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Created November 15, 2020 16:55
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*** Region added to history: the bulb-worshipping Autarchy of Kimor ***
------------New location: Sapad
------------New location: Tumrod
------------New location: Shagakish
------------New location: Shuramas
------------New location: Qaarravuh
------------New location: Kiggashan Grotto
------------New location: Tabal Knot
------------New location: Danetum
*** Region added to history: the coin-worshipping City-State of Bimrikesh ***
------------New location: Milep Tangle
------------New location: Tatum
------------New location: Tappa Steeple
------------New location: Namur
------------New location: Dubal
------------New location: Shamor
------------New location: Id
------------New location: Alazor
*** Region added to history: the mirror-worshipping Aristocracy of Saggash ***
------------New location: Mirqumor
------------New location: Bashidabad
------------New location: Savuh
------------New location: Durappar Dune
------------New location: Shuggashur Dune
------------New location: Sar
------------New location: Bibywar
@9 One night under the Beetle Moon, a babe was found swaddled with prisms on its eyes by a group of winged mammals in the mirror-worshipping Aristocracy of Saggash. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Bashid, Stained Kin of Winged Mammals.
@10 Acting against the persecution of winged mammals, Bashid led an army to the gates of Uneppur. He freed its citizens, and they declared him sultan of Qud, dowering him with the Kesil Face. In his honor they changed the name of Uneppur to Bashidabad.
@19 While traveling in the mirror-worshipping Aristocracy of Saggash, Bashid's chariot was driven off a cliff by a bandit party of vines. By the grace of fate, a group of nearby geologists came to his rescue. Moved by their kindness, Bashid enrolled at a local dig site as a student.
@26 In 4452 BR, Bashid wreaked havoc on all of the coin-worshipping City-State of Bimrikesh, shattering all the glass in the homes of crabs and cannibals. He became known as the Sorrow of Bimrikesh.
@37 Deep in the wilds of the coin-Worshipping City-State of Bimrikesh, Bashid discovered Malep. There he befriended tortoises and dug into the earth's strata.
@51 While leading a small army in the coin-worshipping City-State of Bimrikesh, Bashid was assailed by a claimant over the rights of cannibals. He won and had the claimant launched into orbit. He was thirty-seven years old.
@65 In 4413 BR, Bashid ravaged all of the mirror-worshipping Aristocracy of Saggash, shattering all the glass in the homes of antelopes and water barons. He became known as the Saggash Terror.
@72 In 4406 BR, Bashid appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of the mirror-worshipping Aristocracy of Saggash. She mandated the practice of glassblowing in Bashid's name.
@76 After striking a deal with fungi, Bashid convinced them to help him found a dig site in the coin-worshipping City-State of Bimrikesh for the purpose of excavating ancient glass. They named it the Glazed Dig Site.
@79 While traveling through the bulb-worshipping Autarchy of Kimor, Bashid stopped at a market in Tabal Knot. At an obscure shop, he purchased a clear bracelet and named it {{G-W-G-G-G-G-W-G sequence|Clearocus Bashidboon}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{G-W-G-G-G-G-W-G sequence|Clearocus Bashidboon}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Tabal Knot.
@79 In 4399 BR, Bashid, Stained Kin of Winged Mammals, the Sorrow of Bimrikesh, the Saggash Terror, died of natural causes. He was 78 years old.
------------New location: Malep
------------New location: the Glazed Dig Site
*** Region added to history: the gemstone-worshipping Monarchy of Kakish ***
------------New location: Qamrippar Hollow
------------New location: the Shining Ruin
------------New location: Qakh
------------New location: Bitum
------------New location: Amas
------------New location: Samrod
*** Region added to history: Uppa ***
------------New location: Kibal Mesh
------------New location: Sherqumas Grotto
------------New location: Teruk Steeple
------------New location: New Ur
------------New location: Kirqakish
------------New location: the Shrine at Mamrimor
------------New location: Sulep
------------New location: Ekaranna
*** Region added to history: the icicle-worshipping Monarchy of Dumrimmu ***
------------New location: Saarranip
------------New location: Tegawan
------------New location: Hamur
------------New location: Orolexesabad
------------New location: Tarvamrod
------------New location: Biilikesh
------------New location: Tappur Steeple
------------New location: Saruk
@125 On the night of a full moon, an astrologist found a babe with stars in a bottle on its eyes outside his observatory. He and his fellow astrologists adopted the babe and named him Bashid II.
@133 In 4345 BR, Bashid II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the gemstone-worshipping Monarchy of Kakish at the bloody Battle of Dammu Grotto. As a result of the battle, Dammu Grotto was so devastated by smoldering stardust that it was renamed the Shining Ruin.
@136 In 4342 BR, Bashid II plundered all of the icicle-worshipping Monarchy of Dumrimmu, raining meteors down from the sky onto the settlements of pariahs and insects. He became known as the Terror of Dumrimmu.
@151 Early in 4327 BR, after a bout of leprosy, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because Bashid II demanded it, he was chosen as the successor.
@164 Throughout the entirety of 4314 BR, Bashid II wreaked havoc on all of the bulb-worshipping Autarchy of Kimor, raining meteors down from the sky onto the settlements of urchins and bears. He became known as the Pest of Kimor.
@168 At a remote observatory in the bulb-worshipping Autarchy of Kimor, Bashid II fabricated a horoscope reading that evoked the presence of a luminous meteorite. He named it Meteoritoca.
@180 Deep in the wilds of the bulb-worshipping Autarchy of Kimor, Bashid II stumbled upon a clan of hermits performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone by trapping him in a telescope, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@185 While leading a small army in the bulb-worshipping Autarchy of Kimor, Bashid II was assailed by an aspirant over the rights of pariahs. He won and had the claimant exiled. He was sixty-four years old.
@190 Sometime in 4288 BR, after several tumultuous years, Bashid II's counselors suggested he step down. Instead, he reassured his counselors by quietly explaining why he disagreed.
@199 In 4279 BR, Bashid II appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Uppa. She mandated the practice of sketching the constellations in Bashid II's name.
@200 In 4278 BR, Bashid II, the Terror of Dumrimmu, the Pest of Kimor, died of natural causes. He was 83 years old.
*** Region added to history: the godless Democracy of Mawar ***
------------New location: Shugappur
------------New location: Uwar Den
------------New location: Shashur
------------New location: Tanip
------------New location: Duggamur
------------New location: Miilizor
*** Region added to history: the godless Monarchy of Dakh ***
------------New location: Kamrod
------------New location: Old Mineppa
------------New location: Saggar
------------New location: the Shrine at Ukh
------------New location: Bilep
*** Region added to history: Shemish ***
------------New location: Tevuh Hollow
------------New location: Marappir
------------New location: Shemish
------------New location: Arvappar
@763 On the night of a full moon, a geologist found a babe with a glittering agate in each hand outside her dig site. She and her fellow geologists adopted the babe and named him Orolexes.
@768 Deep in the wilds of Shemish, Orolexes discovered Ircheppur. There he befriended tortoises and dug into the earth's strata.
@783 At a remote dig site, Orolexes dug up an artifact that evoked the presence of a lucent peridot. He named it Charm of Peridot.
@798 At first light under a weird and scarlet sky, the people of Marappir saw an image on the horizon that looked like a jasper stone bathed in scarlet. It was Orolexes, and after he came and left Marappir, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him the Scarlet Jasper Stone.
@815 After treating with grazing hedonists, Orolexes convinced them to help him found a dig site in the icicle-worshipping Monarchy of Dumrimmu for the purpose of excavating ancient emeralds. They named it the Lucent Dig Site.
@828 In a cathedral ornamented with jewels, Orolexes cemented his friendship with apes by marrying Kumukomo. To show their appreciation, the apes bestowed upon Orolexes a wedding gift they called {{c-R-c-c-c-c-c-R-c sequence|The Friend of Devotion, Apesfavor}}.
@833 In 3645 BR, Orolexes won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the icicle-worshipping Monarchy of Dumrimmu at the bloody Battle of the Lucent Dig Site, though he lost his prized {{c-c-c-c-C-c-C-c sequence|Charm of Peridot}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, the Lucent Dig Site was so bristling with carnivorous geodes that it was renamed Shiningmarsh.
@843 While leading a small army in the icicle-worshipping Monarchy of Dumrimmu, Orolexes assassinated the sultan of Qud over the sanctioned persecution of geologists. He won and ascended to the throne. He was eighty-seven years old.
@858 Acting against labor laws restricting the rights of geologists, Orolexes led an army to the gates of Qazor. He freed its citizens, and in his honor they thenceforth called it Orolexesabad.
@863 In 3615 BR, Orolexes appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of the godless Democracy of Mawar. He mandated association with tortoises in Orolexes's name.
@870 While traveling through the godless Monarchy of Dakh, Orolexes stopped at a tavern in Saggar. There he lost his prized {{c-R-c-c-c-c-c-R-c sequence|The Friend of Devotion, Apesfavor}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Saggar.
@870 In 3608 BR, Orolexes, the Scarlet Jasper Stone, Husband to Kumukomo, died of natural causes. He was 114 years old.
------------New location: Ircheppur
------------New location: Shiningmarsh
*** Region added to history: Nabykesh ***
------------New location: Dunelep
------------New location: the Charmed Decay
------------New location: Tuazopad
------------New location: Bilep Steeple
*** Region added to history: Abywar ***
------------New location: Urvamor
------------New location: Abappur
------------New location: Bippur Den
*** Region added to history: the scroll-worshipping Democracy of Sukesh ***
------------New location: Saarrappir Mesh
------------New location: Ailippa
------------New location: Old Teppir
------------New location: Nawar
@1515 At daybreak on the first day of autumn, a cook found a babe with leaves on its eyes outside her tavern. She and her fellow cooks adopted the babe and named her Bashid III.
@1518 On an expedition around the scroll-worshipping Democracy of Sukesh, Bashid III was captured by bandits. She murdered their leader by pouring salt into his eyes, and was thenceforth known as Saltdancer.
@1528 Somewhere in the scroll-worshipping Democracy of Sukesh, Bashid III watched a flipped coin land on heads ten times in a row. From then on, she was obsessed with bad omens.
@1537 Somewhere in the scroll-worshipping Democracy of Sukesh, Bashid III contemplated the nature of things in solitude. From then on, she was obsessed with inkwells.
@1543 In 2935 BR, Bashid III challenged the legitimacy of the sultan of Qud over the sanctioned persecution of cooks. She won and seized the crown. She was thirty-four years old.
@1556 While traveling through the godless Monarchy of Dakh, Bashid III stopped at a market in Kamrod. At an obscure shop, she purchased a charmed sword and named it {{W-R-R-R-R-w-w-R sequence|Charmed Flame Bashidgift}}. Then she went to a nearby tavern and lost {{W-R-R-R-R-w-w-R sequence|Charmed Flame Bashidgift}} to a local pickpocket. She cursed the tavern and left Kamrod.
@1571 Early in 2907 BR, after murdering a popular rival with a dagger made of stardust, Bashid III's counselors suggested she let a regent rule in her place. Instead, she spent the day water fasting, and then continued her reign like nothing had happened.
@1575 After abstaining from drinking water for seven days, Bashid III cemented her friendship with succulents by marrying Hilgelmitarch. To celebrate the union, the succulents bestowed upon Bashid III a wedding gift they called {{b-b-b-b-C-b-b-b-b sequence|Wedeca, Succulentsgift}}.
@1587 After striking a deal with swine, Bashid III convinced them to help her found a tavern in the godless Democracy of Mawar for the purpose of cooking meals inspired by inkwells. They named it the Shrewd Tavern.
@1594 In 2884 BR, Bashid III won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Nabykesh at the bloody Battle of Kirvappir, though she lost her prized {{b-b-b-b-C-b-b-b-b sequence|Wedeca, Succulentsgift}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Kirvappir was so rife with bad omens that it was renamed the Charmed Decay.
@1607 Deep in the wilds of Abywar, Bashid III discovered Ekarquvah Knot. There she befriended unshelled reptiles and fixed a satisfying meal.
@1608 In 2870 BR, Bashid III, Saltdancer, Hilgelmitarch's Wife, died of natural causes. She was 99 years old.
------------New location: the Shrewd Tavern
------------New location: Ekarquvah Knot
*** Region added to history: Alar ***
------------New location: Bashidgrad
------------New location: Hashur Den
*** Region added to history: Tunna ***
------------New location: the Desiccated Havoc
------------New location: Marsikesh
@2842 On the night of a full moon, a cook found a babe with brine on its eyes outside her tavern. She and her fellow cooks adopted the babe and named her Bashid IV.
@2856 At midnight under a marvelous and marigold sky, the people of Hashur Den saw an image on the horizon that looked like a brine bathed in marigold. It was Bashid IV, and after she came and left Hashur Den, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her Brine-in-Marigold.
@2866 During a trek through Alar, Bashid IV's chariot was driven off a cliff by a bandit band of succulents. Luckily, a group of nearby antelopes came to her rescue. For the rest of her life, Bashid IV was indebted to antelopes.
@2879 Deep in Alar, Bashid IV discovered Bimur. There she befriended apes and fixed a satisfying meal.
@2894 Early in 1584 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of tinkers, the sultan of Qud was assassinated. Because of Bashid IV's desiccated visage, she was chosen as the successor.
@2904 At dawn under an uncanny and moss green sky, the people of Dupad saw an image on the horizon that looked like a brine bathed in moss green. It was Bashid IV, and after she came and left Dupad, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her the Moss Green Brine.
@2917 Deep in the wilds of Alar, Bashid IV discovered the Shrine at Qaarrazor. There she befriended hermits and fixed a satisfying meal.
@2923 Waist deep in a lake of salt, Bashid IV cemented her friendship with jewelers by marrying Nailiwan.
@2929 Acting against the prohibition on the color marigold, Bashid IV led an army to the gates of Dupad. She rescued its citizens, and in her honor they thenceforth called it Bashidgrad.
@2931 In 1547 BR, Bashid IV won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Tunna at the bloody Battle of Tumrimor. As a result of the battle, Tumrimor was so evaporated of all moisture that it was renamed the Desiccated Havoc.
@2932 In 1546 BR, Bashid IV, Brine-in-Marigold, the Moss Green Brine, Companion of Nailiwan, died of natural causes. She was 97 years old.
------------New location: Bimur
------------New location: the Shrine at Qaarrazor
@4272 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@4305 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@4312 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@4338 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@4379 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of Alar. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@4470 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@4475 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@4475 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@4476 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@4477 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@4477 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@4478 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@4479 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@4480 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@4483 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@4483 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
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*** Region added to history: Takesh ***
------------New location: Sush Den
------------New location: Birsid Knot
------------New location: Ekanna
------------New location: Ekaarrammu
------------New location: Urchesh Knot
------------New location: Old Harsimas
------------New location: Id Mesh
------------New location: Shuazowan Grotto
------------New location: Tugash Hollow
*** Region added to history: the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil ***
------------New location: the Hamlet of Kirsikesh
------------New location: Mivuh Tangle
------------New location: Desiccatedbarren
------------New location: Kimmu
------------New location: Sharappa Mesh
------------New location: New Kamrikish
------------New location: Narqakh Steeple
------------New location: Nawan Grotto
@7 One night under the Beetle Moon, a babe was found swaddled with spices on its eyes by a group of dogs in the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil. They took her into their fold and fostered her, and she became known as Dathri-Shid, Briny Progeny of Dogs.
@21 In early 6885 BR, Dathri-Shid challenged the sultan of Qud to a duel over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of water fasting. She won and took the crown. She was twenty years old.
@32 In 6874 BR, Dathri-Shid won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil at the bloody Battle of Anna. As a result of the battle, Anna was so evaporated of all moisture that it was renamed Desiccatedbarren.
@42 After treating with hermits, Dathri-Shid convinced them to help her found a tavern in Takesh for the purpose of cooking meals inspired by salt. They named it the Salt-Spangled Tavern.
@47 While traveling through the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil, Dathri-Shid stopped at a market in Nawan Grotto. At an obscure shop, she purchased a desiccated axe and named it {{M-M-M-M-M-M-M-K-M sequence|Desiccatedecus Dathri-Shidgift}}. Then she went to a nearby tavern and lost {{M-M-M-M-M-M-M-K-M sequence|Desiccatedecus Dathri-Shidgift}} in a foolhardy bet. She cursed the tavern and left Nawan Grotto.
@58 At first light under a strange and vermilion sky, the people of New Kamrikish saw an image on the horizon that looked like a leaf bathed in vermilion. It was Dathri-Shid, and after she came and left New Kamrikish, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her Leaf-in-Vermilion.
@72 While traveling alone in the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil, Dathri-Shid trekked across a field of skulls and bones. For the rest of Dathri-Shid's life, she was obsessed with maces.
@74 Waist deep in a lake of briny water, Dathri-Shid cemented her friendship with jewelers by marrying Alad.
@75 Deep in the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil, Dathri-Shid discovered Amor. There she befriended highly entropic beings and set a lucent sapphire into a newly forged bracelet.
@86 In 6820 BR, Dathri-Shid appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Takesh. She mandated association with hermits in Dathri-Shid's name.
@87 In 6819 BR, Dathri-Shid, Briny Progeny of Dogs, Leaf-in-Vermilion, Wife to Alad, died of natural causes. She was 86 years old.
------------New location: the Salt-Spangled Tavern
------------New location: Amor
*** Region added to history: the Winter Eremites' Quarter of Alarsimas ***
------------New location: Daggad Hollow
------------New location: Bizor Knot
------------New location: Shuggakish Mesh
------------New location: Karsibal
------------New location: the Hamlet of Dur
------------New location: New Shuarratum
*** Region added to history: the Gladiators' Quarter of Mammu ***
------------New location: the Shrine at Dursish
------------New location: Haazozor Den
------------New location: Tulil
------------New location: Shukish
------------New location: Alad
------------New location: Alarvalep
------------New location: Old Sharqubal
------------New location: the Shrine at Shamur
*** Region added to history: the Gamblers' Quarter of Ekabyd ***
------------New location: the Shrine at Alarcheruk
------------New location: Duarratum
------------New location: New Nabymrod
------------New location: Shervakesh
------------New location: Alaazoppa Den
------------New location: Kappa Grotto
------------New location: Hailippur
@119 One night under the Beetle Moon, a glassblower found a babe with mirrors on its eyes outside her workshop. She and her fellow glassblowers adopted the babe and named her Ypater.
