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Created November 30, 2023 17:03
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Experimentation script for the new Neovim color scheme
-- Code for tweaking new default Neovim color scheme for PR #?????
-- It defines an overall look based on a handful of hyperparameters.
-- General goals:
-- - Be "Neovim branded", i.e. follow outlined example from
-- That generally means to mostly have "green-blue" feel plus at least one
-- reserved for very occasional attention: red for severe, yellow for mild.
-- - Be extra minimal for `notermguicolors` while allowing more shades for
-- when `termguicolors` is set.
-- - Be accessible, i.e. have enough contrast ratios (CR):
-- - Fully passable `Normal` highlight group: CR>=7.
-- - Passable `Visual` highlight group (with `Normal` foreground): CR>=4.5.
-- - Passable comment in current line (foreground from `Comment` and
-- background from `CursorLine`): CR>=4.5.
-- - Passable diff highlight groups: CR>=4.5.
-- - Passable 'Search' highlight group: CR>=4.5.
-- - Have dark and light variants be a simple exchange of dark and light
-- palettes (as this is easier to implement).
-- - Be usable for more than one person.
-- What this script does:
-- - Computes dark and light palettes based on hyperparameters.
-- - Creates a buffer with the following information about palettes:
-- - Dark and light palettes themselves.
-- - Values of target contrast ratios.
-- - Their 8-bit color approximations to be used with `ctermfg`/`ctermbg`.
-- - Copy-pasteable lines defining colors in 'src/nvim/highlight_group.c'.
-- - Enables the currently defined color scheme.
-- NOTE: All manipulation is done in Oklch color space.
-- Get interactive view at
-- Install to have this working
local colors = require('mini.colors')
-- Hyperparameters ============================================================
-- They are applied both to dark and light pallete, and indicate how far from
-- corresponding edge (0 for dark and 100 for light) it should be.
-- Level meaning for dark color scheme (reverse for light one):
-- - Level 1 is background for floating windows.
-- - Level 2 is basic lightness. Used in `Normal` (both bg and fg).
-- - Level 3 is `CursorLine` background.
-- - Level 4 is `Visual` background and `Comment` foreground.
-- Value for level 2 is taken from #14790 (as lightness of #1e1e1e).
-- Others are the result of experiments to have passable contrast ratios.
local l = { 6, 13, 20, 35 }
-- Chosen experimentally. Darker colors usually need higher chroma to appear
-- visibly different (combined with proper gamut clipping)
local c = { grey = 1, light = 10, dark = 15 }
-- - Grey is used for UI background and foreground. It is not exactly an
-- achromatic grey, but a "colored grey" (very desaturated colors). It adds
-- at least some character to the color scheme.
-- Choice 270 implements "cold" UI. Tweak to get a different feel. Examples:
-- - 90 for warm.
-- - 180 for neutral cyan.
-- - 0 for neutral pink.
-- - Red hue is taken roughly the same as in reference #D96D6A
-- - Green hue is taken roughly the same as in reference #87FFAF
-- - Cyan hue is taken roughly the same as in reference #00E6E6
-- - Yellow, blue, and magenta are chosen to be visibly different from others.
