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Created April 5, 2018 19:23
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Github issue opener. Opens issues from a csv file format.
require 'optparse'
require 'csv'
# requires `ghi` gem is installed on your machine
# As a protection mechanism, the actual generation of issues is commented out.
# when you've tested the output, the uncomment the `ghi` line in the try/accept
# block towards the bottom of this file
# ghi [command] -- [repo]
# example ghi list -- unizin/engage
options = {} do |opts|
opts.banner = 'Usage: github-issue-creator-csv.rb [options]'
opts.on('-f', '--filename FILE_NAME', 'File name') { |v| options[:file_name] = v }
opts.on('-r', '--reponame REPO_NAME', 'Repo name') { |v| options[:repo_name] = v }
opts.on('-l', '--label LABEL_NAME', 'Label name (optional)') { |v| options[:label_name] = v }
puts "REPONAME: #{options[:repo_name]}"
# make sure file name is past in as a cli arg
if options[:file_name].nil?
You must pass in a file path using the '-f' argument.
Example: 'ruby github-issue-creator-csv.rb -f ~/username/filename.csv'
Run 'ruby github-issue-creator-csv.rb -h' for help
elsif options[:repo_name] == '' || options[:repo_name].nil?
You must specify a repo using the '-r' argument.
Example: 'ruby github-issue-creator-csv.rb -r unizin/engage'
Run 'ruby github-issue-creator-csv.rb -h' for help
# parse content if file exists, otherwise raise error
CSV.foreach(options[:file_name], quote_char: '"', col_sep: ',', row_sep: :auto, headers: true) do |row|
message = "#{row['View']}: #{row['Issue']}
# Problem
# Solution
puts "ghi open -m '#{message}' -L '#{options[:label_name]}' -- #{options[:repo_name]}"
# `ghi open -m "#{message}" -L "#{options[:label_name]}" -- #{options[:repo_name]}`
rescue Exception => msg
puts msg
View Issue Problem Solution
Application view What should the GH issue title be What problem is to be solved How will we solve the problem
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