@120 In 6786 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of the Gladiators' Quarter of Mammu. She outlawed the practice of staining glass, and Ypater was forced to flee.
@134 In 6772 BR, Ypater challenged the legitimacy of the sultan of Qud over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of glassblowing. She won and took the crown. She was twenty-one years old.
@147 Deep in the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil, Ypater discovered Sursippar Tangle. There she befriended urchins and built a glass gazebo.
@152 In early 6754 BR, Ypater had her legitimacy challenged by a claimant over an ordinance mandating the practice of burying prisms under the earth. She won and had the aspirant trapped in a mirror. She was thirty-five years old.
@164 At the Battle of New Kamrikish, Ypater fought to liberate urchins. She wielded a stained axe with such artistry that it became forever known as Stainedacus, the Friend of Urchins.
@171 In 6735 BR, Ypater wreaked havoc on all of the Gladiators' Quarter of Mammu, shattering all the glass in the homes of trees and robots. She became known as the Mammu Woe.
@188 Deep in the Gladiators' Quarter of Mammu, Ypater discovered Tarqulep. There she befriended mollusks and built a glass gazebo.
@198 Early in 6708 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of historians, Ypater's counselors suggested she abdicate the throne. Instead, she reassured her counselors by quietly explaining why she disagreed.
@204 While wandering around the Winter Eremites' Quarter of Alarsimas, Ypater discovered Ammu. There she befriended unshelled reptiles and built a glass gazebo.
@218 In 6688 BR, Ypater appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of the Gamblers' Quarter of Ekabyd. She mandated the practice of staring at one's own reflection in Ypater's name.
@219 In 6687 BR, Ypater, the Mammu Woe, died of natural causes. She was 106 years old.
------------New location: Sursippar Tangle
------------New location: Tarqulep
------------New location: Ammu
*** Region added to history: Datum ***
------------New location: Sharuk
------------New location: Dapad
------------New location: Old Alaarratum
------------New location: Teramrod Den
------------New location: Shalil Cave
*** Region added to history: the Philosophers' Quarter of Shumor ***
------------New location: Tailivuh Cave
------------New location: Happa Tangle
------------New location: Tunip Mesh
------------New location: Tuarrabal
*** Region added to history: the Astronomers' Quarter of Damish ***
------------New location: the Hamlet of Arqakish
------------New location: Oroxesgrad
------------New location: Old Qabyshan
------------New location: Dukesh
------------New location: Frostymoor
@580 One auspicious day, a babe was found swaddled with a fortuitous vessel of the Fates in each hand by a group of cats in the Philosophers' Quarter of Shumor. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Otafa, the Weighted Babe of Cats.
@594 While traveling through Datum, Otafa stopped at a market in Shalil Cave. At an obscure shop, he purchased a random mask and named it {{R-y-R-R-y-R-y sequence|Random Otafaboon}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{R-y-R-R-y-R-y sequence|Random Otafaboon}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Shalil Cave.
@605 After striking a deal with grazing hedonists, Otafa convinced them to help him found a gambling den in the Gamblers' Quarter of Ekabyd for the purpose of making decisions by arbitrarily choosing tokens. They named it the Cursed Gambling Den.
@620 At first light under a rare and ultramarine sky, the people of the Cursed Gambling Den saw an image on the horizon that looked like a good omen bathed in ultramarine. It was Otafa, and after he came and left the Cursed Gambling Den, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Omen-in-Ultramarine.
@635 At the Battle of New Nabymrod, Otafa fought as a mercenary to subjugate arachnids. He wielded an arbitrary hammer with such prowess that it became forever known as Arbitrarycus, the Blight of Arachnids.
@644 While traveling alone in the Gamblers' Quarter of Ekabyd, Otafa came across a trove of rhythmic miniature clocks. For the rest of Otafa's life, he was obsessed with miniature clocks.
@648 In 6258 BR, Otafa rampaged through all of the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil, conducting midnight raids on the villages of dogs and roots. He became known as the Ekarvalil Woe.
@660 While traveling through the Gamblers' Quarter of Ekabyd, Otafa stopped at a tavern in the Cursed Gambling Den. There he lost his prized {{G-r-g-R-G-r-g-R sequence|Arbitrarycus, the Blight of Arachnids}} in a game of dice. He cursed the tavern and left the Cursed Gambling Den.
@663 At a remote hermitage in the Gamblers' Quarter of Ekabyd, Otafa met with a group of winter eremites and commissioned a wintry truth that evoked the presence of a random charm. He named it Charmaca.
@668 In 6238 BR, after murdering a popular rival by trapping him in a prism, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because of Otafa's perpetual eyes, he was chosen as the successor.
@675 While wandering around the Astronomers' Quarter of Damish, Otafa stumbled upon a clan of antelopes performing a secret ritual. Because of his blessed visage, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@676 In 6230 BR, Otafa, the Weighted Babe of Cats, Omen-in-Ultramarine, the Ekarvalil Woe, died of natural causes. He was 102 years old.
------------New location: the Cursed Gambling Den
*** Region added to history: Alatara ***
------------New location: Duilinna Morass
------------New location: the Potent Quagmire
------------New location: Qanemish
*** Region added to history: the Tinkers' Quarter of Narqawar ***
------------New location: Tamur Hollow
------------New location: Nalil
------------New location: Uranna
@1209 On the anniversary of a great battle, a babe was found swaddled with a dominant gauntlet in each hand by a group of fungi in Alatara. They took her into their fold and fostered her, and she became known as Oroxes, Potent Heir of Fungi.
@1213 In 5693 BR, Oroxes assassinated the sultan of Qud over the rights of fungi. She won and seized the crown. She was twelve years old.
@1229 While traveling alone in Alatara, Oroxes had a dream that she was ice sculpting. From that day forth, she was obsessed with icicles.
@1245 In 5661 BR, Oroxes won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Alatara at the bloody Battle of Ikh Hollow. As a result of the battle, Ikh Hollow was so rife with smashed rubble that it was renamed the Potent Quagmire.
@1249 While leading a small army in Alatara, Oroxes was assailed by a claimant over an ordinance mandating the practice of burying one's self to the neck in snow. She won and had the aspirant murdered. She was forty-five years old.
@1253 After striking a deal with apes, Oroxes convinced them to help her found a tavern in the Astronomers' Quarter of Damish for the purpose of wandering in search of boots. They named it the Dominant Tavern.
@1268 In 5638 BR, Oroxes won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the Astronomers' Quarter of Damish at the bloody Battle of Shurchevah. As a result of the battle, Shurchevah was so devastated by icy winds that it was renamed Frostymoor.
@1284 Acting against the persecution of fungi, Oroxes led an army to the gates of Sheshur. She sacked Sheshur and slaughtered its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Oroxesgrad.
@1290 In 5616 BR, Oroxes was assailed by a pretender over an ordinance mandating the practice of ice sculpting. She won and had the claimant launched into orbit. She was eighty-four years old.
@1299 While traveling through the Tinkers' Quarter of Narqawar, Oroxes stopped at a market in Nalil. At an obscure shop, she purchased an icy bracelet and named it {{y-M-M-M-K-y-M sequence|Icuca Oroxesgift}}. Then she went to a nearby tavern and lost {{y-M-M-M-K-y-M sequence|Icuca Oroxesgift}} in a foolhardy bet. She cursed the tavern and left Nalil.
@1299 In 5607 BR, Oroxes, Potent Heir of Fungi, died of natural causes. She was 98 years old.
------------New location: the Dominant Tavern
*** Region added to history: the Soldiers' Quarter of Ekazor ***
------------New location: Ekaarravuh
------------New location: Havah
*** Region added to history: the Winter Eremites' Quarter of Karqalil ***
------------New location: Surqad
------------New location: Shemmu
@3017 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled in a copse of sacred trees with prisms on its eyes. That babe came to be known as Yuyuram.
@3025 While leading a small army in the Winter Eremites' Quarter of Karqalil, Yuyuram assassinated the sultan of Qud over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of staining glass. She won and took the reins of power. She was sixteen years old.
@3030 At a remote academy in the Winter Eremites' Quarter of Karqalil, Yuyuram met with a group of scholars and commissioned a treatise that evoked the presence of a glazed prism. She named it Prismeca.
@3045 As she rode in the Winter Eremites' Quarter of Karqalil, Yuyuram's chariot was driven off a cliff by a criminal gang of highly entropic beings. Fortuitously, a group of nearby winter eremites came to her rescue. Moved by their kindness, Yuyuram enrolled at a local hermitage as a recluse.
@3058 At midnight under a marvelous and scarlet sky, the people of Surqad saw an image on the horizon that looked like a mirror bathed in scarlet. It was Yuyuram, and after she came and left Surqad, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her the Scarlet Mirror.
@3071 Somewhere in the Winter Eremites' Quarter of Karqalil, Yuyuram broke bread with a pilgrim. From then on, she was obsessed with maps.
@3081 At the Battle of Shemmu, Yuyuram fought as a mercenary sultan to subjugate dogs. She wielded a foreign dagger with such finesse that it became forever known as Foreignocus, the Ruin of Dogs.
@3088 Deep in the Winter Eremites' Quarter of Karqalil, Yuyuram discovered Iwar Cave. There she befriended apes and stained a glass window.
@3099 In 3807 BR, Yuyuram was assailed by an aspirant over an ordinance mandating the practice of leaving her home forever. She won and had the pretender launched into orbit. She was eighty years old.
@3115 Deep in the Soldiers' Quarter of Ekazor, Yuyuram stumbled upon a clan of baboons performing a secret ritual. Because of her transparent visage, they furiously rebuked her and declared her a villain to their kind.
@3116 In 3790 BR, Yuyuram, the Scarlet Mirror, died of natural causes. She was 107 years old.
------------New location: Iwar Cave
@6700 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@6733 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@6740 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@6766 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@6807 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of the Glassblowers' Quarter of Ekarvalil. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@6898 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@6903 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6903 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@6904 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6905 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@6905 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@6906 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@6907 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@6908 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@6911 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@6911 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
Failed to get faction:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
Failed to get faction:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
*** Region added to history: Urvappur ***
------------New location: Tuneshur
------------New location: Turvalep
------------New location: Sherqash Spire
------------New location: Awar Dune
------------New location: Biwar Grotto
------------New location: Survad
------------New location: the Rhythmic Marsh
------------New location: Shaazoshur
------------New location: the Hamlet of Kaarratum
*** Region added to history: Consulate City-State of Sharqakesh ***
------------New location: Darapad
------------New location: Alavuh
------------New location: Tavah Dune
------------New location: New Utum
------------New location: Nappur Tangle
------------New location: the Hamlet of Kitum
------------New location: Tarqukesh
*** Region added to history: Library City-State of Survatara ***
------------New location: Tursizor Grotto
------------New location: Sabal
------------New location: Xerxerdokhtplatz
------------New location: Biggash
------------New location: Antimed City
------------New location: Electricdunes
------------New location: Shushan Morass
------------New location: Hakesh Grotto
@7 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled in the mouth of a she-wolf with miniature clocks on its eyes. That babe came to be known as Xerxerdokht.
@10 Early in 5142 BR, after a bout of brain mites, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because of Xerxerdokht's periodic eyes, he was chosen as the successor.
@17 In 5135 BR, Xerxerdokht won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Urvappur at the bloody Battle of the Hamlet of Kimmu. As a result of the battle, the Hamlet of Kimmu was so rife with stray portals to other places and times that it was renamed the Rhythmic Marsh.
@25 While visiting an obscure gambling den, Xerxerdokht met with a group of gamblers and commissioned an eight-sided die that evoked the presence of a rhythmic hourglass. He named it The Comrade of Hourglass.
@36 While traveling alone in Urvappur, Xerxerdokht saw his own reflection in a river. For the rest of Xerxerdokht's life, he always kept some glass hidden on his person.
@49 In 5103 BR, Xerxerdokht appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Urvappur. She mandated the practice of watching sand sift through an hourglass in Xerxerdokht's name.
@54 In 5098 BR, Xerxerdokht appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Urvappur. She mandated the practice of worshipping the past, present, and future in Xerxerdokht's name.
@68 Throughout the entirety of 5084 BR, Xerxerdokht laid waste to all of Library City-State of Survatara, conducting midnight raids on the villages of roots and grazing hedonists. He became known as the Bane of Survatara.
@80 Early in 5072 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of philosophers, Xerxerdokht's counselors suggested he abdicate the throne. Instead, he spent the day burying prisms under the earth, and then continued his reign like nothing had happened.
@93 Throughout 5059 BR, Xerxerdokht ravaged all of Consulate City-State of Sharqakesh, conducting midnight raids on the villages of highly entropic beings and tortoises. He became known as the Woe of Sharqakesh.
@94 In 5058 BR, Xerxerdokht, the Bane of Survatara, the Woe of Sharqakesh, died of natural causes. He was 93 years old.
*** Region added to history: Shuwar ***
------------New location: Duggakesh Mesh
------------New location: Kashan
------------New location: Bibal
------------New location: Shuppur
------------New location: Agakh Cave
------------New location: Qakish
*** Region added to history: Channel Theocracy of Kibyppur ***
------------New location: the Shrine at Alakish
------------New location: Xerxerdokhtabad
------------New location: Danekesh
------------New location: Nad
------------New location: Navuh Hollow
------------New location: Xerxerdokhtgrad
@175 On the night of a full moon, a babe was found swaddled with jewels on its eyes by a group of highly entropic beings in Shuwar. They took her into their fold and fostered her, and she became known as Xerxerdokht II, Jeweled Lamb of Highly Entropic Beings.
@179 While wandering around Shuwar, Xerxerdokht II stumbled upon a clan of swine performing a secret ritual. Because of her shining eyes, they accepted her into their fold and taught her their secrets.
@186 Late in 4966 BR, after several tumultuous years, the sultan of Qud died under mysterious circumstances. Because of Xerxerdokht II's lustrous eyes, she was chosen as the successor.
@195 In early 4957 BR, Xerxerdokht II was assailed by a claimant over an ordinance mandating the practice of hoarding gemstones. She lost and was murdered. She was eighteen years old.
@209 In 4943 BR, the people learned that Xerxerdokht II had faked her death by forcing a peasant to impersonate her. Despite reports to the contrary, Xerxerdokht II was alive and well. She was known thenceforth as the Lucent Shade of Shuwar.
@224 While leading a small army in Shuwar, Xerxerdokht II was assailed by an aspirant over an ordinance mandating the practice of hoarding rubies. She lost and was exiled. She was forty-two years old.
@234 In 4918 BR, the people learned that Xerxerdokht II had faked her death by switching places with her twin. Despite reports to the contrary, Xerxerdokht II was alive and well. She was known thenceforth as the Shining Wraith of Shuwar.
@251 While traveling alone in Shuwar, Xerxerdokht II had a dream that she was wandering without purpose. From that day forth, she always kept some compasses hidden on her person.
@262 Deep in Shuwar, Xerxerdokht II discovered Urawar. There she befriended bears and found a new home.
@269 Inside a colossal map, Xerxerdokht II cemented her friendship with stargazers by marrying Urchekesh.
@282 While traveling alone in Shuwar, Xerxerdokht II came across a trove of luminous stardust. For the rest of Xerxerdokht II's life, she was obsessed with telescopes.
@284 Throughout the entirety of 4868 BR, Xerxerdokht II ravaged all of Channel Theocracy of Kibyppur, forcibly relocating the families of cannibals and crabs. She became known as the Sorrow of Kibyppur.
@285 In 4867 BR, Xerxerdokht II, Jeweled Lamb of Highly Entropic Beings, the Lucent Shade of Shuwar, the Shining Wraith of Shuwar, Urchekesh's Wife, the Sorrow of Kibyppur, died of natural causes. She was 117 years old.
------------New location: Urawar
*** Region added to history: Tegapad ***
------------New location: Durvash
------------New location: the Colossal Bog
------------New location: Sumrid Hollow
------------New location: New Shapad
*** Region added to history: Prison Aristocracy of Hatum ***
------------New location: Darchevuh Cave
------------New location: Suneppur
------------New location: the Shrine at Marsipad
------------New location: Turcheshur Steeple
------------New location: Suppa
------------New location: the Hamlet of Dabappa
*** Region added to history: Iruk ***
------------New location: Halep
------------New location: Nalep
------------New location: New Happar
------------New location: Sherqutara Cave
@542 One starry evening in Tegapad, a healthy child was born to the sultan at New Shapad. At the moment of his birth, a great battle was won, and in celebration the people told stories and renewed friendships. The babe was named Xerxerdokht III, but the people called him Hammerborn.
@557 In 4595 BR, Xerxerdokht III won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Tegapad at the bloody Battle of Teppir. As a result of the battle, Teppir was so rife with smashed rubble that it was renamed the Colossal Bog.
@560 Deep in Tegapad, Xerxerdokht III discovered Kawan. There he befriended bears and helped sack a village and burn its homes to the ground.
@574 While traveling through Channel Theocracy of Kibyppur, Xerxerdokht III stopped at a market in Durchemur. At an obscure shop, he purchased a dominant hammer and named it {{c-c-R-c-c-R-c-c sequence|Dominantuca Xerxerdokhtgift}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{c-c-R-c-c-R-c-c sequence|Dominantuca Xerxerdokhtgift}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Durchemur.
