters "Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=instanceType,Value=$instance_type" \
| jq -r '.PriceList[]' | while read -r json_line; do
region=$(echo "$json_line" | jq -r '.product.attributes.regionCode')
type=$(echo "$json_line" | jq -r '.product.attributes.instanceType')
price=$(echo "$json_line" | jq -r '.terms.OnDemand[].priceDimensions[].pricePerUnit.USD')
# Print each row formatted
printf "%-15s %-15s %10s\n" "$type" "$region" "$price"
done | sort -k3 -V -b
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