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Created April 10, 2018 14:04
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Guice Dynamic Proxy Feature Toggles
public @interface Disabled {}
public @interface Enabled {}
public @interface Feature {
String key();
public class FeatureFlipAnnotationTest {
private static final Injector INJECTOR = Guice.createInjector(new FeatureFlipTestModule());
private static final SomeFeature SOME_FEATURE = INJECTOR.getInstance(SomeFeature.class);
public void test_enabled() {
assertThat(, is("enabled"));
public void test_disabled() {
assertThat(, is("disabled"));
@Feature(key = "test_key")
public interface SomeFeature {
String foo();
public static class EnabledImplementation implements SomeFeature {
public String foo() {
return "enabled";
public static class DisabledImplementation implements SomeFeature {
public String foo() {
return "disabled";
public static class SomeFeatureProvider extends FeatureFlipProxyProvider<SomeFeature> {
public SomeFeatureProvider(FeatureFlip featureFlip,
@Enabled SomeFeature enabledImplementation,
@Disabled SomeFeature disabledImplementation) {
super(SomeFeature.class, featureFlip, enabledImplementation, disabledImplementation);
public static class FeatureFlipTestModule extends AbstractModule {
public static final FeatureFlip MOCK_FEATURE_FLIP = mock(FeatureFlip.class);
protected void configure() {
public abstract class FeatureFlipProxyProvider<T> implements Provider<T> {
private final T proxy;
protected FeatureFlipProxyProvider(Class<T> type,
FeatureFlip featureFlip,
T enabledImplementation,
T disabledImplementation) {
Feature feature = type.getAnnotation(Feature.class);
if (feature == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(type.getName() + " must be annotated with @Feature");
String key = feature.key();
ClassLoader classLoader = FeatureFlipProxyProvider.class.getClassLoader();
Class<?>[] interfaces = {type};
proxy = (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, interfaces,
(proxy1, method, args) -> featureFlip.isFeatureEnabled(key) ?
method.invoke(enabledImplementation, args) :
method.invoke(disabledImplementation, args));
public T get() {
return proxy;
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