@581 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of hearing the lamentations of one's foes, Xerxerdokht III led an army to the gates of Ipad. He freed its citizens, and they proclaimed him sultan of Qud, dowering him with the Earth Face. In his honor they changed the name of Ipad to Xerxerdokhtgrad.
@591 While wandering around Channel Theocracy of Kibyppur, Xerxerdokht III stumbled upon a clan of dogs performing a secret ritual. Because of his dominant eyes, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@608 Somewhere in Channel Theocracy of Kibyppur, Xerxerdokht III had a dream that he was glassblowing. From then on, he always kept some glass hidden on his person.
@610 While wandering around Channel Theocracy of Kibyppur, Xerxerdokht III stumbled upon a clan of baetyls performing a secret ritual. Because of his dominant visage, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@616 Acting against the enfranchisement of dogs, Xerxerdokht III led an army to the gates of Durchemur. He sacked Durchemur and slaughtered its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Xerxerdokhtabad.
@618 Deep in the wilds of Prison Aristocracy of Hatum, Xerxerdokht III discovered Mamas. There he befriended grazing hedonists and fought for everlasting glory.
@635 Deep in the wilds of Iruk, Xerxerdokht III stumbled upon a clan of hermits performing a secret ritual. Because of his transparent visage, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@636 In 4516 BR, Xerxerdokht III, Hammerborn, died of natural causes. He was 102 years old.
------------New location: Kawan
------------New location: Mamas
*** Region added to history: Uazolep ***
------------New location: Old Irqawan
------------New location: Haazokish
------------New location: Ashan Spire
------------New location: Tabykish Morass
*** Region added to history: Library Democracy of Kakh ***
------------New location: Shurqakish
------------New location: Qarvar
------------New location: Saneppar
@1343 At daybreak on the first day of autumn, a babe was found swaddled on a floating platform of polished chrome with its mouth full of clockwork tools. That babe came to be known as Xerxerdokht IV.
@1357 In 3795 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of Library Democracy of Kakh. She outlawed the practice of contemplating the meaning of things, and Xerxerdokht IV was forced to flee.
@1371 At a remote prayer yurt in Library City-State of Survatara, Xerxerdokht IV met with a group of stargazers and commissioned an allegory that evoked the presence of an inquisitive inkwell. She named it Inkwelluca.
@1378 Somewhere in Library City-State of Survatara, Xerxerdokht IV had a dream that she was skirring the stars. For the rest of Xerxerdokht IV's life, she was obsessed with bedrolls.
@1389 While traveling around Library City-State of Survatara, Xerxerdokht IV lost control of her chariot and drove it off a cliff. By the grace of fate, a group of nearby frogs came to her rescue. For the rest of her life, Xerxerdokht IV was indebted to frogs.
@1402 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of making a pilgrimage, Xerxerdokht IV led an army to the gates of Kinip Grotto. She rescued its citizens, and they proclaimed her sultan of Qud, dowering her with the Levant Face. In her honor they changed the name of Kinip Grotto to Xerxerdokhtplatz.
@1419 At a remote workshop, Xerxerdokht IV met with a group of window makers and commissioned a shield that evoked the presence of an unfamiliar sextant. She named it Victory of Sextant.
@1420 On an expedition around Library City-State of Survatara, Xerxerdokht IV was captured by bandits. She languished in captivity for six years, eventually escaping to Sabal.
@1440 After conferring with roots, Xerxerdokht IV convinced them to help her found a workshop in Uazolep for the purpose of glassblowing altimeters. They named it the Wandering Workshop.
@1447 While wandering around Uazolep, Xerxerdokht IV stumbled upon a clan of arachnids performing a secret ritual. Because of her philosophical eyes, they accepted her into their fold and taught her their secrets.
@1448 In 3704 BR, Xerxerdokht IV, the Untitled, died of natural causes. She was 111 years old.
------------New location: the Wandering Workshop
*** Region added to history: Tabernacle Theocracy of Mar ***
------------New location: Antimedabad
------------New location: Ekarvawar
*** Region added to history: Consulate City-State of Ugamor ***
------------New location: Sharvamur
------------New location: the Digital Havoc
@3044 At daybreak on the summer solstice, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of wire by a group of tortoises in Tabernacle Theocracy of Mar. They took her into their fold and fostered her, and she became known as Antimed IV, the Coiled Lamb of Tortoises.
@3056 Deep in Tabernacle Theocracy of Mar, Antimed IV discovered Kamrilil. There she befriended robots and assembled a new contraption.
@3073 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of wiring icicles to glass, Antimed IV led an army to the gates of Maarrakish. She sacked Maarrakish and persecuted its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Antimedabad.
@3080 In 2072 BR, Antimed IV ravaged all of Library City-State of Survatara, soldering together the children of baetyls and bears. She became known as the Scourge of Survatara.
@3087 In 2065 BR, Antimed IV won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Library City-State of Survatara at the bloody Battle of Shamrimur. As a result of the battle, Shamrimur was so rife with electric arcs that it was renamed Electricdunes.
@3099 While visiting an obscure hermitage, Antimed IV met with a group of winter eremites and commissioned a wintry truth that evoked the presence of an electric battery. She named it Battery's Beauty.
@3103 Near the location of Electricdunes, Antimed IV was captured by bandits. She murdered their leader by wiring her to hundreds of logic gates, and was thenceforth known as Oscilloscopebroker.
@3118 Acting against the enfranchisement of bears, Antimed IV led an army to the gates of Shunip. She sacked Shunip and persecuted its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Antimed City.
@3133 In 2019 BR, Antimed IV ravaged all of Channel Theocracy of Kibyppur, soldering together the children of arachnids and pariahs. She became known as the Kibyppur Sorrow.
@3150 In 2002 BR, Antimed IV assassinated the sultan of Qud over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of wiring stars in a bottle to guns. She won and took the crown. She was one hundred thirteen years old.
@3159 In 1993 BR, Antimed IV won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Consulate City-State of Ugamor at the bloody Battle of Shanenip, though she lost her prized {{r-r-r-r-r-B-r-r-r sequence|Battery's Beauty}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Shanenip was so rife with electric arcs that it was renamed the Digital Havoc.
@3160 In 1992 BR, Antimed IV, the Coiled Lamb of Tortoises, the Scourge of Survatara, Oscilloscopebroker, the Kibyppur Sorrow, died of natural causes. She was 123 years old.
------------New location: Kamrilil
@4946 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@4979 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@4986 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@5012 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@5053 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of Channel Theocracy of Kibyppur. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@5144 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@5149 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@5149 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@5150 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@5151 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@5151 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@5152 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@5153 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@5154 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@5157 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@5157 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
Failed to get faction:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
*** Region added to history: Damrod ***
------------New location: Suzor
------------New location: Mid
------------New location: Nashan
------------New location: Qamish
------------New location: Hashan
------------New location: Durqashur
------------New location: Amur
*** Region added to history: House District Uppar ***
------------New location: Tamas Dune
------------New location: Alailimmu
------------New location: Ilil Hollow
------------New location: Ekaazotara
------------New location: Damish
------------New location: New Sheppa
------------New location: Sharvazor Dune
------------New location: Qappa Knot
*** Region added to history: Marvatara ***
------------New location: Tur Grotto
------------New location: Katum
------------New location: Alarqappar
------------New location: Kivah
------------New location: Umur
------------New location: New Teppir
------------New location: Akesh
------------New location: Shabal
@7 One auspicious day, a stargazer found a babe with its mouth full of starlight outside his prayer yurt. He and his fellow stargazers adopted the babe and named him Yu-Ledates.
@8 Near the location of Katum, Yu-Ledates was captured by bandits. He murdered their leader by forecasting his doom, and was thenceforth known as Lightskipper.
@30 Throughout 5061 BR, Yu-Ledates laid waste to all of House District Uppar, raining meteors down from the sky onto the settlements of tortoises and trees. He became known as the Uppar Sorrow.
@43 Early in 5048 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of scholars, the sultan of Qud abdicated the throne. Because of Yu-Ledates' reputation for hoarding motes of light, he was chosen as the successor.
@59 While traveling through Damrod, Yu-Ledates stopped at a market in Amur. At an obscure shop, he purchased a radiant axe and named it {{M-G-M-M-M-M-M-G-M sequence|Radiantucus Yu-Ledatesgift}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{M-G-M-M-M-M-M-G-M sequence|Radiantucus Yu-Ledatesgift}} to a local pickpocket. He cursed the tavern and left Amur.
@68 Deep in the wilds of Damrod, Yu-Ledates discovered Uilid Den. There he befriended cannibals and calculated the distance to a nearby star.
@81 While wandering around Damrod, Yu-Ledates stumbled upon a clan of fungi performing a secret ritual. Because of his radiant eyes, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@88 While wandering around Damrod, Yu-Ledates discovered Old Hawar. There he befriended fish and painted pictures of beasts and monsters with flaming suns.
@102 In 4989 BR, Yu-Ledates ravaged all of Marvatara, raining meteors down from the sky onto the settlements of newly sentient beings and succulents. He became known as the Terror of Marvatara.
@103 In 4988 BR, Yu-Ledates, Lightskipper, the Uppar Sorrow, the Terror of Marvatara, died of natural causes. He was 102 years old.
------------New location: Uilid Den
------------New location: Old Hawar
*** Region added to history: Durqavuh ***
------------New location: Hamur Hollow
------------New location: Naggappa Grotto
------------New location: Alarapad
------------New location: the Unfamiliar Badland
------------New location: Avuh
*** Region added to history: Spring District Tekh ***
------------New location: Turvappur
------------New location: Wiredwreck
------------New location: Nammu
------------New location: Qappar Dune
------------New location: Teshur
------------New location: the Hamlet of Alarchekh
------------New location: Birsikh
------------New location: Hagalil
@284 One night under the Beetle Moon, a stargazer found a babe with motes of light on its eyes outside her prayer yurt. She and her fellow stargazers adopted the babe and named him Yu-Ledates II.
@295 While reciting the properties of his favorite star, Yu-Ledates II cemented his friendship with astrologists by marrying Temrippa.
@308 Somewhere in Spring District Tekh, Yu-Ledates II had a dream that he was wiring forgotten seconds of one's life to pairs of sandals. For the rest of Yu-Ledates II's life, he was obsessed with vacuum tubes.
@314 In 4777 BR, Yu-Ledates II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Spring District Tekh at the bloody Battle of Ekamrippa. As a result of the battle, Ekamrippa was so rife with electric arcs that it was renamed Wiredwreck.
@323 At the Battle of the Hamlet of Alarchekh, Yu-Ledates II fought as a mercenary to subjugate oozes. He wielded a wired axe with such dexterity that it became forever known as Wiredoca Oozesruin.
@326 Early in 4765 BR, after murdering a popular rival by trapping him in an agate, the sultan of Qud died under mysterious circumstances. Because Yu-Ledates II demanded it, he was chosen as the successor.
@328 Waist deep in a lake of starlight, Yu-Ledates II cemented his friendship with scholars by marrying Dur.
@331 While on a trek around Spring District Tekh, Yu-Ledates II's chariot was driven off a cliff by a criminal gang of oozes. He was killed at 55 years old.
@342 In 4749 BR, the people of Qud learned that Yu-Ledates II's twin had been the one who died. Despite reports to the contrary, Yu-Ledates II was alive and well. He was known thenceforth as the Luminous Spectre of Spring District Tekh.
@347 Waist deep in a lake of motes of light, Yu-Ledates II cemented his friendship with gladiators by marrying Nad.
@351 While traveling through Durqavuh, Yu-Ledates II stopped at a tavern in Alarapad. There he lost his prized {{w-m-W-m-w-m-W-m sequence|Wiredoca Oozesruin}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Alarapad.
@351 In 4740 BR, Yu-Ledates II, Temrippa's Husband, Husband of Dur, the Luminous Spectre of Spring District Tekh, Partner to Nad, died of natural causes. He was 75 years old.
*** Region added to history: Embassy District Tappa ***
------------New location: Tuazokh Den
------------New location: the Radiant Havoc
------------New location: Biazowan Tangle
------------New location: Ukesh
*** Region added to history: Turanna ***
------------New location: New Alarvanip
------------New location: Harsippir Morass
------------New location: Miravuh
------------New location: the Shrine at Kir
------------New location: Qaarrar
@994 At daybreak on the summer solstice, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of stardust by a group of crabs in Embassy District Tappa. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Suhim, the Luminous Scion of Crabs.
@996 While wandering around Embassy District Tappa, Suhim discovered Sarsippar. There he befriended roots and painted pictures of beasts and monsters with flaming suns.
@998 In 4093 BR, Suhim won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Embassy District Tappa at the bloody Battle of Bippir. As a result of the battle, Bippir was so devastated by smoldering stardust that it was renamed the Radiant Havoc.
@1007 While wandering around Embassy District Tappa, Suhim stumbled upon a clan of vines performing a secret ritual. Because of his radiant eyes, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@1022 While reciting the properties of his favorite star, Suhim cemented his friendship with oozes by marrying Ovantinos. To show their appreciation, the oozes bestowed upon Suhim a wedding gift they called {{m-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G sequence|Delightucus, Oozesgift}}.
@1025 In 4066 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of Embassy District Tappa. She outlawed association with vines, and Suhim was forced to flee.
@1039 Acting against the persecution of crabs, Suhim led an army to the gates of New Naarrappar. He liberated its citizens, and they declared him sultan of Qud, dowering him with the Earth Face. In his honor they changed the name of New Naarrappar to Suhimabad.
@1047 Near the location of Suhimabad, Suhim was captured by bandits. He languished in captivity for six years, eventually escaping to Alarapad.
@1069 While leading a small army in Durqavuh, Suhim was challenged by an aspirant to a duel over an ordinance mandating the practice of worshipping the stars. He lost and was drawn and quartered. He was sixty-six years old.
@1074 In 4017 BR, the people of Qud learned that Suhim's twin had been the one who died. Despite reports to the contrary, Suhim was alive and well. He was known thenceforth as the White-Hot Devil of Durqavuh.
@1088 In 4003 BR, Suhim appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Turanna. She mandated association with vines in Suhim's name.
@1089 In 4002 BR, Suhim, the Luminous Scion of Crabs, Ovantinos' Mate, the White-Hot Devil of Durqavuh, died of natural causes. He was 102 years old.
------------New location: Sarsippar
*** Region added to history: Temple District Bitum ***
------------New location: Sashan
------------New location: Tuggamish Dune
------------New location: Samrimor Den
*** Region added to history: Nakh ***
------------New location: Kinna Knot
------------New location: Shanemmu Den
------------New location: the Inquisitive Decay
------------New location: Sherqupad Hollow
@2016 One starry evening, a philosopher found a babe with inkwells on its eyes outside her college. She and her fellow philosophers adopted the babe and named her Shapur.
@2026 At midnight under a marvelous and aurelion sky, the people of Imriruk saw an image on the horizon that looked like a quill bathed in aurelion. It was Shapur, and after she came and left Imriruk, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her the Aurelion Quill.
@2030 While visiting an obscure college, Shapur formulated a philosophy that evoked the presence of a shrewd scroll. She named it Scrollica.
@2044 In 3047 BR, Shapur challenged the sultan of Qud to a duel over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of contemplating the meaning of things. She won and ascended to the throne. She was thirty-four years old.
@2046 At dusk under a strange and marigold sky, the people of Sherqupad Hollow saw an image on the horizon that looked like an inkwell bathed in marigold. It was Shapur, and after she came and left Sherqupad Hollow, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her the Marigold Inkwell.
@2057 In 3034 BR, Shapur won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Nakh at the bloody Battle of Imriruk, though she lost her prized {{m-y-m-K-m-y-m-K sequence|Scrollica}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Imriruk was so rife with burnt books and corroded data disks that it was renamed the Inquisitive Decay.
@2066 Deep in Nakh, Shapur discovered Tarsid Mesh. There she befriended fish and wrote a treatise.
@2069 In 3022 BR, Shapur appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Nakh. He mandated association with fish in Shapur's name.
@2085 On an expedition around Nakh, Shapur was captured by bandits. She murdered their leader by filling him with existential despair, and was thenceforth known as Quillspinner.
@2095 While wandering around Temple District Bitum, Shapur discovered Bimas. There she befriended mysterious strangers and reflected on the meaning of the experience.
@2096 In 2995 BR, Shapur, the Aurelion Quill, the Marigold Inkwell, Quillspinner, died of natural causes. She was 86 years old.
------------New location: Tarsid Mesh
------------New location: Bimas
*** Region added to history: House District Kigar ***
------------New location: Old Alep
------------New location: Shuarravah
*** Region added to history: Trash District Alarchekh ***
------------New location: Datara
------------New location: Shenemish
@3402 One night under the Beetle Moon, an explorer found a babe with its mouth full of rope outside her tavern. She and her fellow explorers adopted the babe and named her Antihim.
@3414 Deep in Trash District Alarchekh, Antihim discovered Bippir. There she befriended antelopes and set out on an adventure to find a sacred peridot.
@3427 While wandering around Trash District Alarchekh, Antihim stumbled upon a clan of frogs performing a secret ritual. Because of her reputation for murdering someone by pursuing him to exhaustion, they furiously rebuked her and declared her a villain to their kind.
@3443 In 1648 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of Trash District Alarchekh. He outlawed the practice of making a pilgrimage, and Antihim was forced to flee.
@3460 In 1631 BR, Antihim won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Durqavuh at the bloody Battle of Suhimabad. As a result of the battle, Suhimabad was so vacant of signs of life that it was renamed the Unfamiliar Badland.
@3469 At a remote tavern, Antihim found an artifact that evoked the presence of a traveling bedroll. She named it Bedrolleca.
@3470 After striking a deal with fish, Antihim convinced them to help her found a tavern in Embassy District Tappa for the purpose of wandering in search of pairs of sandals. They named it the Tavern of the Worldly.
@3472 Inside a colossal altimeter, Antihim cemented her friendship with mollusks by marrying Hinningja. To show their appreciation, the mollusks bestowed upon Antihim a wedding gift they called {{w-r-w-R-w-r-w-R sequence|Bliss of Join, Mollusksfavor}}.
