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Bulk upload and publish shapefiles to ArcGIS Online
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Sample Usage
# python -u -o username -s password -p 'path/to/my/shapefiles'
import argparse
import json
import os
import time
import csv
import requests
maxJobs = 5 # Set the max number of concurrent jobs allowed.
sleepTime = 60 # Time in seconds to wait between status checks.
def generateToken(username, password, portalUrl):
'''Retrieves a token to be used with API requests.'''
parameters = {'username': username,
'password': password,
'client': 'referer',
'referer': portalUrl,
'expiration': 60, # token life in minutes
'f': 'json'}
url = '{}/sharing/rest/generateToken'.format(portalUrl)
response =, data=parameters)
return response.json()
def userContent(username, portalUrl, token):
'''Returns the user's folders and content in the root folder.'''
parameters = {'token': token,
'f': 'json'}
url = '{}/sharing/rest/content/users/{}'.format(portalUrl, username)
response = requests.get(url, params=parameters)
return response.json()
def createFolder(title, username, portalUrl, token):
'''Creates a new folder in the user's account.'''
parameters = {'title': title,
'token': token,
'f': 'json'}
url = '{}/sharing/rest/content/users/{}/createFolder'.format(portalUrl, username)
response =, data=parameters)
return response.json()
def addFileItem(username, folder, file, type, portalUrl, token):
'''Creates a new item in the user's content.'''
fileName = os.path.split(file)[-1].split('.')[0]
# need to break out handlers for files over 10mb
parameters = {'file': file,
'type': type,
'title': fileName,
# 'multipart': 'true',
'token': token,
'f': 'json'}
files = {'file': open(file, 'rb')}
url = '{}/sharing/rest/content/users/{}/{}/addItem'.format(portalUrl, username, folder)
response =, data=parameters, files=files)
return response.json()
def updateItemMetadata(username, folder, itemId, file, portalUrl, token):
'''Uploads an ArcCatalog xml file containing metadata to an item.'''
parameters = {'token': token,
'f': 'json'}
files = {'metadata': open(file, 'rb')}
url = '{}/sharing/rest/content/users/{}/{}/items/{}/update'.format(portalUrl, username, folder, itemId)
response =, data=parameters, files=files)
return response.json()
def publishItem(username, itemId, name, fileType, portalUrl, token, hasStaticData='true', maxRecordCount=2000, capabilities='Query', overwrite='false'):
'''Publishes a hosted service based on an existing source item.'''
parameters = {'itemId': itemId,
'filetype': fileType,
'publishParameters': json.dumps({'hasStaticData': hasStaticData,
'name': name,
'maxRecordCount': maxRecordCount,
'layerInfo': {'capabilities': capabilities}}),
'overwrite': overwrite,
'token': token,
'f': 'json'}
url = '{}/sharing/rest/content/users/{}/publish'.format(portalUrl, username)
response =, data=parameters)
return response.json()
def checkStatus(username, folder, serviceItemId, portalUrl, token, jobId=None, jobType=None):
'''Creates a new item in a user's content.'''
parameters = {'jobId': jobId,
'jobType': jobType,
'token': token,
'f': 'json'}
if jobId != None:
parameters['jobId'] = jobId
if jobType != None:
parameters['jobType'] = jobType
url = '{}/sharing/rest/content/users/{}/{}/items/{}/status'.format(portalUrl, username, folder, serviceItemId)
response = requests.get(url, params=parameters)
return response.json()
def getDescription(itemId, portalUrl, token):
'''Retrieves an item's description object.'''
parameters = {'token': token,
'f': 'json'}
url = '{}/sharing/rest/content/items/{}'.format(portalUrl, itemId)
response = requests.get(url, params=parameters)
return response.json()
def serviceRecordCount(serviceUrl, token):
'''Retrieves a token to be used with API requests.'''
parameters = {'where': '1=1',
'returnCountOnly': 'true',
'token': token,
'f': 'json'}
url = '{}/0/query'.format(serviceUrl)
response = requests.get(url, params=parameters)
return response.json()
def updateResult(results, matchK, matchV, k, v, outfile=None):
'''Update the specified item in the list of results by matching on a provided key.'''
result = filter(lambda result: result[matchK] == matchV, results)
result[0][k] = v
if outfile:
writeResults(outfile, results)
def writeResults(outfile, results):
with open(outfile, 'wb') as output:
dataWriter = csv.writer(
# Write header row.
['Dataset', 'Size', 'Folder', 'Item Id', 'Item URL', 'Service Id', 'Service URL', 'Status', 'Service Record Count']
for result in results:
'{}'.format(result['itemId']) if result['itemId'] else '',
'{}'.format(result['serviceItemId']) if result['serviceItemId'] else '',
result['status'] if result['status'] else '',
result['count'] if result['count'] else '']
def currentJobs():
return len(jobs)
# Run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-u', '--portal',
help=('url of the portal (e.g. '
parser.add_argument('-o', '--username', help='username')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--password', help='password')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', help='path to the shapefiles')
# Read the command line arguments.
args = parser.parse_args()
portal = args.portal
username = args.username
password = args.password
path = args.path
# Get an authentication token to use with subsequent requests.
token = generateToken(username=username, password=password, portalUrl=portal)['token']
# Gather up the shapefiles in the directory (and subdirectories).
shapefiles = [] # keep track of all the shapefiles to upload.
