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acorn1010 / createGlobalStore.ts
Last active August 8, 2024 23:10
Easier Zustand store
import {SetStateAction, useCallback} from 'react';
import {create} from "zustand";
export type EqualityFn<T> = (left: T | null | undefined, right: T | null | undefined) => boolean;
export type StoreType<State> = {
use<K extends keyof State>(
key: K,
defaultValue?: State[K],
equalityFn?: EqualityFn<State[K]>,
ryanburnette / Caddyfile
Last active September 11, 2024 09:13
Caddy v2.1+ CORS whitelist
(cors) {
@cors_preflight{args.0} method OPTIONS
@cors{args.0} header Origin {args.0}
handle @cors_preflight{args.0} {
header {
Access-Control-Allow-Origin "{args.0}"
Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS"
Access-Control-Allow-Headers *
Access-Control-Max-Age "3600"
swyxio / createCtx-noNullCheck.tsx
Last active May 4, 2023 02:15
better createContext APIs with setters, and no default values, in Typescript. this is documented in
// create context with no upfront defaultValue
// without having to do undefined check all the time
function createCtx<A>() {
const ctx = React.createContext<A | undefined>(undefined)
function useCtx() {
const c = React.useContext(ctx)
if (!c) throw new Error("useCtx must be inside a Provider with a value")
return c
return [useCtx, ctx.Provider] as const
jakub-g /
Last active April 13, 2024 12:22
Will it double-fetch? Browser behavior with `module` / `nomodule` scripts
mahlamusa / extend-wp-rest-api.php
Last active June 1, 2023 10:38
Extend WordPress REST API with custom rest fields and endpoints
* Register custom rest fields
add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'register_custom_fields' );
* Register rest fields and endpoint
function Mutilator(data, name, context) {
this.n = name || `mutilation-${+new Date()}`;
this.d = data;
this.c = context || window;
this.isArr = function(p) {
return this.d[p].constructor == Array;
this.dispatch = function(p, v, t) {
new CustomEvent(this.n, {
hofmannsven /
Created December 6, 2017 00:32
Increase key repeat rate on macOS

Increase key repeat rate on macOS

Settings: System Preferences » Keyboard » Key Repeat/Delay Until Repeat

Use the commands below to increase the key repeat rate on macOS beyond the possible settings via the user interface. The changes aren't applied until you restart your computer.


VlooMan / Highlight CPT Archive and wp_nav_menu parents
Last active May 23, 2023 17:15
Highlight the CPT (Custom Post Type) Archive & its Parents ("current-menu-parent") & its Ancestors ("current-menu-ancestor") in the WordPress Navigation wp_nav_menu() when viewing the Archive itself or a single detail page of the CPT. Let's say you have CPT called "projects" and you have a WordPress menu set as "My Work (link to a page) > Projec…
* Gist Name: Highlight CPT Archive and wp_nav_menu parents
* Author: VlooMan
* Author URI:
* Highlight the CPT (Custom Post Type) Archive & its Parents ("current-menu-parent")
* & its Ancestors ("current-menu-ancestor") in the WordPress Navigation wp_nav_menu() when viewing the Archive itself
* or a single detail page of the CPT.
* Let's say you have CPT called "projects" and you have a WordPress menu set as
robertpainsi /
Last active September 19, 2024 14:00
Commit message guidelines

Commit Message Guidelines

Short (72 chars or less) summary

More detailed explanatory text. Wrap it to 72 characters. The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely).

Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed
bug" or "Fixes bug." This convention matches up with commit messages