@3488 Inside a colossal astrolabe, Antihim cemented her friendship with crabs by marrying Soggicrab Gimilcrab. In celebration of the union, the crabs bestowed upon Antihim a wedding gift they called {{M-G-G-M-G-G-G-G sequence|Lovacus, Crabsboon}}.
@3502 Sometime in 1589 BR, after murdering a popular rival by flipping a coin and agreeing to kill either him or herself based on the outcome, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because of Antihim's otherworldly eyes, she was chosen as the successor.
@3514 In 1577 BR, Antihim plundered all of House District Kigar, forcibly relocating the families of oozes and hermits. She became known as the Terror of Kigar.
@3515 In 1576 BR, Antihim, Hinningja's Wife, Wife to Soggicrab Gimilcrab, the Terror of Kigar, died of natural causes. She was 120 years old.
------------New location: Bippir
------------New location: the Tavern of the Worldly
@4885 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@4918 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@4925 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@4951 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@4992 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of Trash District Alarchekh. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@5083 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@5088 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@5088 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@5089 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@5090 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@5090 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@5091 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@5092 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@5093 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@5096 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@5096 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
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*** Region added to history: Ekapad ***
------------New location: Iarratara Hollow
------------New location: Sharsir Hollow
------------New location: Nabal
------------New location: New Bivah
------------New location: Itum
------------New location: Alawan Knot
------------New location: Telil Spire
------------New location: Kinna
------------New location: Shener
*** Region added to history: Museum District Akh ***
------------New location: Ushur
------------New location: Biarrawan Grotto
------------New location: Habal
------------New location: Staineddunes
------------New location: Sabad Den
------------New location: the Shrine at Mirappur
------------New location: the Shrine at Appa
------------New location: Dabykesh
------------New location: Miazoshan
*** Region added to history: Mibal ***
------------New location: Old Anewan
------------New location: Shebalil Spire
------------New location: Nabykh
------------New location: Damas
------------New location: Birvashur
------------New location: Summu
@8 On the anniversary of a great battle, a babe was found swaddled on the bank of an ancient river with a glazed prism in each hand. That babe came to be known as Shaxes.
@23 While leading a small army in Mibal, Shaxes challenged the sultan of Qud to a duel over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of glassblowing. He won and took the crown. He was twenty-two years old.
@26 Near the location of Birvashur, Shaxes was captured by bandits. He murdered their leader with a dagger made of glass, and was thenceforth known as Glasscaller.
@47 While leading a small army in Mibal, Shaxes was challenged by a claimant to a duel over an ordinance mandating the practice of staining glass. He won and had the aspirant murdered. He was thirty-one years old.
@54 In 6818 BR, Shaxes pillaged all of Museum District Akh, shattering all the glass in the homes of antelopes and frogs. He became known as the Akh Terror.
@69 In 6803 BR, Shaxes won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Museum District Akh at the bloody Battle of Suneppar. As a result of the battle, Suneppar was so devastated by torrential glass storms that it was renamed Staineddunes.
@77 Deep in the wilds of Museum District Akh, Shaxes discovered Nanevah. There he befriended winged mammals and built a glass gazebo.
@93 After treating with baetyls, Shaxes convinced them to help him found a tavern in Ekapad for the purpose of cooking meals inspired by glass. They named it the Glazed Tavern.
@103 At dusk under a rare and magnolia sky, the people of Iarratara Hollow saw an image on the horizon that looked like a glass bathed in magnolia. It was Shaxes, and after he came and left Iarratara Hollow, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him the Magnolia Glass.
@107 While wandering around Ekapad, Shaxes discovered Mid Morass. There he befriended baboons and stained a glass window.
@108 In 6764 BR, Shaxes, Glasscaller, the Akh Terror, the Magnolia Glass, died of natural causes. He was 107 years old.
------------New location: Nanevah
------------New location: the Glazed Tavern
------------New location: Mid Morass
*** Region added to history: Barracks District Sammu ***
------------New location: Alad Knot
------------New location: Shanip Spire
------------New location: Xerraradplatz
------------New location: Irsiwan Steeple
------------New location: the Shrine at Daruk
------------New location: the Hamlet of Haruk
*** Region added to history: Channel District Tarad ***
------------New location: Tunip
------------New location: the Shrine at Alagappur
------------New location: Nammu Mesh
------------New location: Suilid
------------New location: Azor
------------New location: Sukesh
------------New location: the Hamlet of Daarramor
@404 One auspicious day in Barracks District Sammu, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Irsiwan Steeple. At the moment of his birth, snow fell everywhere, and in celebration the people drank themselves into stupors. The babe was named Xerrarad, but the people called him Snowflakeborn.
@418 Near the location of Irsiwan Steeple, Xerrarad was captured by bandits. He languished in captivity for three years, eventually escaping to the Shrine at Daruk.
@432 At dusk under a curious and marigold sky, the people of Irsiwan Steeple saw an image on the horizon that looked like a miniature glacier bathed in marigold. It was Xerrarad, and after he came and left Irsiwan Steeple, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him the Marigold Miniature Glacier.
@442 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of taking a spiritual trek through the tundra, Xerrarad led an army to the gates of Talil. He freed its citizens, and they proclaimed him sultan of Qud, dowering him with the Shemesh Face. In his honor they changed the name of Talil to Xerraradplatz.
@444 On an expedition around Barracks District Sammu, Xerrarad was captured by bandits. He murdered their leader with a dagger made of ice, and was thenceforth known as Snowflakeshouter.
@452 While traveling near Xerraradplatz in Barracks District Sammu, Xerrarad was captured by bandits. He murdered their leader by allowing her to continue living in a universe where heat death is inevitable, and was thenceforth known as Snowflakecaller.
@466 In early 6406 BR, Xerrarad was challenged by a pretender to a duel over an ordinance mandating the practice of encasing things in ice. He won and had the claimant drawn and quartered. He was sixty years old.
@476 During an expedition around Barracks District Sammu, Xerrarad's chariot was driven off a cliff by a criminal gang of fungi. Fortuitously, a group of nearby scholars came to his rescue. Moved by their kindness, Xerrarad enrolled at a local academy as a student.
@482 At the Battle of the Hamlet of Haruk, Xerrarad fought as a mercenary sultan to subjugate cannibals. He wielded an icy sword with such finesse that it became forever known as Icocus, the Ruin of Cannibals.
@484 Throughout 6388 BR, Xerrarad rampaged through all of Channel District Tarad, stealing oil from the heat lamps in the villages of flowers and antelopes. He became known as the Tarad Woe.
@485 In 6387 BR, Xerrarad, Snowflakeborn, the Marigold Miniature Glacier, Snowflakeshouter, Snowflakecaller, the Tarad Woe, died of natural causes. He was 89 years old.
*** Region added to history: Tamas ***
------------New location: the Traveling Dunes
------------New location: Shekh Cave
------------New location: New Shuppur
------------New location: Suneppur Morass
------------New location: Temrimish
*** Region added to history: Sailippir ***
------------New location: Kiiliwar Tangle
------------New location: Tamrippar
------------New location: Old Dulil
------------New location: Bivah
------------New location: Shemas
@815 One starry evening in Tamas, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Temrimish. At the moment of his birth, a famous explorer completed her work on a legendary bedroll, and in celebration the people told stories and renewed friendships. The babe was named Shaxes II, but the people called him Bedrollborn.
@821 In 6051 BR, Shaxes II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Tamas at the bloody Battle of Bibatara Morass. As a result of the battle, Bibatara Morass was so vacant of signs of life that it was renamed the Traveling Dunes.
@830 In 6042 BR, Shaxes II assassinated the sultan of Qud over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of leaving his home forever. He won and proclaimed himself sultan. He was twenty-three years old.
@842 While wandering around Tamas, Shaxes II stumbled upon a clan of apes performing a secret ritual. Because of his foreign eyes, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@849 During an expedition in Tamas, Shaxes II lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. He was killed at 42 years old.
@852 In 6020 BR, it was discovered that a simulacrum of Shaxes II had been the one who died. Despite reports to the contrary, Shaxes II was alive and well. He was known thenceforth as the Strange Wraith of Tamas.
@854 While traveling through Barracks District Sammu, Shaxes II stopped at a market in Shanip Spire. At an obscure shop, he purchased a worldly bracelet and named it {{C-G-c-G-G-G-c-G sequence|Worldly Pride Shaxesfriend}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{C-G-c-G-G-G-c-G sequence|Worldly Pride Shaxesfriend}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Shanip Spire.
@866 At the Battle of the Hamlet of Haruk, Shaxes II fought to liberate apes. He wielded a wandering axe with such dexterity that it became forever known as Wanderingaca Apesgift.
@869 After striking a deal with water barons, Shaxes II convinced them to help him found a workshop in Tamas for the purpose of glassblowing compasses. They named it the Workshop of the Traveling.
@871 In 6001 BR, Shaxes II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Tamas at the bloody Battle of the Workshop of the Traveling, though he lost his prized {{B-B-B-w-B-B-B-B-B sequence|Wanderingaca Apesgift}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, the Workshop of the Traveling was so vacant of signs of life that it was renamed the Unfamiliar Void.
@885 In 5987 BR, Shaxes II appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Sailippir. She mandated association with apes in Shaxes II's name.
@886 In 5986 BR, Shaxes II, Bedrollborn, the Strange Wraith of Tamas, died of natural causes. He was 79 years old.
------------New location: the Unfamiliar Void
*** Region added to history: Seminary District Shulep ***
------------New location: Tebanip
------------New location: Mamriruk
------------New location: Mazor
*** Region added to history: Odeum District Kabalep ***
------------New location: Daarrakesh Dune
------------New location: Saruk
------------New location: Uravah Steeple
------------New location: the Hamlet of Sharsiwar
@1660 At daybreak on the first day of winter, a soldier found a babe with its mouth full of zetachrome outside her outpost. She and her fellow soldiers adopted the babe and named him Xerrarad II.
@1674 At a remote outpost, Xerrarad II looted an iron gauntlet that evoked the presence of a commanding boots. He named it Boots' Boy.
@1689 Deep in the wilds of Odeum District Kabalep, Xerrarad II discovered Alarchelep Steeple. There he befriended oozes and helped sack a village and burn its homes to the ground.
@1705 In 5167 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of Odeum District Kabalep. He outlawed association with oozes, and Xerrarad II was forced to flee.
@1716 At the Battle of Mamriruk, Xerrarad II fought to liberate oozes. He wielded a commanding hammer with such artistry that it became forever known as Commanding, the Friend of Oozes.
@1726 While traveling through Seminary District Shulep, Xerrarad II lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. He was killed at 74 years old.
@1743 In 5129 BR, the people learned that a clone of Xerrarad II had been the one who died. Despite reports to the contrary, Xerrarad II was alive and well. He was known thenceforth as the Dominant Ghost.
@1755 While traveling near Mamriruk in Seminary District Shulep, Xerrarad II was captured by bandits. He languished in captivity for four years, eventually escaping to Tebanip.
@1767 At the Battle of Mamriruk, Xerrarad II fought as a mercenary to subjugate swine. He wielded a potent hammer with such deftness that it became forever known as Potenticus Swineblight.
@1775 While traveling through Tamas, Xerrarad II stopped at a tavern in Shekh Cave. There he lost his prized {{K-K-K-K-M-K-K-M-K sequence|Potenticus Swineblight}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Shekh Cave.
@1783 Sometime in 5089 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of cooks, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because of Xerrarad II's reputation for making demands, he was chosen as the successor.
@1783 In 5089 BR, Xerrarad II, the Dominant Ghost, died of natural causes. He was 131 years old.
------------New location: Alarchelep Steeple
*** Region added to history: Mishan ***
------------New location: Biilitum Morass
------------New location: Kibyppa Mesh
*** Region added to history: Aazosh ***
------------New location: Tarqashan Spire
------------New location: the Coiled Moor
@3115 One night under the Beetle Moon in Aazosh, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Nammu. At the moment of his birth, a college was founded, and in celebration the people cried out in joy. The babe was named Xerrarad III, but the people called him Scrollborn.
@3119 At a remote observatory in Aazosh, Xerrarad III met with a group of astronomers and commissioned a star-tool that evoked the presence of an inquisitive inkwell. He named it Triumph of Inkwell.
@3135 While wandering around Aazosh, Xerrarad III discovered Bigganip. There he befriended apes and wrote a treatise.
@3138 Early in 3734 BR, after murdering a popular rival with a dagger made of sand, the sultan of Qud died under mysterious circumstances. Because of Xerrarad III's inquisitive eyes, he was chosen as the successor.
@3149 Somewhere in Aazosh, Xerrarad III met a computerized version of himself. For the rest of Xerrarad III's life, he was obsessed with light bulbs.
@3151 Deep in the wilds of Aazosh, Xerrarad III discovered Ircheruk Dune. There he befriended fungi and soldered batteries together.
@3157 In 3715 BR, Xerrarad III won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Aazosh at the bloody Battle of Nammu, though he lost his prized {{W-W-b-b-b-b-w-b sequence|Triumph of Inkwell}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Nammu was so rife with electric arcs that it was renamed the Coiled Moor.
@3161 In 3711 BR, after several tumultuous years, Xerrarad III's counselors suggested he step down. Instead, he spent the day contemplating the meaning of things, and then continued his reign like nothing had happened.
@3162 While wandering around Aazosh, Xerrarad III discovered Saggappir Knot. There he befriended water barons and soldered oscilloscopes together.
@3167 While traveling through Mishan, Xerrarad III stopped at a market in Biilitum Morass. At an obscure shop, he purchased a shrewd dagger and named it {{W-W-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y sequence|Shrewd Xerraradgift}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{W-W-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y sequence|Shrewd Xerraradgift}} in a game of dice. He cursed the tavern and left Biilitum Morass.
@3167 In 3705 BR, Xerrarad III, Scrollborn, died of natural causes. He was 59 years old.
------------New location: Bigganip
------------New location: Ircheruk Dune
------------New location: Saggappir Knot
@6666 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@6699 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@6706 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@6732 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@6773 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of Mibal. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@6864 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@6869 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6869 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@6870 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6871 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@6871 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@6872 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@6873 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@6874 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@6877 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@6877 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
*** Region added to history: Scum Province Nabaruk ***
------------New location: Kavah
------------New location: Surqutum
------------New location: Tuwar
------------New location: Qarammu Cave
------------New location: Dud Tangle
------------New location: Ekaazomish
------------New location: Durvashur
------------New location: Shailishan Spire
------------New location: the Shrine at Itum
*** Region added to history: Magammu ***
------------New location: Durchemish Cave
------------New location: the Shrine at Kibal
------------New location: Teilid Steeple
------------New location: Uazomur Grotto
------------New location: Tevah
------------New location: Shuppar Hollow
------------New location: Shurcheppar
@9 One night under the Beetle Moon, a babe was found swaddled on a floating platform of polished chrome with a desiccated salt in each hand. That babe came to be known as Bamed.
@17 Late in 5701 BR, after several tumultuous years, the sultan of Qud was assassinated. Because of Bamed's reputation for murdering someone by pouring salt into his eyes, she was chosen as the successor.
@18 While visiting an obscure workshop, Bamed met with a group of tinkers and commissioned an artifact that evoked the presence of a desiccated brine. She named it Brinica.
@21 One auspicious day, Bamed came across a trove of perpetual forgotten seconds of one's life. For the rest of Bamed's life, she was obsessed with atomic clocks.
@23 In 5695 BR, Bamed ravaged all of Scum Province Nabaruk, conducting midnight raids on the villages of dogs and vines. She became known as the Sorrow of Nabaruk.
@40 At a remote prayer yurt, Bamed met with a group of stargazers and commissioned an allegory that evoked the presence of a briny leaf. She named it The Glamor of Leaf.
@51 At the Battle of Durvashur, Bamed fought to subjugate vines. She wielded a salt-spangled hammer with such agility that it became forever known as Salt-Spangledaca, the Woe of Vines.
@57 After striking a deal with roots, Bamed convinced them to help her found a workshop in Magammu for the purpose of soldering wires to power salt. They named it the Workshop of the Briny.
@70 While wandering around Magammu, Bamed discovered Qamur. There she befriended flowers and fixed a satisfying meal.
@71 In 5647 BR, Bamed, the Sorrow of Nabaruk, died of natural causes. She was 70 years old.
------------New location: the Workshop of the Briny
------------New location: Qamur
*** Region added to history: Dumor ***
------------New location: Taggavah Dune
------------New location: Dumor
------------New location: Sappar Den
------------New location: Qamas Dune
------------New location: Miilimas
------------New location: Nakh Steeple
------------New location: Irqalep Grotto
------------New location: Damish
*** Region added to history: Channel Province Mawan ***
------------New location: Old Matum
------------New location: Inenip
------------New location: Dush
------------New location: Bamedabad
------------New location: Fatefulmarsh
------------New location: Shuppa
*** Region added to history: Arboretum Province Tenenip ***
------------New location: Kashan
------------New location: Surqumur Hollow
------------New location: Shuazoppar
------------New location: Ikh Knot
------------New location: Dulil
------------New location: Kiggamas
------------New location: Duwar Morass
------------New location: Dabylep Spire
@84 On the anniversary of a great battle, a gambler found a babe with vessels of the Fates on its eyes outside his gambling den. He and his fellow gamblers adopted the babe and named him Giyumasp.
@89 In 5629 BR, Giyumasp won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Channel Province Mawan at the bloody Battle of Mippur Knot. As a result of the battle, Mippur Knot was so rife with bad omens that it was renamed Fatefulmarsh.
@99 In 5619 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of Channel Province Mawan. She outlawed the practice of interpreting omens from the observed flight of birds, and Giyumasp was forced to flee.
@106 One auspicious day, Giyumasp saw his own reflection in a river. From then on, he always kept some mirrors hidden on his person.