local h = {
grey = 270,
red = 25,
yellow = 90,
green = 150,
cyan = 195,
blue = 240,
magenta = 330,
local show_data_buffer = true
local apply_colorscheme = true
-- Palettes ===================================================================
local convert = function(L, C, H) return colors.convert({ l = L, c = C, h = H }, 'hex', { gamut_clip = 'cusp' }) end
local round = function(x) return math.floor(10 * x + 0.5) / 10 end
--stylua: ignore
local palette_dark = {
grey1 = convert(l[1], c.grey, h.grey), -- NormalFloat
grey2 = convert(l[2], c.grey, h.grey), -- Normal bg
grey3 = convert(l[3], c.grey, h.grey), -- CursorLine
grey4 = convert(l[4], c.grey, h.grey), -- Visual
red = convert(l[2], c.dark,, -- DiffDelete
yellow = convert(l[2], c.dark, h.yellow), -- Search
green = convert(l[2], c.dark,, -- DiffAdd
cyan = convert(l[2], c.dark, h.cyan), -- DiffChange
blue = convert(l[2], c.dark,,
magenta = convert(l[2], c.dark, h.magenta),
--stylua: ignore
local palette_light = {
grey1 = convert(100 - l[1], c.grey, h.grey),
grey2 = convert(100 - l[2], c.grey, h.grey), -- Normal fg
grey3 = convert(100 - l[3], c.grey, h.grey),
grey4 = convert(100 - l[4], c.grey, h.grey), -- Comment
red = convert(100 - l[2], c.light,, -- DiagnosticError
yellow = convert(100 - l[2], c.light, h.yellow), -- DiagnosticWarn
green = convert(100 - l[2], c.light,, -- String, DiagnosticOk
cyan = convert(100 - l[2], c.light, h.cyan), -- Function, DiagnosticInfo
blue = convert(100 - l[2], c.light,, -- Identifier, DiagnosticHint
magenta = convert(100 - l[2], c.light, h.magenta),
-- 8-bit color approximations =================================================
local convert_to_8bit = function(hex) return require('mini.colors').convert(hex, '8-bit') end
local cterm_palette_dark = vim.tbl_map(convert_to_8bit, palette_dark)
local cterm_palette_light = vim.tbl_map(convert_to_8bit, palette_light)
-- Oklch color representations ================================================
local convert_to_oklch = function(hex)
local res = require('mini.colors').convert(hex, 'oklch')
return vim.tbl_map(round, res)
local oklch_palette_dark = vim.tbl_map(convert_to_oklch, palette_dark)
local oklch_palette_light = vim.tbl_map(convert_to_oklch, palette_light)
-- Contrast ratios ============================================================
local correct_channel = function(x) return x <= 0.04045 and (x / 12.92) or math.pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) end
-- Source:
local get_luminance = function(hex)
local rgb = colors.convert(hex, 'rgb')
-- Convert decimal color to [0; 1]
local r, g, b = rgb.r / 255, rgb.g / 255, rgb.b / 255
-- Correct channels
local R, G, B = correct_channel(r), correct_channel(g), correct_channel(b)
return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
-- Source:
local get_contrast_ratio = function(hex_fg, hex_bg)
local lum_fg, lum_bg = get_luminance(hex_fg), get_luminance(hex_bg)
local res = (math.max(lum_bg, lum_fg) + 0.05) / (math.min(lum_bg, lum_fg) + 0.05)
-- Track only one decimal digit
return round(res)
--stylua: ignore
local contrast_ratios = {
dark_normal = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.grey2, palette_dark.grey2),
dark_cur_line = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.grey2, palette_dark.grey3),
dark_visual = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.grey2, palette_dark.grey4),
light_normal = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.grey2, palette_light.grey2),
light_cur_line = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.grey2, palette_light.grey3),
light_visual = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.grey2, palette_light.grey4),
dark_comment = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.grey4, palette_dark.grey2),
dark_comment_cur = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.grey4, palette_dark.grey3),
dark_comment_vis = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.grey4, palette_dark.grey4),
light_comment = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.grey4, palette_light.grey2),
light_comment_cur = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.grey4, palette_light.grey3),
light_comment_vis = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.grey4, palette_light.grey4),
dark_red = get_contrast_ratio(, palette_dark.grey2),
light_red = get_contrast_ratio(, palette_light.grey2),
dark_yellow = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.yellow, palette_dark.grey2),
light_yellow = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.yellow, palette_light.grey2),
dark_green = get_contrast_ratio(, palette_dark.grey2),
light_green = get_contrast_ratio(, palette_light.grey2),
