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Working from home

Lu Dang eclipselu

Working from home
  • Kitchener, Ontario
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Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Quick Guide for programmers
Last updated October 2018
Contact: Omar Cornut <XXXXXX
raysan5 /
Last active September 21, 2024 00:21
A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines



A couple of weeks ago I played (and finished) A Plague Tale, a game by Asobo Studio. I was really captivated by the game, not only by the beautiful graphics but also by the story and the locations in the game. I decided to investigate a bit about the game tech and I was surprised to see it was developed with a custom engine by a relatively small studio. I know there are some companies using custom engines but it's very difficult to find a detailed market study with that kind of information curated and updated. So this article.

Nowadays lots of companies choose engines like Unreal or Unity for their games (or that's what lot of people think) because d

d7samurai /
Last active September 10, 2024 08:32
Minimal D3D11

Minimal D3D11

Minimal D3D11 reference implementation: An uncluttered Direct3D 11 setup + basic rendering primer and API familiarizer. Complete, runnable Windows application contained in a single function and laid out in a linear, step-by-step fashion that should be easy to follow from the code alone. ~200 LOC. No modern C++, OOP or (other) obscuring cruft. View on YouTube


Also check out Minimal D3D11 pt2, reconfigured for instanced rendering and with a smaller, tighter, simplified overall code structure, or Minimal D3D11 pt3, with shadowmapping + showcasing a range of alternative setup and rendering techniques.

seanjensengrey / octal_x86.txt
Last active August 23, 2024 23:26
x86 is an octal machine
# source:
From: (Mark Hopkins)
Newsgroups: alt.lang.asm
Subject: A Summary of the 80486 Opcodes and Instructions
(1) The 80x86 is an Octal Machine
This is a follow-up and revision of an article posted in alt.lang.asm on
7-5-92 concerning the 80x86 instruction encoding.
The only proper way to understand 80x86 coding is to realize that ALL 80x86
OlegIlyenko / Event-stream based GraphQL
Last active July 4, 2024 07:31
Event-stream based GraphQL subscriptions for real-time updates

In this gist I would like to describe an idea for GraphQL subscriptions. It was inspired by conversations about subscriptions in the GraphQL slack channel and different GH issues, like #89 and #411.

Conceptual Model

At the moment GraphQL allows 2 types of queries:

  • query
  • mutation

Reference implementation also adds the third type: subscription. It does not have any semantics yet, so here I would like to propose one possible semantics interpretation and the reasoning behind it.

eclipselu / requirements.txt
Last active August 30, 2015 10:18 — forked from mrluanma/requirements.txt
Python 登录新浪微博(requests 真的比 urllib2 强了 2^^32 倍 pip install requests)
staltz /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
GuoJing / rbtree.c
Last active September 29, 2022 15:06
simple rbtree source code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int BLACK = 0;
int RED = 1;
struct node {
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
struct node *parent;
gruber / Liberal Regex Pattern for Web URLs
Last active September 9, 2024 04:24
Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching Web URLs
The regex patterns in this gist are intended only to match web URLs -- http,
https, and naked domains like "". For a pattern that attempts to
match all URLs, regardless of protocol, see:
# Single-line version:
// Talk is cheap. Show me the code. - Linus Torvalds
public abstract class CalculatorBase : IDisposable {
protected void StartCore() {
// ...