@114 While wandering around Arboretum Province Tenenip, Giyumasp stumbled upon a clan of trees performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone by flipping a coin and agreeing to kill either him or himself based on the outcome, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@125 While on a trek through Arboretum Province Tenenip, Giyumasp lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. By chance, a group of nearby cats came to his rescue. For the rest of his life, Giyumasp was indebted to cats.
@141 After striking a deal with equines, Giyumasp convinced them to help him found a gambling den in Magammu for the purpose of making decisions by arbitrarily choosing glass. They named it the Gambling Den of the Clear.
@149 One auspicious day, Giyumasp made a solitary trek through a lifeless tundra. From that day forth, he always kept some miniature glaciers hidden on his person.
@157 On an expedition around Magammu, Giyumasp was captured by bandits. He languished in captivity for six years, eventually escaping to Shuppar Hollow.
@175 Early in 5543 BR, after a bout of gout, the sultan of Qud abdicated the throne. Because of Giyumasp's reputation for murdering someone by flipping a coin and agreeing to kill either him or himself based on the outcome, he was chosen as the successor.
@183 Deep in Dumor, Giyumasp stumbled upon a clan of fungi performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone by allowing her to continue living in a universe where heat death is inevitable, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@184 In 5534 BR, Giyumasp, the Untitled, died of natural causes. He was 107 years old.
------------New location: the Gambling Den of the Clear
*** Region added to history: Club Province Alarsiruk ***
------------New location: Tukh Grotto
------------New location: Durchewar Dune
------------New location: Mabappar Dune
------------New location: Narcheppa
------------New location: Kirqummu
*** Region added to history: Tugaruk ***
------------New location: the Shrine at Mircheppir
------------New location: Ekarsiruk Steeple
------------New location: Sukh
------------New location: Marammu
------------New location: Supad Knot
------------New location: the Shrine at Ekawar
*** Region added to history: Iggazor ***
------------New location: Old Minip
------------New location: Ashan
------------New location: Nanemas Cave
------------New location: Igawar Den
------------New location: Qawan
@462 On the night of a full moon, a gambler found a babe with a blessed vessel of the Fates in each hand outside his gambling den. He and his fellow gamblers adopted the babe and named her Giyumasp II.
@474 At the Battle of Nanemas Cave, Giyumasp II fought as a mercenary to liberate mysterious strangers. She wielded a fortuitous axe with such skill that it became forever known as The Fortuitous Paragon Mysteriousfriend.
@487 On an expedition around Iggazor, Giyumasp II was captured by bandits. She murdered their leader with a good omen made of luck, and was thenceforth known as Diedancer.
@506 At the Battle of Igawar Den, Giyumasp II fought to liberate mysterious strangers. She wielded a lucky sword with such deftness that it became forever known as Luckecus, the Gift of Mysterious Strangers.
@522 Deep in Iggazor, Giyumasp II stumbled upon a clan of cannibals performing a secret ritual. Because of her cursed visage, they accepted her into their fold and taught her their secrets.
@536 After treating with tortoises, Giyumasp II convinced them to help her found a gambling den in Arboretum Province Tenenip for the purpose of making decisions by arbitrarily choosing charms. They named it the Fateful Gambling Den.
@549 After striking a deal with fish, Giyumasp II convinced them to help her found a gambling den in Tugaruk for the purpose of making decisions by arbitrarily choosing coins. They named it the Lucky Gambling Den.
@563 While leading a small army in Tugaruk, Giyumasp II challenged the legitimacy of the sultan of Qud over the sanctioned persecution of gamblers. She won and seized the gilded scepter. She was one hundred seven years old.
@575 After striking a deal with hermits, Giyumasp II convinced them to help her found a gambling den in Iggazor for the purpose of making decisions by arbitrarily choosing twelve-sided dice. They named it the Gambling Den of the Blessed.
@581 Deep in Club Province Alarsiruk, Giyumasp II stumbled upon a clan of oozes performing a secret ritual. Because of her fateful visage, they furiously rebuked her and declared her a villain to their kind.
@582 In 5136 BR, Giyumasp II, Diedancer, died of natural causes. She was 126 years old.
------------New location: the Fateful Gambling Den
------------New location: the Lucky Gambling Den
------------New location: the Gambling Den of the Blessed
*** Region added to history: Tud ***
------------New location: Halep Grotto
------------New location: the Hamlet of Magazor
------------New location: the Shrine at Harvakh
*** Region added to history: Ir ***
------------New location: Umur
------------New location: Darsishur Tangle
------------New location: Tezor Grotto
@1070 On the anniversary of a great battle, a gambler found a babe with its mouth full of silver outside her gambling den. She and her fellow gamblers adopted the babe and named him Bamed II.
@1075 Throughout 4643 BR, Bamed II plundered all of Magammu, rolling dice to determine which ones to destroy from the homes of fungi and antelopes. He became known as the Scourge of Magammu.
@1090 At midnight under a strange and chartreuse sky, the people of Tevah saw an image on the horizon that looked like a vessel of the Fates bathed in chartreuse. It was Bamed II, and after he came and left Tevah, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him the Chartreuse Vessel of the Fates.
@1098 While traveling through Channel Province Mawan, Bamed II stopped at a market in Fatefulmarsh. At an obscure shop, he purchased a charmed sword and named it {{B-w-b-W-B-w-b-W sequence|The Charmed Brother Bamedboon}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{B-w-b-W-B-w-b-W sequence|The Charmed Brother Bamedboon}} in a foolhardy bet. He cursed the tavern and left Fatefulmarsh.
@1099 At twilight under an uncanny and magnolia sky, the people of Inenip saw an image on the horizon that looked like a charm bathed in magnolia. It was Bamed II, and after he came and left Inenip, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Charm-in-Magnolia.
@1111 At the Battle of Shuppa, Bamed II fought to subjugate antelopes. He wielded a random axe with such prowess that it became forever known as Random, the Woe of Antelopes.
@1126 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of flipping coins, Bamed II led an army to the gates of Kiggakish. He sacked Kiggakish and slaughtered its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Bamedabad.
@1132 Throughout the entirety of 4586 BR, Bamed II rampaged through all of Scum Province Nabaruk, rolling dice to determine which ones to destroy from the homes of apes and unshelled reptiles. He became known as the Chartreuse Woe of Nabaruk.
@1143 In a cathedral ornamented with vessels of the Fates, Bamed II cemented his friendship with roots by marrying Magelwort Heitzschegrove. In celebration of the occasion, the roots bestowed upon Bamed II a wedding gift they called {{M-M-b-M-M-M-M-M-M sequence|The Grace of Delight, Rootsboon}}.
@1149 Early in 4569 BR, after several tumultuous years, the sultan of Qud was assassinated. Because of Bamed II's weighted eyes, he was chosen as the successor.
@1158 While wandering around Tud, Bamed II stumbled upon a clan of grazing hedonists performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone with a charm made of silver, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@1173 While traveling through Ir, Bamed II stopped at a tavern in Tezor Grotto. There he lost his prized {{m|Random, the Woe of Antelopes}} to a local pickpocket. He cursed the tavern and left Tezor Grotto.
@1173 In 4545 BR, Bamed II, the Scourge of Magammu, the Chartreuse Vessel of the Fates, Charm-in-Magnolia, the Chartreuse Woe of Nabaruk, Husband of Magelwort Heitzschegrove, died of natural causes. He was 109 years old.
*** Region added to history: Dwelling Province Inemmu ***
------------New location: Naazokish Spire
------------New location: Tappur Tangle
*** Region added to history: Mabal ***
------------New location: Sutara
------------New location: Miazolil
@2726 On the anniversary of a great battle in Mabal, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Miazolil. At the moment of her birth, a famous astronomer completed his work on a legendary telescope, and in celebration the people drank themselves into stupors. The babe was named Orolerad, but the people called her Telescopeborn.
@2738 While visiting an obscure dig site in Mabal, Orolerad met with a group of geologists and commissioned an artifact that evoked the presence of a gleaming telescope. She named it Telescopaca.
@2742 In 2976 BR, Orolerad challenged the legitimacy of the sultan of Qud over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of sketching the constellations. She won and ascended to the crown. She was twenty-four years old.
@2747 Inside a colossal mote of light, Orolerad cemented her friendship with philosophers by marrying Bibyppar.
@2756 Sometime in 2962 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of window makers, Orolerad's counselors suggested she step down. Instead, she spent the day hoarding telescopes, and then continued her reign like nothing had happened.
@2770 At noon under a curious and magnolia sky, the people of Sutara saw an image on the horizon that looked like a mote of light bathed in magnolia. It was Orolerad, and after she came and left Sutara, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her the Magnolia Mote of Light.
@2780 While traveling near Sutara in Mabal, Orolerad was captured by bandits. She languished in captivity for eight years, eventually escaping to Miazolil.
@2795 While leading a small army in Mabal, Orolerad had her legitimacy challenged by a pretender over an ordinance mandating the practice of hoarding telescopes. She won and had the aspirant drawn and quartered. She was seventy years old.
@2805 At a remote college, Orolerad formulated a philosophy that evoked the presence of a radiant mote of light. She named it Light's Mother.
@2816 In 2902 BR, Orolerad appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Dwelling Province Inemmu. She mandated the practice of sketching the constellations in Orolerad's name.
@2817 In 2901 BR, Orolerad, Telescopeborn, Spouse to Bibyppar, the Magnolia Mote of Light, died of natural causes. She was 99 years old.
@5512 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@5545 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@5552 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@5578 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@5619 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of Arboretum Province Tenenip. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@5710 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@5715 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@5715 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@5716 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@5717 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@5717 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@5718 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@5719 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@5720 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@5723 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@5723 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
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Failed to get faction:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
*** Region added to history: Forum Theocracy of Ar ***
------------New location: Kinip
------------New location: Nagakh Hollow
------------New location: New Ekavah
------------New location: Har Tangle
------------New location: Saggash Steeple
------------New location: Tumur Mesh
------------New location: Tuilitum Morass
------------New location: Hatum
------------New location: Hanna
*** Region added to history: Tabernacle Monarchy of Magawar ***
------------New location: Shailimrod
------------New location: Mippa Den
------------New location: Old Tar
------------New location: Xershid City
------------New location: Dutum
------------New location: the Shrine at Miggappir
------------New location: Matum
------------New location: Shubywar
------------New location: Sharqamor
@8 On the night of a full moon in Tabernacle Monarchy of Magawar, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Mippa Den. At the moment of his birth, a great battle was won, and in celebration the people told stories and renewed friendships. The babe was named Xershid, but the people called him Helmetborn.
@11 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of making demands, Xershid led an army to the gates of Sheilimor Grotto. He liberated its citizens, and they crowned him sultan of Qud, dowering him with the Kesil Face. In his honor they changed the name of Sheilimor Grotto to Xershid City.
@22 After conferring with tortoises, Xershid convinced them to help him found a workshop in Forum Theocracy of Ar for the purpose of making jewelry inspired by maces. They named it the Commanding Workshop.
@25 Deep in the wilds of Forum Theocracy of Ar, Xershid stumbled upon a clan of succulents performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone by slaughtering her entire clan, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@40 Early in 6823 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of electricians, Xershid's counselors suggested he take an extended sabbatical. Instead, he murdered each one with a gauntlet made of iron.
@48 As he rode through Forum Theocracy of Ar, Xershid's chariot was driven off a cliff by a criminal gang of succulents. Luckily, a group of nearby explorers came to his rescue. Moved by their kindness, Xershid enrolled at a local tavern as a meanderer.
@54 After treating with apes, Xershid convinced them to help him found a tavern in Tabernacle Monarchy of Magawar for the purpose of wandering in search of breastplates. They named it the Potent Tavern.
@70 At a remote tavern, Xershid found an artifact that evoked the presence of a commanding breastplate. He named it Breastplatacus.
@74 While on an expedition through Tabernacle Monarchy of Magawar, Xershid lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a group of nearby unshelled reptiles came to his rescue. For the rest of his life, Xershid was indebted to unshelled reptiles.
@75 In 6788 BR, Xershid, Helmetborn, died of natural causes. He was 74 years old.
------------New location: the Commanding Workshop
------------New location: the Potent Tavern
*** Region added to history: Odeum Theocracy of Sharvappir ***
------------New location: Survamish Hollow
------------New location: Sursimrod
------------New location: Ad Grotto
------------New location: Avuh Morass
------------New location: Sagakish
------------New location: Shailimur
------------New location: Dukish
*** Region added to history: Tukesh ***
------------New location: Shappir
------------New location: Hashan Spire
------------New location: Old Tavuh
------------New location: Qabyppur Den
------------New location: Old Qarsimas
------------New location: Alaarravah
*** Region added to history: Shuner ***
------------New location: Sharuk
------------New location: Savuh
------------New location: the Shrine at Kiwar
------------New location: Shailishur Dune
------------New location: Shushur
@284 One auspicious day, a philosopher found a babe with a shrewd quill in each hand outside her college. She and her fellow philosophers adopted the babe and named him Xershid II.
@295 In 6568 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of Tukesh. He outlawed the practice of contemplating the meaning of things, and Xershid II was forced to flee.
@306 During a trek around Shuner, Xershid II lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a group of nearby arachnids came to his rescue. For the rest of his life, Xershid II was indebted to arachnids.
@309 While traveling through Tabernacle Monarchy of Magawar, Xershid II stopped at a market in the Potent Tavern. At an obscure shop, he purchased a philosophical floating orb and named it {{W-G-w-g-W-G-w-g sequence|Philosophical Xershidgift}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{W-G-w-g-W-G-w-g sequence|Philosophical Xershidgift}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left the Potent Tavern.
@324 While traveling through Tukesh, Xershid II stopped at a market in Old Qarsimas. At an obscure shop, he purchased an inquisitive breastplate and named it {{B-Y-b-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y sequence|Inquisitivaca Xershidboon}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{B-Y-b-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y sequence|Inquisitivaca Xershidboon}} in a foolhardy bet. He cursed the tavern and left Old Qarsimas.
@339 While wandering around Tukesh, Xershid II discovered the Shrine at Dagakesh. There he befriended mysterious strangers and reflected on the meaning of the experience.
@345 While traveling through Shuner, Xershid II stopped at a market in Sharuk. At an obscure shop, he purchased an inquisitive axe and named it {{G-b-G-B-b-G-G sequence|Inquisitivucus Xershidfriend}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{G-b-G-B-b-G-G sequence|Inquisitivucus Xershidfriend}} in a game of dice. He cursed the tavern and left Sharuk.
@356 While traveling through Shuner, Xershid II lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. By chance, a group of nearby scribes came to his rescue. Moved by their kindness, Xershid II enrolled at a local scriptorium as an underscribe.
@360 As he rode in Shuner, Xershid II's chariot was driven off a cliff by a nefarious gang of baboons. Luckily, a group of nearby scientists came to his rescue. Moved by their kindness, Xershid II enrolled at a local laboratory as a student.
@362 In 6501 BR, Xershid II assassinated the sultan of Qud over the sanctioned persecution of scientists. He won and seized the gilded scepter. He was eighty-four years old.
@365 In 6498 BR, Xershid II appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Odeum Theocracy of Sharvappir. He mandated association with arachnids in Xershid II's name.
@366 In 6497 BR, Xershid II, the Untitled, died of natural causes. He was 88 years old.
------------New location: the Shrine at Dagakesh
*** Region added to history: Saloon Democracy of Mikish ***
------------New location: Ekabyvuh
------------New location: Sutum Knot
------------New location: Sharqud
------------New location: Qappa Grotto
------------New location: the Hamlet of Surabal
*** Region added to history: Nad ***
------------New location: Sheggazor
------------New location: Mitum Steeple
------------New location: Dalep
------------New location: Irvazor
------------New location: Namas
------------New location: Temur
@600 On the night of a full moon in Nad, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Mitum Steeple. At the moment of his birth, a college was founded, and in celebration the people told stories and renewed friendships. The babe was named Xershid III, but the people called him Quillborn.
@609 While traveling alone in Nad, Xershid III got into a tavern brawl. For the rest of Xershid III's life, he always kept some hammers hidden on his person.
@623 After conferring with antelopes, Xershid III convinced them to help him found a workshop in Saloon Democracy of Mikish for the purpose of glassblowing scrolls. They named it the Inquisitive Workshop.
@632 Deep in the wilds of Saloon Democracy of Mikish, Xershid III discovered Shetara. There he befriended fish and helped sack a village and burn its homes to the ground.
@637 Throughout the entirety of 6226 BR, Xershid III laid waste to all of Nad, kidnapping the smartest children from the homes of mollusks and dogs. He became known as the Nad Woe.
@640 At a remote tavern, Xershid III met with a group of cooks and commissioned a feast that evoked the presence of a dominant sword. He named it Sword's Nursling.
@655 Deep in Nad, Xershid III stumbled upon a clan of equines performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone by filling him with existential despair, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@671 At a remote tavern, Xershid III met with a group of explorers and commissioned an artifact that evoked the presence of a shrewd quill. He named it Quillicus.
@682 In 6181 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of Nad. He outlawed association with equines, and Xershid III was forced to flee.
@689 Late in 6174 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of electricians, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because of Xershid III's shrewd eyes, he was chosen as the successor.
@689 In 6174 BR, Xershid III, Quillborn, the Nad Woe, died of natural causes. He was 97 years old.
------------New location: the Inquisitive Workshop
------------New location: Shetara
*** Region added to history: Tabernacle Theocracy of Aggavuh ***
------------New location: Old Kibappur
------------New location: Ted Cave
------------New location: Samrod
*** Region added to history: Saazolil ***
------------New location: Sapad
------------New location: Turvappir Cave
------------New location: Mamas
*** Region added to history: Arquwar ***
------------New location: Xershidabad
------------New location: Alamur
------------New location: Qappur
------------New location: Turatara Morass
@1459 On the anniversary of a great battle, a glassblower found a babe with a freezing icicle in each hand outside her workshop. She and her fellow glassblowers adopted the babe and named him Xershid IV.