dark_cyan = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.cyan, palette_dark.grey2),
light_cyan = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.cyan, palette_light.grey2),
dark_blue = get_contrast_ratio(, palette_dark.grey2),
light_blue = get_contrast_ratio(, palette_light.grey2),
dark_magenta = get_contrast_ratio(palette_light.magenta, palette_dark.grey2),
light_magenta = get_contrast_ratio(palette_dark.magenta, palette_light.grey2),
-- Buffer with data ===========================================================
local table_to_lines = function(tbl)
local keys = vim.tbl_keys(tbl)
-- Compute key_width for a pretty alignment
local key_width = 0
for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
key_width = math.max(key_width, key:len())
local formatstring = '%-' .. key_width .. 's = %s'
local res = {}
for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
local value_str = vim.inspect(tbl[key], { newline = ' ', indent = '' })
table.insert(res, string.format(formatstring, key, value_str))
return res
--stylua: ignore
local color_src_names = {
blue = 'Blue',
cyan = 'Cyan',
green = 'Green',
grey1 = 'Grey1',
grey2 = 'Grey2',
grey3 = 'Grey3',
grey4 = 'Grey4',
magenta = 'Magenta',
red = 'Red',
yellow = 'Yellow',
local color_names = vim.tbl_keys(color_src_names)
local make_color_def_lines = function(bg, palette, palette_8bit)
local prefix = bg == 'dark' and 'NvimDark' or 'NvimLight'
local res = {}
for _, color in ipairs(color_names) do
local r, g, b = palette[color]:match('^#(..)(..)(..)$')
local cterm_color = palette_8bit[color]
--stylua: ignore
local src_l = string.format(
'{ "%s%s", RGB_(0x%s, 0x%s, 0x%s) }, // cterm=%d',
prefix, color_src_names[color], r, g, b, cterm_color
table.insert(res, src_l)
return res
local make_color_use_lines = function(bg, palette_8bit)
local res = {}
for _, color in ipairs(color_names) do
-- Produce color usage for dark background
local src_name = (bg == 'dark' and 'NvimDark' or 'NvimLight') .. color_src_names[color]
local suffix = bg == 'dark' and 'bg' or 'fg'
local gui = string.format('gui%s=%s', suffix, src_name)
local cterm = string.format('cterm%s=%s', suffix, palette_8bit[color])
table.insert(res, gui .. ' ' .. cterm)
return res
local create_data_buffer = function()
-- Create buffer lines
local lines = {}
vim.list_extend(lines, { '--- Hex palettes ---' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { 'Dark:' })
vim.list_extend(lines, table_to_lines(palette_dark))
vim.list_extend(lines, { '' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { 'Light:' })
vim.list_extend(lines, table_to_lines(palette_light))
vim.list_extend(lines, { '', '' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { '--- Contrast ratios ---' })
vim.list_extend(lines, table_to_lines(contrast_ratios))
vim.list_extend(lines, { '', '' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { '--- 8-bit palettes ---' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { 'Dark:' })
vim.list_extend(lines, table_to_lines(cterm_palette_dark))
vim.list_extend(lines, { '' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { 'Light:' })
vim.list_extend(lines, table_to_lines(cterm_palette_light))
vim.list_extend(lines, { '', '' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { '--- Oklch palettes ---' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { 'Dark:' })
vim.list_extend(lines, table_to_lines(oklch_palette_dark))
vim.list_extend(lines, { '' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { 'Light:' })
vim.list_extend(lines, table_to_lines(oklch_palette_light))
vim.list_extend(lines, { '', '' })
vim.list_extend(lines, { "--- 'src/nvim/highlight_group.c' code ---" })
vim.list_extend(lines, make_color_def_lines('dark', palette_dark, cterm_palette_dark))
vim.list_extend(lines, make_color_def_lines('light', palette_light, cterm_palette_light))
vim.list_extend(lines, { '' })
vim.list_extend(lines, make_color_use_lines('dark', cterm_palette_dark))
vim.list_extend(lines, make_color_use_lines('light', cterm_palette_light))
-- Create and set buffer
local buf_id = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf_id, 0, -1, false, lines)
if show_data_buffer then create_data_buffer() end
-- Highlight groups ===========================================================
-- A function which defines highlight groups same way as the PR.
-- Uncomment later call to this function for quick prototyping.
local enable_colorscheme = function()
vim.cmd('hi clear')
vim.g.colors_name = 'neovim_colors'
-- In 'background=dark' dark colors are used for background and light - for
-- foreground. In 'background=light' they reverse.