jobs = [] # keep track of active publishing jobs.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for f in files:
if f[-4:] == '.zip':
description = {'shortname': f[:-4].replace(' ', '_'),
'filename': f,
'foldername': os.path.split(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(root, f)))[1],
'path': os.path.join(root, f),
'size': round(float(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root, f))) / 1048576, 3), # bytes to megabytes
'metadata': os.path.join(root, '{}.xml'.format(f[:-4])),
'itemId': None,
'itemUrl': None,
'serviceItemId': None,
'serviceItemUrl': None,
'status': None,
'count': None}
results = list(shapefiles) # Copy the list of shapefiles to track progress.
resultsFile = '{}/results.csv'.format(path)
# Check if the destination folders exist in the user's account.
content = userContent(username, portal, token)
folders = content['folders']
while len(shapefiles) > 0 or len(jobs) > 0:
if len(shapefiles) > 0 and len(jobs) < maxJobs:
# Continue pushing new jobs.
shapefile = shapefiles.pop(0)
# Get the destination folder id and create it if it doesn't exist.
folder = filter(lambda folder: folder['title'] == shapefile['foldername'], folders)
if not folder:
print('Creating folder {}'.format(shapefile['foldername']))
newFolder = createFolder(shapefile['foldername'], username, portal, token)
folder = {'title': newFolder['folder']['title'],
'id': newFolder['folder']['id']}
folder = folder[0]
# Create the item in ArcGIS Online.
print('Uploading {} {} mb'.format(shapefile['filename'], shapefile['size']))
newItem = addFileItem(username=username, folder=folder['id'], file=shapefile['path'], type='Shapefile', portalUrl=portal, token=token)
if 'success' in newItem:
itemId = newItem['id']
print(' created item {}'.format(itemId))
updateResult(results, 'shortname', shapefile['shortname'], 'itemId', itemId, outfile=resultsFile)
# Update the item's metadata.
print(' updating the metadata')
update = updateItemMetadata(username=username, folder=folder['id'], itemId=itemId, file=shapefile['metadata'], portalUrl=portal, token=token)
print(' error - {}'.format(newItem['error']['message']))
updateResult(results, 'shortname', shapefile['shortname'], 'status', newItem['error']['message'], outfile=resultsFile)
print(' error adding {}'.format(shapefile['filename']))
updateResult(results, 'shortname', shapefile['shortname'], 'status', 'unhandled item upload error', outfile=resultsFile)
# Publish it.
print(' publishing {}'.format(shapefile['shortname']))
publishing = publishItem(username, newItem['id'], shapefile['shortname'], 'Shapefile', portal, token, overwrite='false')
job = publishing['services'][0]
if 'jobId' in job:
job['folderId'] = folder['id']
job['shortname'] = shapefile['shortname']
updateResult(results, 'shortname', job['shortname'], 'serviceItemId', job['serviceItemId'])
updateResult(results, 'shortname', job['shortname'], 'status', 'publishing started', outfile=resultsFile)
print(' error - {}'.format(job['error']['message']))
updateResult(results, 'shortname', shapefile['shortname'], 'status', job['error']['message'], outfile=resultsFile)
print(' error publishing {}'.format(shapefile['shortname']))
updateResult(results, 'shortname', shapefile['shortname'], 'status', 'unhandled publishing error', outfile=resultsFile)
# Check the status of existing jobs.
currentJobs = len(jobs)
while len(jobs) > 0:
i = -1
print('Checking the status of {} publishing job(s)'.format(currentJobs))
for job in jobs:
i += 1
status = checkStatus(username, job['folderId'], job['serviceItemId'], portal, token, jobId=job['jobId'])
job['status'] = status['status']
if job['status'] in ['completed', 'failed']:
description = getDescription(job['serviceItemId'], portal, token)
serviceUrl = description['url']
count = serviceRecordCount(serviceUrl, token)['count']
updateResult(results, 'shortname', job['shortname'], 'count', count)
updateResult(results, 'shortname', job['shortname'], 'status', 'publishing {}'.format(job['status']), outfile=resultsFile)
updateResult(results, 'shortname', job['shortname'], 'status', 'publishing {}'.format(job['status']))
if len(jobs) != 0:
print('{} of {} service(s) still publishing'.format(len(jobs), currentJobs))
print('Next check in {} seconds'.format(sleepTime))
print ('')
print('All services finished publishing')
print('Check {} for full details on each item.'.format(resultsFile))
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