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Working on TensorFlow Ranking

Alex Egg eggie5

Working on TensorFlow Ranking
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peter0749 /
Created August 18, 2018 11:23
Keras Layer/Function of Learning a Deep Listwise Context Model for Ranking Refinement
def att_loss(y_true, y_pred):
def att_(x):
a = tf.where(x>0, K.exp(x), K.zeros_like(x))
return a / (K.sum(a, axis=-1, keepdims=True)+K.epsilon())
y_true_a = att_(y_true)
y_pred_a = att_(y_pred)
loss = K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true_a, y_pred_a), axis=-1)
return loss
lioutasb /
Created July 26, 2018 23:09
Tensorflow implementation of Mean Reciprocal Rank (mrr) metric compatible with tf.Estimator
import tensorflow as tf
def mrr_metric(labels, predictions, weights=None,
with tf.name_scope(name, 'mrr_metric', [predictions, labels, weights]) as scope:
ed-alertedh /
Last active April 16, 2024 18:57
Utility functions to check for corruption in tfrecord files
import tensorflow as tf
def validate_dataset(filenames, reader_opts=None):
Attempt to iterate over every record in the supplied iterable of TFRecord filenames
:param filenames: iterable of filenames to read
:param reader_opts: (optional) tf.python_io.TFRecordOptions to use when constructing the record iterator
i = 0
omoindrot /
Last active August 26, 2024 22:38
Example TensorFlow script for fine-tuning a VGG model (uses
Example TensorFlow script for finetuning a VGG model on your own data.
Uses module which is in release v1.2
Based on PyTorch example from Justin Johnson
Required packages: tensorflow (v1.2)
Download the weights trained on ImageNet for VGG:
shagunsodhani / Learning to Generate Reviews and Discovering
Last active January 30, 2020 22:27
Notes for "Learning to Generate Reviews and Discovering Sentiment" paper

Learning to Generate Reviews and Discovering Sentiment


The authors train a character-RNN (using mLSTM units) over Amazon Product Reviews (82 million reviews) and use the char-RNN as the feature extractor for sentiment analysis. These unsupervised features beat state of the art results for the dataset while are outperformed by supervised approaches on other datasets. Most important observation is that the authors find a single neuron (called as the sentiment neuron) which alone achieves a test accuracy of 92.3% thus giving the impression that the sentiment concept has been captured in that single neuron. Switching this neuron on (or off) during the generative process produces positive (or negative) reviews.


  • The paper aims to evaluate if the low level features captured by char-RNN can support learning of high-level representations.

FWIW: I (@rondy) am not the creator of the content shared here, which is an excerpt from Edmond Lau's book. I simply copied and pasted it from another location and saved it as a personal note, before it gained popularity on Unfortunately, I cannot recall the exact origin of the original source, nor was I able to find the author's name, so I am can't provide the appropriate credits.

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

fchollet /
Last active July 23, 2024 16:32
Fine-tuning a Keras model. Updated to the Keras 2.0 API.
'''This script goes along the blog post
"Building powerful image classification models using very little data"
It uses data that can be downloaded at:
In our setup, we:
- created a data/ folder
- created train/ and validation/ subfolders inside data/
- created cats/ and dogs/ subfolders inside train/ and validation/
- put the cat pictures index 0-999 in data/train/cats
jgillman /
Last active June 9, 2024 00:46
pg_restore a local db dump into Docker
# Assumes the database container is named 'db'
DOCKER_DB_NAME="$(docker-compose ps -q db)"
docker-compose up -d db
docker exec -i "${DOCKER_DB_NAME}" pg_restore -C --clean --no-acl --no-owner -U "${DB_USER}" -d "${DB_HOSTNAME}" < "${LOCAL_DUMP_PATH}"
docker-compose stop db
charanpald /
Created January 26, 2016 13:34
Generate MovieLens recommendations using the SVD
# Run some recommendation experiments using MovieLens 100K
import pandas
import numpy
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
data_dir = "data/ml-100k/"
data_shape = (943, 1682)
astrojuanlu /
Created December 28, 2015 19:04
Python implementation of Spark reduceByKey()
from functools import reduce
from itertools import groupby
def reduceByKey(func, iterable):
"""Reduce by key.
Equivalent to the Spark counterpart
Inspired by