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trying to make the world a better place

Amir Ghaffari eamirgh

trying to make the world a better place
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mahmoud-eskandari /
Last active August 8, 2024 13:26
Install v2ray on Bridge:(Ubuntu +18 via systemd) - Upstream (Ubuntu +18/CentOS +7 via docker)

پنل x-ui

پنل تحت وب مدیریت V2ray و ساخت کاربر و مدیریت سرور

mkdir x-ui && cd x-ui
docker run -itd --network=host \
    -v $PWD/db/:/etc/x-ui/ \
 -v $PWD/cert/:/root/cert/ \
carolynvs / .gitconfig
Last active October 19, 2022 14:44
git wip - Show what branches you have been working on lately
wip = for-each-ref --sort='authordate:iso8601' --format=' %(color:green)%(authordate:relative)%09%(color:white)%(refname:short)' refs/heads
alexedwards / _tree
Created October 27, 2020 07:52
Dependency injection via closure (handlers in multiple packages)
├── go.mod
├── handlers
│ ├── books
│ │ └── books.go
│ └── env.go
├── main.go
└── models
└── models.go
Bunix /
Created September 11, 2020 14:37 — forked from plmrlnsnts/
Datatable component for Vue and Tailwind CSS

Keep in mind that this implementation requires an api for fetching data, and assumes the following response schema:

    "perPageOptions": [
        15, 50, 100
    "actions": [
        "Delete all", "Publish All", "Unpublish All"
ryanburnette / Caddyfile
Last active September 11, 2024 09:13
Caddy v2.1+ CORS whitelist
(cors) {
@cors_preflight{args.0} method OPTIONS
@cors{args.0} header Origin {args.0}
handle @cors_preflight{args.0} {
header {
Access-Control-Allow-Origin "{args.0}"
Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS"
Access-Control-Allow-Headers *
Access-Control-Max-Age "3600"
felipenmoura / animatedScrollTo.js
Last active September 12, 2024 06:35 — forked from joshbeckman/animatedScrollTo.js
ScrollTo animation using pure javascript and no jquery
* Will gracefuly scroll the page
* This function will scroll the page using
* an `ease-in-out` effect.
* You can use it to scroll to a given element, as well.
* To do so, pass the element instead of a number as the position.
* Optionally, you can pass a `queryString` for an element selector.
* The default duration is half a second (500ms)
zzdjk6 / AxiosService.js
Created August 19, 2018 23:19
Persisted GraphQL Queries with axios and SilverStripe 4: after
import axios from "axios";
import StorageService from "./StorageService";
import persistedQueryMapping from "../graphql/mapping.json";
import compress from "graphql-query-compress";
export default class AxiosService {
static getInstance(query, variables) {
let headers = {};
const user = StorageService.readUser();
if (user && user.Token) {
amrza /
Created April 21, 2018 15:50
Download List of files with aria2
aria2c --dir=./ --input-file=urls.txt --max-concurrent-downloads=1 --connect-timeout=60 --max-connection-per-server=16 --split=16 --min-split-size=1M --human-readable=true --download-result=full --file-allocation=none
# Now create this file in the same directory and paste all urls in it: urls.txt
amrza /
Last active September 13, 2024 01:30
How to write RTL(Arabic/Persian) text on images in python.
# Tested on Python 3.6.1
# install: pip install --upgrade arabic-reshaper
import arabic_reshaper
# install: pip install python-bidi
from bidi.algorithm import get_display
# install: pip install Pillow
from PIL import ImageFont
dikiaap /
Last active June 19, 2024 01:26 custom URL

Update: As of 11 January 2022, no longer accepts new URLs.


curl -i -F "url=" -F "code=YOUR_CUSTOM_NAME"

URLs that can be created is from:

  • https://*