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Created June 21, 2017 20:03
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Dual channel Arduino/AVR oscilloscope
* dual-scope.c: Dual channel Arduino/AVR oscilloscope.
* This program alternatively samples analog inputs 0 and 1, with an
* overall sampling rate of about 9615 samp/s (one sample every 104 us),
* i.e. 4808 samp/s per channel. The samples are output as 8-bit binary
* through the serial port at 115200/8N1. A fixed 16-byte ASCII prologue
* is sent at program startup, before the actual binary data, for
* synchronization purposes. The first byte sent after the prologue is a
* sample from channel 0.
* Program internals: The analog-to-digital converter is set to "free
* running mode". The ADC ISR transfers the samples through the serial
* port and switches the ADC multiplexer in order to sample both
* channels.
* Target platform: This program is intended for an Arduino Uno, but it
* does not use the Arduino libraries. It can be compiled either as a
* .ino "sketch" or as a plain C file. It is likely to work on most
* ATmega microcontrollers having an ADC and clocked at 16 MHz.
* Copyright (c) 2017 Edgar Bonet Orozco.
* Released under the terms of the MIT license:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define BAUD 115200 // serial port baud rate
#define BAUD_TOL 3 // increase the baud rate tolerance to 3%
#include <util/setbaud.h> // compute USE_2X and UBRR_VALUE
#define PROLOGUE "== STARTING ==\r\n"
// ADC interrupt service routine.
// Output the 8-bit ADC reading through the serial port.
// Switch between ADC channels 0 and 1.
int main(void)
// Configure the serial port.
UCSR0A = USE_2X << U2X0; // double speed if needed
UCSR0B = _BV(TXEN0); // enable only the transmitter
UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) // character size = 8 bits
| _BV(UCSZ01); // ...ditto
UBRR0 = UBRR_VALUE; // set baud rate
// Send the prologue.
for (const char *p = PROLOGUE; *p; p++) {
UDR0 = *p; // output
loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0); // flush
// Configure the ADC in "free running mode".
DIDR0 = _BV(ADC0D) // disable the digital inputs ADC0...
| _BV(ADC1D); // ...and ADC1
ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) // voltage reference = AVCC
| _BV(ADLAR) // left adjust result
| 0; // initial input channel = ADC0
ADCSRB = 0; // auto trigger source = self
ADCSRA = _BV(ADEN) // enable ADC
| _BV(ADSC) // start first conversion
| _BV(ADATE) // enable auto trigger
| _BV(ADIF) // clear interrupt flag
| _BV(ADIE) // enable interrupt
| 7; // prescaler = 128
_delay_us(9); // let the conversion start
ADMUX |= _BV(MUX0); // first channel switch
// Sleep while waiting for interrupts.
for (;;)
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