@1468 While traveling near Turatara Morass in Arquwar, Xershid IV was captured by bandits. He murdered their leader by allowing her to continue living in a universe where heat death is inevitable, and was thenceforth known as Iciclecaller.
@1471 At the Battle of Qappur, Xershid IV fought as a mercenary to liberate tortoises. He wielded a frosty axe with such artfulness that it became forever known as Frosty, the Boon of Tortoises.
@1486 Waist deep in a lake of frost, Xershid IV cemented his friendship with newly sentient beings by marrying Shamish. In honor of the ceremony, the newly sentient beings bestowed upon Xershid IV a wedding gift they called {{m-Y-m-y-m-Y-m-y sequence|Matrimonyca, Newlygift}}.
@1494 While traveling alone in Arquwar, Xershid IV journeyed to a sacred shrine. From then on, he was obsessed with pairs of sandals.
@1498 Late in 5365 BR, after a bout of existential despair, the sultan of Qud abdicated the throne. Because of Xershid IV's reputation for ice sculpting, he was chosen as the successor.
@1514 At dawn under an uncanny and aurelion sky, the people of Turatara Morass saw an image on the horizon that looked like a block of ice bathed in aurelion. It was Xershid IV, and after he came and left Turatara Morass, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him the Aurelion Block of Ice.
@1522 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of skirring the stars, Xershid IV led an army to the gates of Dumish. He sacked Dumish and persecuted its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Xershidabad.
@1531 While traveling through Saloon Democracy of Mikish, Xershid IV stopped at a tavern in the Hamlet of Surabal. There he lost his prized {{m-Y-m-y-m-Y-m-y sequence|Matrimonyca, Newlygift}} in a game of dice. He cursed the tavern and left the Hamlet of Surabal.
@1534 Throughout the entirety of 5329 BR, Xershid IV ravaged all of Tabernacle Theocracy of Aggavuh, stealing oil from the heat lamps in the villages of cats and dogs. He became known as the Aggavuh Woe.
@1547 Deep in the wilds of Saazolil, Xershid IV discovered Ekagamish. There he befriended arachnids and painted pictures of beasts and monsters with flaming suns.
@1548 In 5315 BR, Xershid IV, Iciclecaller, Husband to Shamish, the Aurelion Block of Ice, the Aggavuh Woe, died of natural causes. He was 96 years old.
------------New location: Ekagamish
*** Region added to history: Ekaruk ***
------------New location: Har
------------New location: the Lustrous Havoc
*** Region added to history: Shavuh ***
------------New location: Old Tanemur
------------New location: Xershidgrad
*** Region added to history: Prison Theocracy of Duneshan ***
------------New location: Mippir
------------New location: Tappa
@3210 One night under the Beetle Moon, a babe was found swaddled on a sacred stone cairn with its mouth full of agate. That babe came to be known as Xershid V.
@3212 Deep in the wilds of Shavuh, Xershid V stumbled upon a clan of highly entropic beings performing a secret ritual. Because of her reputation for murdering someone with a dagger made of jasper, they accepted her into their fold and taught her their secrets.
@3214 In 3649 BR, Xershid V challenged the legitimacy of the sultan of Qud over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of adorning one's self with jewels. She won and took the reins of power. She was eleven years old.
@3224 Acting against the persecution of highly entropic beings, Xershid V led an army to the gates of Biggappa Den. She sacked Biggappa Den and persecuted its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Xershidgrad.
@3234 Throughout the entirety of 3629 BR, Xershid V wreaked havoc on all of Tabernacle Theocracy of Aggavuh, looting all the jewels from the homes of roots and arachnids. She became known as the Woe of Aggavuh.
@3239 While traveling around Tabernacle Theocracy of Aggavuh, Xershid V's chariot was driven off a cliff by a criminal band of roots. Luckily, a group of nearby gladiators came to her rescue. Moved by their kindness, Xershid V enrolled at a local arena as a slave.
@3255 On an expedition around Tabernacle Theocracy of Aggavuh, Xershid V was captured by bandits. She languished in captivity for eight years, eventually escaping to Old Kibappur.
@3270 While visiting an obscure arena in Tabernacle Theocracy of Aggavuh, Xershid V was gifted a boots that evoked the presence of a glittering sapphire. She named it Sapphiricus.
@3282 Deep in Tabernacle Theocracy of Aggavuh, Xershid V discovered Tushur. There she befriended cannibals and set a shining jasper stone into a newly forged talisman.
@3299 In 3564 BR, Xershid V won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Ekaruk at the bloody Battle of Damish Dune, though she lost her prized {{m-m-m-m-m-b-m-m-m sequence|Sapphiricus}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Damish Dune was so bristling with carnivorous geodes that it was renamed the Lustrous Havoc.
@3303 Deep in Prison Theocracy of Duneshan, Xershid V stumbled upon a clan of hermits performing a secret ritual. Because of her lustrous visage, they accepted her into their fold and taught her their secrets.
@3304 In 3559 BR, Xershid V, the Woe of Aggavuh, died of natural causes. She was 101 years old.
------------New location: Tushur
@6657 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@6690 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@6697 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@6723 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@6764 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of Forum Theocracy of Ar. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@6855 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@6860 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6860 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@6861 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6862 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@6862 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@6863 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@6864 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@6865 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@6868 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@6868 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
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*** Region added to history: Shutara Slums ***
------------New location: Qavuh Hollow
------------New location: Sheilid
------------New location: Shumrippa
------------New location: Karuk
------------New location: Sheppir
------------New location: Shakesh Hollow
------------New location: Subyshur Tangle
*** Region added to history: Urcheppar Ghetto ***
------------New location: Sabash Mesh
------------New location: Alavah Tangle
------------New location: Kirqakh Grotto
------------New location: the Shrine at Narqaruk
------------New location: Kamor
------------New location: Irad City
------------New location: the Freezing Decay
------------New location: Shervamor
@9 On the anniversary of a great battle, a geologist found a babe with its mouth full of ice outside her dig site. She and her fellow geologists adopted the babe and named her Irad.
@18 In 6904 BR, Irad won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Urcheppar Ghetto at the bloody Battle of New Shegamrod. As a result of the battle, New Shegamrod was so devastated by icy winds that it was renamed the Freezing Decay.
@30 Acting against labor laws restricting the rights of geologists, Irad led an army to the gates of Dupad. She liberated its citizens, and they declared her sultan of Qud, dowering her with the Kesil Face. In her honor they changed the name of Dupad to Irad City.
@38 One auspicious day, Irad broke bread with a pilgrim. For the rest of Irad's life, she always kept some compasses hidden on her person.
@51 Late in 6871 BR, after murdering a popular rival by trapping her in a hourglass, Irad's counselors suggested she let a regent rule in her place. Instead, she reassured her counselors by calmly explaining why she disagreed.
@66 Throughout 6856 BR, Irad laid waste to all of Shutara Slums, stealing oil from the heat lamps in the villages of cats and robots. She became known as the Sorrow of Shutara.
@76 While wandering around Shutara Slums, Irad discovered Mimrizor Den. There she befriended oozes and painted pictures of beasts and monsters with flaming suns.
@81 During a trek through Shutara Slums, Irad's chariot was driven off a cliff by a criminal party of cats. She was killed at 80 years old.
@94 In 6828 BR, the people learned that Irad's twin had been the one who died. Despite reports to the contrary, Irad was alive and well. She was known thenceforth as the Traveling Ghost.
@111 While visiting an obscure dig site in Shutara Slums, Irad dug up an artifact that evoked the presence of a frigid snowflake. She named it Snowflake's Cousin.
@111 In 6811 BR, Irad, the Sorrow of Shutara, the Traveling Ghost, died of natural causes. She was 110 years old.
------------New location: Mimrizor Den
*** Region added to history: Namrir Barrio ***
------------New location: Takesh
------------New location: Mimas Dune
------------New location: Sukesh
------------New location: Saramas
------------New location: Qabamur Mesh
------------New location: Qagavah Mesh
------------New location: the Hamlet of Danip
------------New location: Sabyvah Dune
*** Region added to history: Nawan Neighborhood ***
------------New location: Binna Tangle
------------New location: New Alarqawar
------------New location: Hagakh
------------New location: Iradgrad
------------New location: the Shrine at Nad
*** Region added to history: Mappur ***
------------New location: Dugawan
------------New location: Hakish Steeple
------------New location: Ursimrod Steeple
------------New location: Taramrod Grotto
------------New location: Karamas
------------New location: the Hamlet of Iazomish
------------New location: Shanna
------------New location: Sherqanna Dune
@166 At daybreak on the first day of summer, a babe was found swaddled with a prismatic prism in each hand by a group of arachnids in Nawan Neighborhood. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Irad II, Prismatic Seed of Arachnids.
@168 Late in 6754 BR, after murdering a popular rival by trapping her in a telescope, the sultan of Qud abdicated the throne. Because Irad II demanded it, he was chosen as the successor.
@173 At dusk under an uncanny and platinum sky, the people of New Alarqawar saw an image on the horizon that looked like a prism bathed in platinum. It was Irad II, and after he came and left New Alarqawar, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him the Platinum Prism.
@190 In a hall of mirrors, Irad II cemented his friendship with swine by marrying Zatahiki. To celebrate the union, the swine bestowed upon Irad II a wedding gift they called {{y-g-y-y-y-g-y-y sequence|Wedycus, Swinegift}}.
@202 Acting against the prohibition on the color platinum, Irad II led an army to the gates of Shud. He rescued its citizens, and in his honor they thenceforth called it Iradgrad.
@205 In 6717 BR, Irad II appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Nawan Neighborhood. She mandated association with arachnids in Irad II's name.
@210 After conferring with vines, Irad II convinced them to help him found a prayer yurt in Namrir Barrio for the purpose of contemplating how extraterrestrials might use prisms. They named it the Prayer Yurt of the Stained.
@219 At the Battle of Sabyvah Dune, Irad II fought as a mercenary sultan to subjugate baetyls. He wielded a prismatic dagger with such skill that it became forever known as Prismatic Baetylsbane.
@224 While traveling near Sabyvah Dune in Namrir Barrio, Irad II was captured by bandits. He languished in captivity for two years, eventually escaping to the Hamlet of Danip.
@236 In 6686 BR, Irad II plundered all of Mappur, shattering all the glass in the homes of highly entropic beings and birds. He became known as the Platinum Scourge of Mappur.
@237 In 6685 BR, Irad II, Prismatic Seed of Arachnids, the Platinum Prism, Zatahiki's Spouse, the Platinum Scourge of Mappur, died of natural causes. He was 77 years old.
------------New location: the Prayer Yurt of the Stained
*** Region added to history: Aazokh Slums ***
------------New location: Ekappa
------------New location: Kirvatum
------------New location: Kirvamish
------------New location: Tulil
------------New location: Kigamur
*** Region added to history: Dumrivuh Neighborhood ***
------------New location: Dominantflats
------------New location: Appa
------------New location: Tatum Steeple
------------New location: Mabashur
------------New location: Shatum
*** Region added to history: Duggappur ***
------------New location: Narqummu
------------New location: Mimrishan Hollow
------------New location: Kagammu Knot
------------New location: Ugganip Morass
------------New location: the Shrine at Tazor
@395 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled on a floating platform of polished chrome with its mouth full of bone. That babe came to be known as Irad III.
@411 While on a trek in Dumrivuh Neighborhood, Irad III's chariot was driven off a cliff by a nefarious troupe of trees. By chance, a group of nearby cats came to her rescue. For the rest of her life, Irad III was indebted to cats.
@419 Deep in the wilds of Dumrivuh Neighborhood, Irad III stumbled upon a clan of cannibals performing a secret ritual. Because of her commanding visage, they accepted her into their fold and taught her their secrets.
@436 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of hearing the lamentations of one's foes, Irad III led an army to the gates of Surchenip. She sacked Surchenip and persecuted its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Iradabad.
@441 In 6481 BR, Irad III challenged the sultan of Qud to a duel over the rights of cats. She won and proclaimed herself sultan. She was fifty-three years old.
@457 While traveling through Mappur, Irad III stopped at a market in Ursimrod Steeple. At an obscure shop, she purchased a mighty floating orb and named it {{Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-B-Y-Y sequence|Mighty Iradboon}}. Then she went to a nearby tavern and lost {{Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-B-Y-Y sequence|Mighty Iradboon}} in a foolhardy bet. She cursed the tavern and left Ursimrod Steeple.
@466 While traveling in Mappur, Irad III's chariot was driven off a cliff by a trickster gang of swine. She was killed at 78 years old.
@482 In 6440 BR, the people of Qud learned that Irad III had faked her death by switching places with her twin. Despite reports to the contrary, Irad III was alive and well. She was known thenceforth as the Potent Ghost of Mappur.
@493 In 6429 BR, Irad III appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Mappur. She mandated association with cats in Irad III's name.
@506 Late in 6416 BR, after several tumultuous years, Irad III's counselors suggested she let a regent rule in her place. Instead, she murdered each one by slaughtering her entire clan.
@508 Deep in Aazokh Slums, Irad III stumbled upon a clan of water barons performing a secret ritual. Because of her dominant eyes, they furiously rebuked her and declared her a villain to their kind.
@512 Deep in Duggappur, Irad III discovered Mimrod Cave. There she befriended unshelled reptiles and helped sack a village and burn its homes to the ground.
@513 In 6409 BR, Irad III, the Potent Ghost of Mappur, died of natural causes. She was 125 years old.
------------New location: Mimrod Cave
*** Region added to history: Birchezor Slums ***
------------New location: Karsikish
------------New location: Harsish
------------New location: Kishan Cave
*** Region added to history: Subymur ***
------------New location: Iradplatz
------------New location: Kad
------------New location: Tezor
------------New location: Irad City
@770 One night under the Beetle Moon, a historian found a babe with its mouth full of tiny gears outside her college. She and her fellow historians adopted the babe and named him Irad IV.
@774 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of hoarding atomic clocks, Irad IV led an army to the gates of Kaarrar. He freed its citizens, and they crowned him sultan of Qud, dowering him with the Levant Face. In his honor they changed the name of Kaarrar to Iradplatz.
@783 At a remote college, Irad IV authored an account that evoked the presence of an orbital hourglass. He named it Hourglass' Ecstasy.
@797 Waist deep in a lake of time itself, Irad IV cemented his friendship with philosophers by marrying Ekakh.
@798 Deep in the wilds of Subymur, Irad IV stumbled upon a clan of equines performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone with a dagger made of the fabric of time, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@806 While traveling in Subymur, Irad IV's chariot was driven off a cliff by a bandit clique of baetyls. Luckily, a group of nearby tinkers came to his rescue. Moved by their kindness, Irad IV enrolled at a local workshop as an apprentice.
@823 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of stopping time, Irad IV led an army to the gates of Dush. He sacked Dush and persecuted its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Irad City.
@838 Near the location of Irad City, Irad IV was captured by bandits. He murdered their leader by letting entropy feast on her flesh, and was thenceforth known as Atomicshouter.
@851 While traveling near Irad City in Subymur, Irad IV was captured by bandits. He languished in captivity for eight years, eventually escaping to Iradplatz.
@862 While traveling through Birchezor Slums, Irad IV stopped at a tavern in Harsish. There he lost his prized {{M-M-y-M-M-M-M-K-M sequence|Hourglass' Ecstasy}} in a game of dice. He cursed the tavern and left Harsish.
@862 In 6060 BR, Irad IV, Ekakh's Husband, Atomicshouter, died of natural causes. He was 98 years old.
*** Region added to history: Tebykish ***
------------New location: Sarchevah
------------New location: Kikish
*** Region added to history: Sumish ***
------------New location: the Dominant Badland
------------New location: Iwar Tangle
*** Region added to history: Hagabal ***
------------New location: Mirsippir
------------New location: Alaarravah Tangle
@2804 One night under the Beetle Moon, a babe was found swaddled with a mighty boots in each hand by a group of robots in Sumish. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Irad V, the Colossal Kin of Robots.
@2817 In 4105 BR, Irad V won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Sumish at the bloody Battle of Bippar Steeple. As a result of the battle, Bippar Steeple was so rife with smashed rubble that it was renamed the Dominant Badland.
@2827 Waist deep in a lake of crysteel, Irad V cemented his friendship with baboons by marrying Ooo-o-Ooo-O-AH-EE-Ee-Ooo o-o-Ho-E-OO-E-Oo-Ooo. To celebrate the occasion, the baboons bestowed upon Irad V a wedding gift they called {{C-y-c-y-C-y-c-y sequence|Matrimonaca, Baboonsboon}}.
@2834 After conferring with hermits, Irad V convinced them to help him found an academy in Nawan Neighborhood for the purpose of studying axes. They named it the Potent Academy.
@2849 While traveling through Dumrivuh Neighborhood, Irad V stopped at a tavern in Tatum Steeple. There he lost his prized {{C-y-c-y-C-y-c-y sequence|Matrimonaca, Baboonsboon}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Tatum Steeple.
@2863 While wandering around Dumrivuh Neighborhood, Irad V discovered the Hamlet of Bikesh. There he befriended crabs and helped sack a village and burn its homes to the ground.
@2879 In 4043 BR, Irad V won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Dumrivuh Neighborhood at the bloody Battle of Iradabad. As a result of the battle, Iradabad was so rife with smashed rubble that it was renamed Dominantflats.
@2881 While leading a small army in Dumrivuh Neighborhood, Irad V challenged the legitimacy of the sultan of Qud over the rights of baboons. He won and ascended to the throne. He was eighty-four years old.
@2896 In 4026 BR, Irad V appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Dumrivuh Neighborhood. He mandated the practice of making demands in Irad V's name.
