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Last active December 14, 2021 06:42
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Algorithm for Day 14 of Advent of Code 2021
package main
import (
type Output struct {
Pair1, Pair2 string
NewElement string
type Step struct {
Pairs map[string]int
Count map[string]int
func main() {
// 0. load your input
data := []string{
"CH -> B",
"HH -> N",
"CB -> H",
"NH -> C",
"HB -> C",
"HC -> B",
"HN -> C",
"NN -> C",
"BH -> H",
"NC -> B",
"NB -> B",
"BN -> B",
"BB -> N",
"BC -> B",
"CC -> N",
"CN -> C",
// 1. create rules
// e.g. for the rule "NN -> C", this maps NN -> { (NC, CN), C }
rules := map[string]Output{}
// rule data starts from the line index 2
for _, rule := range data[2:] {
var in, out string
fmt.Sscanf(rule, "%s -> %s", &in, &out)
rules[in] = Output{
Pair1: string(in[0]) + out,
Pair2: out + string(in[1]),
NewElement: out,
// 2. convert input polymer to internal format
s := NewStep(data[0])
// 3. execute 40 steps
for i := 0; i < 40; i++ {
s = next(s, rules)
// 4. find the min and max counts
min := math.MaxInt
max := 0
for _, v := range s.Count {
if v < min {
min = v
if v > max {
max = v
// 5. print out your answer
fmt.Println(max - min)
func next(in *Step, rules map[string]Output) *Step {
// 0. init a new struct to hold the next step
out := &Step{
Pairs: map[string]int{},
Count: map[string]int{},
// 1. copy all existing counts over
for k, v := range in.Count {
out.Count[k] = v
// 2. pairs don't get copied over -> they are expanded into different pairs
// for each pair, increment the count of the new pairs that it becomes,
// and also increment the count for the new element that gets inserted
for p, count := range in.Pairs {
t := rules[p]
out.Pairs[t.Pair1] += count
out.Pairs[t.Pair2] += count
out.Count[t.NewElement] += count
return out
func NewStep(in string) *Step {
s := &Step{
Pairs: map[string]int{}, // pairs in the polymer and how many of each
Count: map[string]int{}, // elements in the polymer and how many of each
// 1. take every pair in the polymer and add it to Pairs
for i := 0; i < len(in)-1; i++ {
pair := in[i : i+2]
// 2. count every element in the polymer and add it to Counts
// (you could do this with the previous loop)
for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ {
return s
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echojc commented Dec 14, 2021

The idea is that instead of keeping track of the entire polymer as a string (or array, or whatever), we only keep track of:

  1. the number of each possible pairing of elements
  2. the count of each element

For example, consider the input polymer "NN" using the rules from the example input in the problem description:


NN -> NC, CN (+C)
NC -> NB, BC (+B)
CN -> CC, CN  (+C)
NB -> NB BB (+B)
BC -> BB BC (+B)
CC -> CN NC (+N)
BB -> BN NB (+N)


0: 1 NN (2N)
1: 1 NC, 1 CN (2N 1C)
2: 1 NB, 1 BC, 1 CC, 1 CN (2N 1B 2C)
3: NB, 2BB, BC, 2CN, NC, CC (+3B 3N 3C)
4: 4NB 2BB 2BN 2BC 2CC 3CN NC (+6B 6N 5C)

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echojc commented Dec 14, 2021

On further thought, you don't actually need to keep track of the counts. Each element, except for the first and last elements, exist twice in the pairs - another way to say this is that each one is part of two pairs, except for the first and the last, which are only part of 1 pair each.

In other words, instead of keeping track of the counts separate, you can just keep track of the pairs. To get a count, simply count the number of occurrences of each element in the pairs, add 1 to the count of each of the first and last elements, then divide the count by 2.

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