-- Inline comments show basic highlight group assuming dark background
local is_dark = vim.o.background == 'dark'
local bg = is_dark and palette_dark or palette_light
local fg = is_dark and palette_light or palette_dark
-- Source for actual groups: 'src/nvim/highlight_group.c' in Neovim source code
--stylua: ignore start
local hi = function(name, data) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, name, data) end
-- General UI
hi('ColorColumn', { fg=nil, bg=bg.grey4 })
hi('Conceal', { fg=bg.grey4, bg=nil })
hi('CurSearch', { link='Search' })
hi('Cursor', { fg=nil, bg=nil })
hi('CursorColumn', { fg=nil, bg=bg.grey3 })
hi('CursorIM', { link='Cursor' })
hi('CursorLine', { fg=nil, bg=bg.grey3 })
hi('CursorLineFold', { link='FoldColumn' })
hi('CursorLineNr', { fg=nil, bg=nil, bold=true })
hi('CursorLineSign', { link='SignColumn' })
hi('DiffAdd', { fg=fg.grey1, })
hi('DiffChange', { fg=fg.grey1, bg=bg.grey4 })
hi('DiffDelete', {, bg=nil, bold=true })
hi('DiffText', { fg=fg.grey1, bg=bg.cyan })
hi('Directory', { fg=fg.cyan, bg=nil })
hi('EndOfBuffer', { link='NonText' })
hi('ErrorMsg', {, bg=nil })
hi('FloatBorder', { link='NormalFloat' })
hi('FloatShadow', { fg=bg.grey1, bg=nil, blend=80 })
hi('FloatShadowThrough', { fg=bg.grey1, bg=nil, blend=100 })
hi('FloatTitle', { link='Title' })
hi('FoldColumn', { link='SignColumn' })
hi('Folded', { fg=fg.grey4, bg=bg.grey3 })
hi('IncSearch', { link='Search' })
hi('lCursor', { fg=bg.grey2, bg=fg.grey2 })
hi('LineNr', { fg=bg.grey4, bg=nil })
hi('LineNrAbove', { link='LineNr' })
hi('LineNrBelow', { link='LineNr' })
hi('MatchParen', { fg=nil, bg=bg.grey4, bold=true })
hi('ModeMsg', {, bg=nil })
hi('MoreMsg', { fg=fg.cyan, bg=nil })
hi('MsgArea', { fg=nil, bg=nil })
hi('MsgSeparator', { link='StatusLine' })
hi('NonText', { fg=bg.grey4, bg=nil })
hi('Normal', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=bg.grey2 })
hi('NormalFloat', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('NormalNC', { fg=nil, bg=nil })
hi('PMenu', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=bg.grey3 })
hi('PMenuExtra', { link='PMenu' })
hi('PMenuExtraSel', { link='PMenuSel' })
hi('PMenuKind', { link='PMenu' })
hi('PMenuKindSel', { link='PMenuSel' })
hi('PMenuSbar', { link='PMenu' })
hi('PMenuSel', { fg=bg.grey3, bg=fg.grey2, blend=0 })
hi('PMenuThumb', { fg=nil, bg=bg.grey4 })
hi('Question', { fg=fg.cyan, bg=nil })
hi('QuickFixLine', { fg=nil, bg=nil, bold=true })
hi('RedrawDebugNormal', { fg=nil, bg=nil, reverse=true })
hi('RedrawDebugClear', { fg=nil, bg=bg.cyan })
hi('RedrawDebugComposed', { fg=nil, })
hi('RedrawDebugRecompose', { fg=nil, })
hi('Search', { fg=fg.grey1, bg=bg.yellow})
hi('SignColumn', { fg=bg.grey4, bg=nil })
hi('SpecialKey', { fg=bg.grey4, bg=nil })
hi('SpellBad', { fg=nil, bg=nil,, undercurl=true })
hi('SpellCap', { fg=nil, bg=nil, sp=fg.yellow, undercurl=true })
hi('SpellLocal', { fg=nil, bg=nil,, undercurl=true })
hi('SpellRare', { fg=nil, bg=nil, sp=fg.cyan, undercurl=true })
hi('StatusLine', { fg=fg.grey3, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('StatusLineNC', { fg=fg.grey4, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('Substitute', { link='Search' })
hi('TabLine', { fg=fg.grey3, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('TabLineFill', { link='Tabline' })
hi('TabLineSel', { fg=nil, bg=nil, bold = true })
hi('TermCursor', { fg=nil, bg=nil, reverse=true })
hi('TermCursorNC', { fg=nil, bg=nil, reverse=true })
hi('Title', { fg=nil, bg=nil, bold=true })
hi('VertSplit', { link='WinSeparator' })
hi('Visual', { fg=nil, bg=bg.grey4 })
hi('VisualNOS', { link='Visual' })
hi('WarningMsg', { fg=fg.yellow, bg=nil })