@2898 While traveling through Tebykish, Irad V stopped at a market in Sarchevah. At an obscure shop, he purchased a commanding dagger and named it {{W-r-w-R-W-r-w-R sequence|Commanding Sister Iradfriend}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{W-r-w-R-W-r-w-R sequence|Commanding Sister Iradfriend}} to a local pickpocket. He cursed the tavern and left Sarchevah.
@2901 While wandering around Hagabal, Irad V discovered Mishan Mesh. There he befriended highly entropic beings and helped sack a village and burn its homes to the ground.
@2902 In 4020 BR, Irad V, the Colossal Kin of Robots, Husband to Ooo-o-Ooo-O-AH-EE-Ee-Ooo o-o-Ho-E-OO-E-Oo-Ooo, died of natural causes. He was 105 years old.
------------New location: the Potent Academy
------------New location: the Hamlet of Bikesh
------------New location: Mishan Mesh
@6716 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@6749 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@6756 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@6782 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@6823 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of Mappur. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@6914 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@6919 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6919 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@6920 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6921 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@6921 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@6922 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@6923 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@6924 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@6927 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@6927 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
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Failed to get faction:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
*** Region added to history: Shegalil ***
------------New location: Arvamish
------------New location: Mirakesh
------------New location: Urabal
------------New location: Tekish Mesh
------------New location: Kikh Steeple
------------New location: Umas
------------New location: Su-Thridatesgrad
*** Region added to history: Qarchemmu ***
------------New location: Uvah
------------New location: Archemrod Den
------------New location: Suruk
------------New location: Ekar
------------New location: Mamish
------------New location: Ekatara Spire
------------New location: Uazopad
------------New location: New Marqakh
*** Region added to history: the godless District of Ekaruk ***
------------New location: New Kabashur
------------New location: Shanip
------------New location: Samrizor Steeple
------------New location: Shagalil
------------New location: Shash Knot
------------New location: Alashan Hollow
------------New location: Kishan Tangle
------------New location: Kakh Tangle
------------New location: the Hamlet of Taruk
@9 One starry evening, a gambler found a babe with a fateful bad omen in each hand outside her gambling den. She and her fellow gamblers adopted the babe and named her Su-Thridates.
@23 While traveling through the godless District of Ekaruk, Su-Thridates stopped at a market in Kishan Tangle. At an obscure shop, she purchased a blessed floating orb and named it {{c-c-c-c-c-W-c-w-c sequence|Blessedyca Su-Thridatesgift}}. Then she went to a nearby tavern and lost {{c-c-c-c-c-W-c-w-c sequence|Blessedyca Su-Thridatesgift}} to a local thief. She cursed the tavern and left Kishan Tangle.
@39 After striking a deal with worms, Su-Thridates convinced them to help her found a gambling den in Shegalil for the purpose of making decisions by arbitrarily choosing charms. They named it the Weighted Gambling Den.
@49 One auspicious day, Su-Thridates had a dream that she was contemplating the meaning of things. For the rest of Su-Thridates's life, she always kept some scrolls hidden on her person.
@56 Late in 6246 BR, after murdering a popular rival by poisoning his water, the sultan of Qud was assassinated. Because of Su-Thridates' reputation for contemplating the meaning of things, she was chosen as the successor.
@68 Sometime in 6234 BR, after a bout of brain rust, Su-Thridates' counselors suggested she abdicate the throne. Instead, she spent the day interpreting omens from the observed flight of birds, and then continued her reign like nothing had happened.
@83 At a remote gambling den in Shegalil, Su-Thridates won in a bet a six-sided die that evoked the presence of a blessed token. She named it Tokenoca.
@99 While on an expedition in Shegalil, Su-Thridates' chariot was driven off a cliff by a bandit party of bears. Luckily, a group of nearby soldiers came to her rescue. Moved by their kindness, Su-Thridates enrolled at a local outpost as a recruit.
@103 Acting against the prohibition on the practice of rolling four-sided dice, Su-Thridates led an army to the gates of Marsinna Spire. She sacked Marsinna Spire and slaughtered its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Su-Thridatesgrad.
@117 While wandering around Qarchemmu, Su-Thridates discovered Teshan Tangle. There she befriended equines and helped sack a village and burn its homes to the ground.
@118 In 6184 BR, Su-Thridates, the Untitled, died of natural causes. She was 117 years old.
------------New location: the Weighted Gambling Den
------------New location: Teshan Tangle
*** Region added to history: Sheilimor ***
------------New location: Old Qaneppa
------------New location: Tappir Mesh
------------New location: Telil
------------New location: Turcheshan
------------New location: Alamas Dune
------------New location: the Desiccated Barren
*** Region added to history: Shawan ***
------------New location: Old Biwar
------------New location: Dumrikesh
------------New location: Aarravah Tangle
------------New location: Desiccatedwreck
------------New location: Dappa
*** Region added to history: the light-worshipping District of Kirqushan ***
------------New location: Shush
------------New location: Sabakish
------------New location: Ekammu Dune
------------New location: Shapad Knot
------------New location: Shemish Cave
------------New location: Alarqukish
------------New location: Old Shappur
@158 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with spices on its eyes by a group of robots in the light-worshipping District of Kirqushan. They took her into their fold and fostered her, and she became known as Su-Thridates II, Desiccated Heiress of Robots.
@161 In 6141 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of the light-worshipping District of Kirqushan. He outlawed association with robots, and Su-Thridates II was forced to flee.
@178 While wandering around Shegalil, Su-Thridates II discovered Karquppir. There she befriended fungi and fixed a satisfying meal.
@189 After conferring with swine, Su-Thridates II convinced them to help her found a workshop in Shawan for the purpose of glassblowing brine. They named it the Briny Workshop.
@192 While wandering around Shawan, Su-Thridates II discovered Sherchepad. There she befriended oozes and fixed a satisfying meal.
@205 Inside a colossal spice root, Su-Thridates II cemented her friendship with glassblowers by marrying Dulep.
@221 In 6081 BR, Su-Thridates II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Shawan at the bloody Battle of Kamrilep. As a result of the battle, Kamrilep was so evaporated of all moisture that it was renamed Desiccatedwreck.
@223 Sometime in 6079 BR, after a bout of brain mites, the sultan of Qud was assassinated. Because of Su-Thridates II's reputation for water fasting, she was chosen as the successor.
@231 Acting against labor laws restricting the rights of glassblowers, Su-Thridates II led an army to the gates of the Briny Workshop. She rescued its citizens, and in her honor they thenceforth called it Su-Thridates City.
@246 In 6056 BR, Su-Thridates II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Sheilimor at the bloody Battle of Saggavuh Mesh. As a result of the battle, Saggavuh Mesh was so evaporated of all moisture that it was renamed the Desiccated Barren.
@247 In 6055 BR, Su-Thridates II, Desiccated Heiress of Robots, Dulep's Wife, died of natural causes. She was 95 years old.
------------New location: Karquppir
------------New location: Su-Thridates City
------------New location: Sherchepad
*** Region added to history: the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor ***
------------New location: Mapad
------------New location: Mamor
------------New location: Shrewdbadland
------------New location: Oroledatesgrad
*** Region added to history: the stone-worshipping District of Kirqatum ***
------------New location: Hanna
------------New location: Alapad
------------New location: Kinewar
------------New location: Sumur
------------New location: Taazobal Mesh
------------New location: Kammu Grotto
*** Region added to history: the miniature-worshipping District of Dulil ***
------------New location: Durquppur Grotto
------------New location: Danna
------------New location: Duarranna
------------New location: the Shrine at Tepad
------------New location: Alakesh Hollow
------------New location: Sarvawar
@398 On the anniversary of a great battle in the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Mamor. At the moment of his birth, a famous scientist completed her work on a legendary quill, and in celebration the people cried out in joy. The babe was named Yarad, but the people called him Quillborn.
@414 One auspicious day, Yarad had a dream that he was water fasting. For the rest of Yarad's life, he always kept some spices hidden on his person.
@423 While traveling in the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor, Yarad's chariot was driven off a cliff by a nefarious clique of flowers. By the grace of fate, a group of nearby trees came to his rescue. For the rest of his life, Yarad was indebted to trees.
@432 While traveling through the stone-worshipping District of Kirqatum, Yarad stopped at a market in Hanna. At an obscure shop, he purchased a shrewd hammer and named it {{Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-C-Y sequence|Shrewduca Yaradgift}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-C-Y sequence|Shrewduca Yaradgift}} to a local pickpocket. He cursed the tavern and left Hanna.
@436 In 5866 BR, Yarad ravaged all of Shawan, sowing with salt the fields of urchins and pariahs. He became known as the Shawan Terror.
@445 At dusk under an uncanny and ebony sky, the people of Dumrikesh saw an image on the horizon that looked like a scroll bathed in ebony. It was Yarad, and after he came and left Dumrikesh, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Scroll-in-Ebony.
@454 Throughout the entirety of 5848 BR, Yarad rampaged through all of the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor, sowing with salt the fields of flowers and crabs. He became known as the Ebony Bane of Teazozor.
@458 At first light under an uncanny and aurelion sky, the people of Qavuh saw an image on the horizon that looked like a salt bathed in aurelion. It was Yarad, and after he came and left Qavuh, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him the Aurelion Salt.
@468 Deep in the wilds of the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor, Yarad stumbled upon a clan of roots performing a secret ritual. Because of his salt-spangled eyes, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@479 In 5823 BR, Yarad challenged the sultan of Qud to a duel over the rights of trees. He won and ascended to the throne. He was eighty-seven years old.
@480 While traveling through the miniature-worshipping District of Dulil, Yarad stopped at a market in Sarvawar. At an obscure shop, he purchased a salt-spangled hammer and named it {{r-g-r-G-r-g-r-G sequence|Salt-Spangled Yaradboon}}. Then he went to a nearby tavern and lost {{r-g-r-G-r-g-r-G sequence|Salt-Spangled Yaradboon}} to a local thief. He cursed the tavern and left Sarvawar.
@480 In 5822 BR, Yarad, Quillborn, the Shawan Terror, Scroll-in-Ebony, the Ebony Bane of Teazozor, the Aurelion Salt, died of natural causes. He was 88 years old.
*** Region added to history: the arbitrarily-worshipping District of Shesh ***
------------New location: Harsiwar
------------New location: Dappir Spire
------------New location: Sarakh Spire
*** Region added to history: the inkwell-worshipping District of Sunewan ***
------------New location: Harsipad Tangle
------------New location: Harchelil Grotto
------------New location: Birvakish Knot
*** Region added to history: the bottle-worshipping District of Alakh ***
------------New location: Survapad
------------New location: Luckyquagmire
------------New location: Tabakesh
------------New location: Ekamor
@1887 One night under the Beetle Moon in the inkwell-worshipping District of Sunewan, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Harchelil Grotto. At the moment of his birth, a charm was found in every home, and in celebration the people cried out in joy. The babe was named Oroledates, but the people called him Charmborn.
@1890 In 4412 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of the inkwell-worshipping District of Sunewan. She outlawed the practice of determining outcomes by chance, and Oroledates was forced to flee.
@1904 One auspicious day, Oroledates had a dream that he was contemplating the meaning of things. From that day forth, he was obsessed with scrolls.
@1916 While visiting an obscure prayer yurt in Qarchemmu, Oroledates met with a group of stargazers and commissioned an allegory that evoked the presence of a fateful bad omen. He named it Badica.
@1917 At the Battle of Ekar, Oroledates fought as a mercenary to subjugate antelopes. He wielded an inquisitive dagger with such artfulness that it became forever known as Inquisitive Antelopeswoe.
@1922 At the Battle of Uazopad, Oroledates fought as a mercenary to liberate baetyls. He wielded a fateful dagger with such agility that it became forever known as Fatefulocus Baetylsboon.
@1938 While traveling near Uazopad in Qarchemmu, Oroledates was captured by bandits. He languished in captivity for six years, eventually escaping to Uvah.
@1956 At first light under a weird and silver sky, the people of Teshan Tangle saw an image on the horizon that looked like a quill bathed in silver. It was Oroledates, and after he came and left Teshan Tangle, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Quill-in-Silver.
@1965 In a cathedral ornamented with tokens, Oroledates cemented his friendship with apes by marrying Ookomokookumukom. In honor of the ceremony, the apes bestowed upon Oroledates a wedding gift they called {{M-y-m-y-M-y-m-y sequence|The Promise of Marriage, Apesgrant}}.
@1973 Sometime in 4329 BR, after murdering a popular rival by cooking him for sustenance, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because of Oroledates' philosophical eyes, he was chosen as the successor.
@1984 While traveling through the arbitrarily-worshipping District of Shesh, Oroledates stopped at a tavern in Sarakh Spire. There he lost his prized {{G-G-C-G-G-G-G-G-G sequence|Inquisitive Antelopeswoe}} in a foolhardy bet. He cursed the tavern and left Sarakh Spire.
@1987 In 4315 BR, Oroledates won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the bottle-worshipping District of Alakh at the bloody Battle of Alanesh, though he lost his prized {{c-r-c-r-c-R-c sequence|Fatefulocus Baetylsboon}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Alanesh was so rife with bad omens that it was renamed Luckyquagmire.
@1988 In 4314 BR, Oroledates, Charmborn, Quill-in-Silver, Husband of Ookomokookumukom, died of natural causes. He was 109 years old.
*** Region added to history: Taazomas ***
------------New location: Sabazor
------------New location: Philosophicalmoor
*** Region added to history: Narvashan ***
------------New location: New Durchemrod
------------New location: the Inquisitive Ruin
@3684 At daybreak on the first day of winter in Taazomas, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Taarranip. At the moment of her birth, a college was founded, and in celebration the people told stories and renewed friendships. The babe was named Oroledates II, but the people called her Quillborn.
@3693 Near the location of Taarranip, Oroledates II was captured by bandits. She languished in captivity for two years, eventually escaping to Sabazor.
@3698 At noon under a weird and magnolia sky, the people of Taarranip saw an image on the horizon that looked like an inkwell bathed in magnolia. It was Oroledates II, and after she came and left Taarranip, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her Inkwell-in-Magnolia.
@3706 After striking a deal with dogs, Oroledates II convinced them to help her found an outpost in Narvashan for the purpose of hoarding the spoils of looted quills. They named it the Outpost of the Shrewd.
@3713 In 2589 BR, Oroledates II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Narvashan at the bloody Battle of Duilish Mesh. As a result of the battle, Duilish Mesh was so rife with burnt books and corroded data disks that it was renamed the Inquisitive Ruin.
@3724 While traveling through the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor, Oroledates II stopped at a market in Mapad. At an obscure shop, she purchased a shrewd gloves and named it {{w-w-w-w-B-w-w-w-w sequence|Shrewdoca Oroledatesgift}}. Then she went to a nearby tavern and lost {{w-w-w-w-B-w-w-w-w sequence|Shrewdoca Oroledatesgift}} to a local pickpocket. She cursed the tavern and left Mapad.
@3726 Acting against the persecution of dogs, Oroledates II led an army to the gates of Qavuh. She sacked Qavuh and persecuted its citizens, forcing them to change its name to Oroledatesgrad.
@3730 In 2572 BR, Oroledates II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor at the bloody Battle of Mirqunip Hollow. As a result of the battle, Mirqunip Hollow was so rife with burnt books and corroded data disks that it was renamed Shrewdbadland.
@3734 At dusk under a rare and turquoise sky, the people of Mamor saw an image on the horizon that looked like a scroll bathed in turquoise. It was Oroledates II, and after she came and left Mamor, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her Scroll-in-Turquoise.
@3748 While leading a small army in the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor, Oroledates II challenged the sultan of Qud to a duel over an ordinance prohibiting the practice of taking measurements. She won and took the crown. She was seventy years old.
@3763 In 2539 BR, Oroledates II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Taazomas at the bloody Battle of Taarranip. As a result of the battle, Taarranip was so rife with burnt books and corroded data disks that it was renamed Philosophicalmoor.
@3764 In 2538 BR, Oroledates II, Quillborn, Inkwell-in-Magnolia, Scroll-in-Turquoise, died of natural causes. She was 86 years old.
------------New location: the Outpost of the Shrewd
@6096 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@6129 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@6136 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@6162 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@6203 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of the hourglass-worshipping District of Teazozor. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@6294 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@6299 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6299 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@6300 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6301 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@6301 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@6302 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@6303 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@6304 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@6307 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@6307 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
*** Region added to history: the mace-worshipping City-State of Bimish ***
------------New location: Kimmu Morass
------------New location: Kippur Cave
------------New location: Uarrazor Mesh
------------New location: Tumor
------------New location: Darqur
------------New location: Damrimor
------------New location: Shad
------------New location: Tumrivuh
*** Region added to history: the quill-worshipping Aristocracy of Sheppir ***
------------New location: Shabyr Hollow
------------New location: Ekarquvah
------------New location: Dutum
------------New location: Kabal Cave
------------New location: Miilippar Grotto
------------New location: Kippar
------------New location: Ekaazomur
*** Region added to history: the inkwell-worshipping Theocracy of Terchetara ***
------------New location: the Shrine at Surawar
------------New location: Kimas Morass
------------New location: Alamas Mesh
------------New location: Ipad Knot
------------New location: Had
------------New location: Terchebal
------------New location: Hamrod
------------New location: Namrod Den
@7 On the anniversary of a great battle, a babe was found swaddled with vacuum tubes on its eyes by a group of fungi in the mace-worshipping City-State of Bimish. They took her into their fold and fostered her, and she became known as Yyledukht, Digital Heir of Fungi.
@16 In a cathedral ornamented with vacuum tubes, Yyledukht cemented her friendship with mysterious strangers by marrying Nashi-Shur. To honor the affair, the mysterious strangers bestowed upon Yyledukht a wedding gift they called {{w-w-w-w-c-w-w-c-w sequence|The Mite of Betrothed, Mysteriousboon}}.
@30 While on a trek around the mace-worshipping City-State of Bimish, Yyledukht lost control of her chariot and drove it off a cliff. Fortuitously, a group of nearby electricians came to her rescue. Moved by their kindness, Yyledukht enrolled at a local workshop as an apprentice.
