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Created December 19, 2021 23:13
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My solution for Day 19 of Advent of Code 2021.
package main
import (
// ScanResult is just a type alias - we treat this as a set
type ScanResult map[Vector3]bool
// Vector3 holds a point in 3D space and has basic helper functions such as
// Add(), Sub(), Inverse(), and so on
type Vector3 struct {
X, Y, Z int
func main() {
scans := parseData(exampleData())
//scans := parseData(actualData())
// init the ocean with points from scans[0] - this will be our reference
// coordinate system and all other points are mapped to this
ocean := ScanResult{}
for p := range scans[0] {
ocean[p] = true
// track all scanner locations
scannerLocs := []Vector3{Vector3{0, 0, 0}}
// scans is what is left to map
// remove scans[0] since we have already added that to the ocean
scans = scans[1:]
// until all scans are mapped
for len(scans) > 0 {
// we want to keep trying to map every scan, but we don't know the order, so
// we just keep trying them until there is enough data in the ocean to map
// them all
for i := len(scans) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// loop backwards so we can delete from the array as we go
// for each scan, try all rotations to find a fit
for rotID := 0; rotID < 24; rotID++ {
// To determine a fit:
// - take a pair of points, one from each scan result and assume they
// are the same point
// - find the offset for the current rotation and store it
// - if this rotation is a fit, multiple points (>12) will have the
// same offset
offsets := map[Vector3]int{}
for knownPoint := range ocean {
for p := range scans[i] {
offset := p.Rotate(rotID).Sub(knownPoint)
for offset, count := range offsets {
if count >= 12 { // found a valid mapping
// scanner is at the inverse of the translation vector
scanner := offset.Inverse()
scannerLocs = append(scannerLocs, scanner)
// adjust each point in this scan relative to scans[0] and add it
// to the ocean for other scans to match against
for p := range scans[i] {
mappedPoint := p.Rotate(rotID).Add(scanner)
ocean[mappedPoint] = true
fmt.Println(rotID, scanner, count)
// done with the current scanresult, remove it
scans = append(scans[:i], scans[i+1:]...)
continue outer
fmt.Println("Part 1:", len(ocean))
maxDist := 0
for i := 0; i < len(scannerLocs); i++ {
for j := 1; j < len(scannerLocs); j++ {
dist := scannerLocs[i].Dist(scannerLocs[j])
if dist > maxDist {
maxDist = dist
fmt.Println("Part 2:", maxDist)
func (v Vector3) Dist(w Vector3) int {
return int(math.Abs(float64(v.X-w.X)) +
math.Abs(float64(v.Y-w.Y)) +
func (v Vector3) Add(w Vector3) Vector3 {
return Vector3{
X: v.X + w.X,
Y: v.Y + w.Y,
Z: v.Z + w.Z,
func (v Vector3) Sub(w Vector3) Vector3 {
return Vector3{
X: v.X - w.X,
Y: v.Y - w.Y,
Z: v.Z - w.Z,
func (v Vector3) Inverse() Vector3 {
return Vector3{-v.X, -v.Y, -v.Z}
/// Rotate takes an int 0-23 to represent one of the 24 3D rotations
func (v Vector3) Rotate(id int) Vector3 {
switch id {
case 0:
return Vector3{v.X, v.Y, v.Z}
case 1:
return Vector3{v.X, -v.Z, v.Y}
case 2:
return Vector3{v.X, -v.Y, -v.Z}
case 3:
return Vector3{v.X, v.Z, -v.Y}
case 4:
return Vector3{-v.X, -v.Y, v.Z}
case 5:
return Vector3{-v.X, -v.Z, -v.Y}
case 6:
return Vector3{-v.X, v.Y, -v.Z}
case 7:
return Vector3{-v.X, v.Z, v.Y}
case 8:
return Vector3{v.Y, v.X, -v.Z}
case 9:
return Vector3{v.Y, -v.X, v.Z}
case 10:
return Vector3{v.Y, v.Z, v.X}
case 11:
return Vector3{v.Y, -v.Z, -v.X}
case 12:
return Vector3{-v.Y, v.X, v.Z}
case 13:
return Vector3{-v.Y, -v.X, -v.Z}
case 14:
return Vector3{-v.Y, -v.Z, v.X}
case 15:
return Vector3{-v.Y, v.Z, -v.X}
case 16:
return Vector3{v.Z, v.X, v.Y}
case 17:
return Vector3{v.Z, -v.X, -v.Y}
case 18:
return Vector3{v.Z, -v.Y, v.X}
case 19:
return Vector3{v.Z, v.Y, -v.X}
case 20:
return Vector3{-v.Z, v.X, -v.Y}
case 21:
return Vector3{-v.Z, -v.X, v.Y}
case 22:
return Vector3{-v.Z, v.Y, v.X}
case 23:
return Vector3{-v.Z, -v.Y, -v.X}
func actualData() []string {
// load your input
return nil
func exampleData() []string {
return []string{
"--- scanner 0 ---",
"--- scanner 1 ---",
"--- scanner 2 ---",
"--- scanner 3 ---",
"--- scanner 4 ---",
func parseData(data []string) []ScanResult {
scans := []ScanResult{}
var scan ScanResult
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
if data[i] == "" {
if strings.Index(data[i], "scanner") >= 0 {
scan = ScanResult{}
scans = append(scans, scan)
v := Vector3{}
fmt.Sscanf(data[i], "%d,%d,%d", &v.X, &v.Y, &v.Z)
scan[v] = true
return scans
func (s ScanResult) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
sep := ""
for p := range s {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", p))
sep = " "
return sb.String()
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