hi('Whitespace', { link='NonText' })
hi('WildMenu', { link='PMenuSel' })
hi('WinBar', { link='StatusLine' })
hi('WinBarNC', { link='StatusLineNC' })
hi('WinSeparator', { link='Normal' })
-- Syntax (`:h group-name`)
hi('Comment', { fg=fg.grey4, bg=nil })
hi('Constant', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=nil })
hi('String', {, bg=nil })
hi('Character', { link='Constant' })
hi('Number', { link='Constant' })
hi('Boolean', { link='Constant' })
hi('Float', { link='Number' })
hi('Identifier', {, bg=nil }) -- frequent but important to get "main" branded color
hi('Function', { fg=fg.cyan, bg=nil }) -- not so frequent but important to get "main" branded color
hi('Statement', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=nil, bold=true }) -- bold choice (get it?) for accessibility
hi('Conditional', { link='Statement' })
hi('Repeat', { link='Statement' })
hi('Label', { link='Statement' })
hi('Operator', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=nil }) -- seems too much to be bold for mostly singl-character words
hi('Keyword', { link='Statement' })
hi('Exception', { link='Statement' })
hi('PreProc', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=nil })
hi('Include', { link='PreProc' })
hi('Define', { link='PreProc' })
hi('Macro', { link='PreProc' })
hi('PreCondit', { link='PreProc' })
hi('Type', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=nil })
hi('StorageClass', { link='Type' })
hi('Structure', { link='Type' })
hi('Typedef', { link='Type' })
hi('Special', { fg=fg.grey2, bg=nil })
hi('Tag', { link='Special' })
hi('SpecialChar', { link='Special' })
hi('Delimiter', { fg=nil, bg=nil })
hi('SpecialComment', { link='Special' })
hi('Debug', { link='Special' })
hi('LspInlayHint', { link='NonText' })
hi('SnippetTabstop', { link='Visual' })
hi('Underlined', { fg=nil, bg=nil, underline=true })
hi('Ignore', { link='Normal' })
hi('Error', { fg=bg.grey1, })
hi('Todo', { fg=fg.grey1, bg=nil, bold=true })
hi('diffAdded', {, bg=nil })
hi('diffRemoved', {, bg=nil })
-- Built-in diagnostic
hi('DiagnosticError', {, bg=nil })
hi('DiagnosticWarn', { fg=fg.yellow, bg=nil })
hi('DiagnosticInfo', { fg=fg.cyan, bg=nil })
hi('DiagnosticHint', {, bg=nil })
hi('DiagnosticOk', {, bg=nil })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineError', { fg=nil, bg=nil,, underline=true })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineWarn', { fg=nil, bg=nil, sp=fg.yellow, underline=true })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineInfo', { fg=nil, bg=nil, sp=fg.cyan, underline=true })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineHint', { fg=nil, bg=nil,, underline=true })
hi('DiagnosticUnderlineOk', { fg=nil, bg=nil,, underline=true })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingError', {, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingWarn', { fg=fg.yellow, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingInfo', { fg=fg.cyan, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingHint', {, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('DiagnosticFloatingOk', {, bg=bg.grey1 })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextError', { link='DiagnosticError' })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn', { link='DiagnosticWarn' })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo', { link='DiagnosticInfo' })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextHint', { link='DiagnosticHint' })
hi('DiagnosticVirtualTextOk', { link='DiagnosticOk' })
hi('DiagnosticSignError', { link='DiagnosticError' })
hi('DiagnosticSignWarn', { link='DiagnosticWarn' })