@47 At the Battle of Kippur Cave, Yyledukht fought to liberate fungi. She wielded a computerized hammer with such prowess that it became forever known as Computerized Moon Fungiboon.
@52 At dusk under a marvelous and scarlet sky, the people of Shad saw an image on the horizon that looked like a logic gate bathed in scarlet. It was Yyledukht, and after she came and left Shad, the people built a monument to her, and thenceforth called her the Scarlet Logic Gate.
@65 Waist deep in a lake of electric current, Yyledukht cemented her friendship with antelopes by marrying Gnagnoognamagnat. In celebration of the ceremony, the antelopes bestowed upon Yyledukht a wedding gift they called {{c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c sequence|Unionucus, Antelopesdower}}.
@81 Late in 6258 BR, after murdering a popular rival by pursuing her to exhaustion, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because of Yyledukht's reputation for murdering someone by wiring her to hundreds of logic gates, she was chosen as the successor.
@86 Somewhere in the mace-worshipping City-State of Bimish, Yyledukht had a dream that she was contemplating the meaning of things. For the rest of Yyledukht's life, she always kept some quills hidden on her person.
@102 While reciting her favorite treatise, Yyledukht cemented her friendship with highly entropic beings by marrying Birvatum. To show their appreciation, the highly entropic beings bestowed upon Yyledukht a wedding gift they called {{Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y sequence|Unionucus, Highlydower}}.
@111 While wandering around the quill-worshipping Aristocracy of Sheppir, Yyledukht stumbled upon a clan of vines performing a secret ritual. Because of her analog eyes, they furiously rebuked her and declared her a villain to their kind.
@127 Deep in the wilds of the inkwell-worshipping Theocracy of Terchetara, Yyledukht stumbled upon a clan of fish performing a secret ritual. Because of her shrewd eyes, they accepted her into their fold and taught her their secrets.
@128 In 6211 BR, Yyledukht, Digital Heir of Fungi, Mate to Nashi-Shur, the Scarlet Logic Gate, Gnagnoognamagnat's Wife, Wife to Birvatum, died of natural causes. She was 127 years old.
*** Region added to history: Awan ***
------------New location: Qaarrammu
------------New location: Darqamas
------------New location: Tebyppir
------------New location: Alamrimur
------------New location: Miilipad
------------New location: the Shrine at Kibazor
------------New location: Mitum
*** Region added to history: Hakh ***
------------New location: Namrippir
------------New location: the Hamlet of Unip
------------New location: Mamrod Dune
------------New location: Old Ad
------------New location: Old Daruk
------------New location: Qapad Steeple
*** Region added to history: the glass-worshipping Monarchy of Sursinip ***
------------New location: Shuruk
------------New location: Aramor
------------New location: New Shammu
------------New location: the Shrine at Tepad
------------New location: Durqumish
------------New location: the Hamlet of Alabywar
@225 On the night of a full moon, a gambler found a babe with its mouth full of silver outside her gambling den. She and her fellow gamblers adopted the babe and named her Oroyu-Pur.
@238 At the Battle of Old Daruk, Oroyu-Pur fought as a mercenary to liberate robots. She wielded a lucky sword with such agility that it became forever known as Luckica, the Friend of Robots.
@252 Inside a colossal token, Oroyu-Pur cemented her friendship with philosophers by marrying Tappur.
@268 While wandering around Hakh, Oroyu-Pur discovered Shummu Spire. There she befriended mysterious strangers and reflected on the meaning of the experience.
@280 During a trek through Hakh, Oroyu-Pur lost control of her chariot and drove it off a cliff. By the grace of fate, a group of nearby vines came to her rescue. For the rest of her life, Oroyu-Pur was indebted to vines.
@293 While on a trek in Hakh, Oroyu-Pur's chariot was driven off a cliff by a trickster gang of arachnids. By chance, a group of nearby tortoises came to her rescue. For the rest of her life, Oroyu-Pur was indebted to tortoises.
@299 After striking a deal with highly entropic beings, Oroyu-Pur convinced them to help her found a college in the inkwell-worshipping Theocracy of Terchetara for the purpose of deciphering the meaning of vessels of the Fates. They named it the College of the Lucky.
@311 While traveling through the glass-worshipping Monarchy of Sursinip, Oroyu-Pur stopped at a tavern in Aramor. There she lost her prized {{K-K-y-y-Y-y-Y-y-K-K-y-y sequence|Luckica, the Friend of Robots}} in a game of dice. She cursed the tavern and left Aramor.
@323 In 6016 BR, a corrupt administrator was appointed minister of the glass-worshipping Monarchy of Sursinip. She outlawed the practice of flipping coins, and Oroyu-Pur was forced to flee.
@327 Early in 6012 BR, after murdering a popular rival by swilling the moisture from his skin, the sultan of Qud disappeared. Because of Oroyu-Pur's reputation for flipping coins, she was chosen as the successor.
@333 In 6006 BR, Oroyu-Pur appointed a corrupt administrator as minister of Awan. He mandated the practice of rolling four-sided dice in Oroyu-Pur's name.
@334 In 6005 BR, Oroyu-Pur, Wife of Tappur, died of natural causes. She was 115 years old.
------------New location: Shummu Spire
------------New location: the College of the Lucky
*** Region added to history: the sultan-worshipping Theocracy of Alavah ***
------------New location: Shuppur Grotto
------------New location: Talep
------------New location: Mashur
------------New location: Tulep
------------New location: the Hamlet of Sursiwan
*** Region added to history: the godless Republic of Sharcher ***
------------New location: the Hamlet of Mimur
------------New location: Orbitaldunes
------------New location: Shukh Dune
------------New location: Shumrikish
------------New location: Tarsibal Morass
@747 One night under the Beetle Moon in the godless Republic of Sharcher, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Shukh Dune. At the moment of his birth, a miniature clock stopped working in every home, and in celebration the people told stories and renewed friendships. The babe was named Yyledukht II, but the people called him Miniatureborn.
@757 At the Battle of Shumrikish, Yyledukht II fought as a mercenary to liberate robots. He wielded a boundless sword with such agility that it became forever known as Boundlessaca, the Friend of Robots.
@771 While wandering around the godless Republic of Sharcher, Yyledukht II stumbled upon a clan of insects performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone with a dagger made of tiny gears, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@784 In 5555 BR, Yyledukht II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the godless Republic of Sharcher at the bloody Battle of Tuwan Tangle, though he lost his prized {{y-w-K-W-y-w-K-W sequence|Boundlessaca, the Friend of Robots}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Tuwan Tangle was so rife with stray portals to other places and times that it was renamed Orbitaldunes.
@801 During an expedition through the godless Republic of Sharcher, Yyledukht II's chariot was driven off a cliff by a trickster party of insects. He was killed at 60 years old.
@811 In 5528 BR, the people learned that Yyledukht II had faked his death by switching places with his twin. Despite reports to the contrary, Yyledukht II was alive and well. He was known thenceforth as the Orbital Wraith of the Godless Republic of Sharcher.
@816 Deep in the wilds of the godless Republic of Sharcher, Yyledukht II stumbled upon a clan of birds performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone by trapping her in a hourglass, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@819 While visiting an obscure dig site in the godless Republic of Sharcher, Yyledukht II met with a group of geologists and commissioned an artifact that evoked the presence of a perpetual moment in time chosen arbitrarily. He named it Momenticus.
@831 At the Battle of the Hamlet of Mimur, Yyledukht II fought to subjugate birds. He wielded a periodic sword with such deftness that it became forever known as Periodicyca Birdswoe.
@842 Late in 5497 BR, after several tumultuous years, the sultan of Qud died under mysterious circumstances. Because Yyledukht II demanded it, he was chosen as the successor.
@855 Deep in the wilds of the sultan-worshipping Theocracy of Alavah, Yyledukht II stumbled upon a clan of dogs performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone with a dagger made of tiny gears, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@856 In 5483 BR, Yyledukht II, Miniatureborn, the Orbital Wraith of the Godless Republic of Sharcher, died of natural causes. He was 115 years old.
*** Region added to history: the godless Aristocracy of Tatum ***
------------New location: the Shrine at Habymur
------------New location: Namrikish
------------New location: Alarsilil Mesh
*** Region added to history: the sultan-worshipping Democracy of Imrimas ***
------------New location: Ekash Tangle
------------New location: Shappa
------------New location: the Desiccated Moor
*** Region added to history: Sheruk ***
------------New location: Mammu
------------New location: Miilippar Steeple
------------New location: Brinybadland
------------New location: the Hamlet of Dubylep
@2005 At daybreak on the first day of autumn in Sheruk, a healthy child was born to the sultan at the Hamlet of Dubylep. At the moment of his birth, the taste of leaf filled everyone's mouth, and in celebration the people cried out in joy. The babe was named Oroyu-Pur II, but the people called him Leafborn.
@2016 At the Battle of Miilippar Steeple, Oroyu-Pur II fought as a mercenary to liberate hermits. He wielded a salt-spangled dagger with such deftness that it became forever known as Salt-Spangled, the Gift of Hermits.
@2031 In 4308 BR, Oroyu-Pur II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of Sheruk at the bloody Battle of Kiggappur, though he lost his prized {{R-C-r-c-R-C-r-c sequence|Salt-Spangled, the Gift of Hermits}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Kiggappur was so evaporated of all moisture that it was renamed Brinybadland.
@2035 Throughout the entirety of 4304 BR, Oroyu-Pur II rampaged through all of the sultan-worshipping Theocracy of Alavah, sowing with salt the fields of robots and baetyls. He became known as the Alavah Sorrow.
@2042 At first light under an uncanny and aquamarine sky, the people of Shuppur Grotto saw an image on the horizon that looked like a salt bathed in aquamarine. It was Oroyu-Pur II, and after he came and left Shuppur Grotto, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him the Aquamarine Salt.
@2047 At the Battle of Talep, Oroyu-Pur II fought to liberate hermits. He wielded a salt-spangled axe with such prowess that it became forever known as Salt-Spangledecus Hermitsfriend.
@2055 Deep in the sultan-Worshipping Theocracy of Alavah, Oroyu-Pur II discovered Harqulil Morass. There he befriended winged mammals and fixed a satisfying meal.
@2064 While traveling near Harqulil Morass in the sultan-worshipping Theocracy of Alavah, Oroyu-Pur II was captured by bandits. He murdered their leader by poisoning his water, and was thenceforth known as Rootcaller.
@2070 Deep in the sultan-worshipping Theocracy of Alavah, Oroyu-Pur II stumbled upon a clan of fish performing a secret ritual. Because of his salt-spangled visage, they furiously rebuked him and declared him a villain to their kind.
@2074 Early in 4265 BR, after having made enemies with a collective of gladiators, the sultan of Qud was assassinated. Because of Oroyu-Pur II's desiccated eyes, he was chosen as the successor.
@2079 While wandering around the godless Aristocracy of Tatum, Oroyu-Pur II stumbled upon a clan of grazing hedonists performing a secret ritual. Because of his reputation for murdering someone by swilling the moisture from his skin, they accepted him into their fold and taught him their secrets.
@2093 In 4246 BR, Oroyu-Pur II won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the sultan-worshipping Democracy of Imrimas at the bloody Battle of Aner, though he lost his prized {{Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-G-Y sequence|Salt-Spangledecus Hermitsfriend}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, Aner was so evaporated of all moisture that it was renamed the Desiccated Moor.
@2094 In 4245 BR, Oroyu-Pur II, Leafborn, the Alavah Sorrow, the Aquamarine Salt, Rootcaller, died of natural causes. He was 97 years old.
------------New location: Harqulil Morass
*** Region added to history: Kibykh ***
------------New location: Shumrod Cave
------------New location: Ippur
*** Region added to history: the prism-worshipping Monarchy of Sumrod ***
------------New location: Alailipad Knot
------------New location: Fatefuldecay
*** Region added to history: the godless Theocracy of Ummu ***
------------New location: Harchekesh Tangle
------------New location: the Blessed Badland
@3277 One night under the Beetle Moon in the prism-worshipping Monarchy of Sumrod, a healthy child was born to the sultan at Alailipad Knot. At the moment of her birth, a famous gambler completed her work on a legendary token, and in celebration the people cried out in joy. The babe was named Damed, but the people called her Tokenborn.
@3278 After choosing a spouse at random, Damed cemented her friendship with frogs by marrying Apoxtomo. In celebration of the occasion, the frogs bestowed upon Damed a wedding gift they called {{Y-Y-w-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y sequence|Lovycus, Frogsboon}}.
@3280 After striking a deal with newly sentient beings, Damed convinced them to help her found a college in the godless Aristocracy of Tatum for the purpose of interpreting the history of bad omens. They named it the Fortuitous College.
@3287 In a cathedral ornamented with charms, Damed cemented her friendship with window makers by marrying Shatara.
@3291 In 3048 BR, Damed won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the godless Aristocracy of Tatum at the bloody Battle of the Fortuitous College, though she lost her prized {{Y-Y-w-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y sequence|Lovycus, Frogsboon}} during the course of the conflict. As a result of the battle, the Fortuitous College was so rife with bad omens that it was renamed Charmedmarsh.
@3294 While leading a small army in the godless Aristocracy of Tatum, Damed challenged the sultan of Qud to a duel over the rights of frogs. She won and took the reins of power. She was twenty-four years old.
@3302 At a remote workshop in the godless Aristocracy of Tatum, Damed blew a shield that evoked the presence of a random eight-sided die. She named it Mother of Eight-Sided.
@3306 Deep in the godless Aristocracy of Tatum, Damed discovered Sharsibal. There she befriended fungi and played games of chance through the night.
@3309 Deep in the wilds of the godless Aristocracy of Tatum, Damed stumbled upon a clan of succulents performing a secret ritual. Because of her arbitrary eyes, they furiously rebuked her and declared her a villain to their kind.
@3319 While traveling through Kibykh, Damed stopped at a tavern in Shumrod Cave. There she lost her prized {{C-C-C-M-C-C-M-C sequence|Mother of Eight-Sided}} to a local pickpocket. She cursed the tavern and left Shumrod Cave.
@3330 In 3009 BR, Damed won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the prism-worshipping Monarchy of Sumrod at the bloody Battle of Duwan. As a result of the battle, Duwan was so rife with bad omens that it was renamed Fatefuldecay.
@3347 In 2992 BR, Damed won a decisive victory against the combined forces of the godless Theocracy of Ummu at the bloody Battle of Sawar. As a result of the battle, Sawar was so rife with bad omens that it was renamed the Blessed Badland.
@3348 In 2991 BR, Damed, Tokenborn, Wife of Apoxtomo, Spouse to Shatara, died of natural causes. She was 78 years old.
------------New location: Charmedmarsh
------------New location: Sharsibal
@6133 One starry evening, a babe was found swaddled with its mouth full of circuits by a group of baetyls in Red Rock. They took him into their fold and fostered him, and he became known as Resheph, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls.
@6166 While traveling alone through the Rust Wells, Resheph came across a trove of gleaming stars in a bottle. From that day forth, he always kept some stardust on his person.
@6173 While traveling near Bethesda Susa, Resheph lost control of his chariot and drove it off a cliff. Luckily, a local physician named Rebekah came to his rescue. Moved by her kindness, Resheph enrolled at a nearby hospice as her apprentice.
@6199 Acting against a prohibition on the practice of worshipping the stars, Resheph led an army to the gates of Omonporch. There he defeated his brothers in battle and liberated its citizens, and they crowned him the sultan of Qud.
@6240 In 99 BR, Resheph appointed Rebekah administrator of the sultan-worshipping Democracy of Imrimas. She tendered alms for the sick in his name.
@6331 After conferring with mysterious strangers, Resheph convinced them to help him found a harborage for the purpose of receiving visitors from across the clustered cosmos. They named it Starfarer's Quay.
@6336 In 3 BR, the Gyre widened, and the first triad of plagues afflicted the land. The water was poisoned with salt, girshlings ravaged the fruit and wheat, and tongues rotted away in the mouths of kith and kin. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6336 In 3 BR, Rebekah betrayed Resheph by stealing the Mark of Death from the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters. In punishment, Resheph excommunicated her from the sultanate.
@6337 In 2 BR, the Gyre widened, and the second triad of plagues afflicted the land. The legs of kith and kin annealed to iron, darkness bloomed from the earth, and the svardym blackened the sky. Resheph walked below the chrome arches and healed the sick.
@6338 At Starfarer's Quay, Resheph consulted with mysterious strangers and learned the secret of the Gyre. By cause of the misdeeds of the elder saads and sultans, star beings had levied a curse on Qud. Resheph vowed to make right from this wrong and redeem our doomed world.
@6338 In 1 BR, the Gyre widened, and the final plague afflicted the land. The Girsh Nephilim rose from their cradles on the Moon Stair and slouched toward Qud to eat its young. Resheph rose to meet them in battle and cast them back.
@6339 In 1 AR, Resheph closed the gates to the Tomb of the Eaters, abdicated the throne, and dissolved the sultanate in order to lift the curse of the Gyre.
@6340 In 2 AR, Rebekah died of glotrot, and on her deathbed Resheph forgave her and absolved her of sin. He allowed her to be buried in the village of Ezra, outside the gate to the Tomb of the Eaters and beneath the shadow of the Spindle.
@6341 In 3 AR, Resheph cleansed the marshlands of the plagues of the Gyre and taught Abram to sow watervine along its fertile tracks.
@6344 At twilight in the shadow of the Spindle, the people of Omonporch saw an image on the horizon that looked like a ghost bathed in cerulean. It was Resheph, and after he came and left Omonporch, the people built a monument to him, and thenceforth called him Ghost-in-Cerulean.
@6344 In 6 AR, Resheph, the Above, Ghost-in-Cerulean, the Coiled Lamb of Baetyls, died of natural causes. He was 216 years old.
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