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Created January 13, 2013 05:54
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Arduino RGB lamp
/* Click and Press+Hold RGB lamp
By Eddie Samuels
To keep input interfaces simple, I want to use a single button to:
1) cycle trough colors
2) press and hold to enter mood lamp mode
int buttonPin = 2; // analog input pin to use as a digital input
int redLed = 9; // digital output pin red led
int greenLed = 11; // digital output pin for green led
int blueLed = 10;
int debounce = 20; // ms debounce period to prevent flickering when pressing or releasing the button
int holdTime = 2000; // ms hold period: how long to wait for press+hold event
// Button variables
int buttonVal = 0; // value read from button
int buttonLast = 0; // buffered value of the button's previous state
long btnDnTime; // time the button was pressed down
long btnUpTime; // time the button was released
boolean ignoreUp = false; // whether to ignore the button release because the click+hold was triggered
// LED variables
int ledVal = 0; // state of LED 1
void color(int colorVal){
if (colorVal == 1){
digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);
if (colorVal == 2){
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);
if (colorVal == 3){
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLed, HIGH);
if (colorVal == 4){
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLed, HIGH);
if (colorVal == 5){
digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);
if (colorVal == 6){
digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLed, HIGH);
if (colorVal == 7){
digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueLed, HIGH);
if (colorVal == 8){
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);
ledVal = 0;
//Fade Up
void fadeUp(int led){
int fadeValue;
for(fadeValue = 0 ; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue++) {
analogWrite(led, fadeValue);
//Fade Down
void fadeDown(int led){
int fadeValue;
for(fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue--) {
analogWrite(led, fadeValue);
void setup(){
// Set button input pin
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(buttonPin, HIGH );
// Set LED output pins
pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueLed, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
// Read the state of the button
buttonVal = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// Test for button pressed and store the down time
if (buttonVal == LOW && buttonLast == HIGH && (millis() - btnUpTime) > long(debounce)){
btnDnTime = millis();
// Test for button release and store the up time
if (buttonVal == HIGH && buttonLast == LOW && (millis() - btnDnTime) > long(debounce)){
if (ignoreUp == false) event1();
else ignoreUp = false;
btnUpTime = millis();
// Test for button held down for longer than the hold time
if (buttonVal == LOW && (millis() - btnDnTime) > long(holdTime)){
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW);
ignoreUp = true;
btnDnTime = millis();
buttonLast = buttonVal;
// Events to trigger by click and press+hold
void event1()
void event2(){
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