hi('DiagnosticSignInfo', { link='DiagnosticInfo' })
hi('DiagnosticSignHint', { link='DiagnosticHint' })
hi('DiagnosticSignOk', { link='DiagnosticOk' })
hi('DiagnosticDeprecated', { fg=nil, bg=nil,, strikethrough=true })
hi('DiagnosticUnnecessary', { link='Comment' })
-- Tree-sitter
-- - Text
hi('@text.literal', { link='Comment' })
hi('@text.reference', { link='Identifier' })
hi('@text.title', { link='Title' })
hi('@text.uri', { link='Underlined' })
hi('@text.underline', { link='Underlined' })
hi('@text.todo', { link='Todo' })
-- - Miscs
hi('@comment', { link='Comment' })
hi('@punctuation', { link='Delimiter' })
-- - Constants
hi('@constant', { link='Constant' })
hi('@constant.builtin', { link='Special' })
hi('@constant.macro', { link='Define' })
hi('@define', { link='Define' })
hi('@macro', { link='Macro' })
hi('@string', { link='String' })
hi('@string.escape', { link='SpecialChar' })
hi('@string.special', { link='SpecialChar' })
hi('@character', { link='Character' })
hi('@character.special', { link='SpecialChar' })
hi('@number', { link='Number' })
hi('@boolean', { link='Boolean' })
hi('@float', { link='Float' })
-- - Functions
hi('@function', { link='Function' })
hi('@function.builtin', { link='Special' })
hi('@function.macro', { link='Macro' })
hi('@parameter', { link='Identifier' })
hi('@method', { link='Function' })
hi('@field', { link='Identifier' })
hi('@property', { link='Identifier' })
hi('@constructor', { link='Special' })
-- - Keywords
hi('@conditional', { link='Conditional' })
hi('@repeat', { link='Repeat' })
hi('@label', { link='Label' })
hi('@operator', { link='Operator' })
hi('@keyword', { link='Keyword' })
hi('@exception', { link='Exception' })
hi('@variable', { fg=nil, bg=nil }) -- using default foreground reduces visual overload
hi('@type', { link='Type' })
hi('@type.definition', { link='Typedef' })
hi('@storageclass', { link='StorageClass' })
hi('@namespace', { link='Identifier' })
hi('@include', { link='Include' })
hi('@preproc', { link='PreProc' })
hi('@debug', { link='Debug' })
hi('@tag', { link='Tag' })
-- - LSP semantic tokens
hi('@lsp.type.class', { link='Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.comment', { link='Comment' })
hi('@lsp.type.decorator', { link='Function' })
hi('@lsp.type.enum', { link='Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.enumMember', { link='Constant' })
hi('@lsp.type.function', { link='Function' })
hi('@lsp.type.interface', { link='Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.macro', { link='Macro' })
hi('@lsp.type.method', { link='Function' })
hi('@lsp.type.namespace', { link='Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.parameter', { link='Identifier' })
hi('', { link='Identifier' })
hi('@lsp.type.struct', { link='Structure' })
hi('@lsp.type.type', { link='Type' })
hi('@lsp.type.typeParameter', { link='TypeDef' })
hi('@lsp.type.variable', { link='@variable' }) -- links to tree-sitter group to reduce overload
-- Terminal colors (not ideal)
vim.g.terminal_color_0 = bg.grey2
vim.g.terminal_color_1 =
vim.g.terminal_color_2 =
vim.g.terminal_color_3 = fg.yellow
vim.g.terminal_color_4 =
vim.g.terminal_color_5 = fg.magenta
vim.g.terminal_color_6 = fg.cyan
vim.g.terminal_color_7 = fg.grey2
vim.g.terminal_color_8 = bg.grey2
vim.g.terminal_color_9 =
vim.g.terminal_color_10 =
vim.g.terminal_color_11 = fg.yellow
vim.g.terminal_color_12 =
vim.g.terminal_color_13 = fg.magenta
vim.g.terminal_color_14 = fg.cyan
vim.g.terminal_color_15 = fg.grey2
--stylua: ignore end
-- Comment this to not enable color scheme
if apply_colorscheme then enable_colorscheme() end
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