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Created October 15, 2022 22:58
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# Parse the output of a duplicati run and upload to prometheus. Assumes duplicati is running in kubernetes and the gateway is as well.
# Also requires that duplicati is run with the following commands:
# --run-script-after=/scripts/ --run-script-result-output-format=json
import os
import prometheus_client
import json
json_filename = os.environ.get('DUPLICATI__RESULTFILE', '/tmp/latest_duplicati_resultfile.json')
if json_filename is None:
raise Exception(f'Failed to get $DUPLICATI__RESULTFILE! ({json_filename})')
contents = {}
with open(json_filename, 'rt') as fp:
contents = json.load(fp)
data = contents.get('Data', {})
prefix = "duplicati"
def do_flatten(obj, local_prefix, result_list):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
key = f'{local_prefix}_{k}'.lower()
do_flatten(v, f'{key}', result_list)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
elif isinstance(obj, (int, str)) or obj is None:
result_list.append((local_prefix, obj))
raise Exception(f"Unhandled type: {type(obj)}")
flattened = []
do_flatten(contents, local_prefix=prefix, result_list=flattened)
prom_registry = prometheus_client.CollectorRegistry()
for item in flattened:
name, value = item
g = prometheus_client.Gauge(name, name, registry=prom_registry)
prometheus_client.push_to_gateway('prometheus-pushgateway.prometheus.svc.cluster.local.:9091', job="batch", registry=prom_registry)
print(f'Done sending {len(flattened):,} metrics.')
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