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Created October 21, 2011 15:59
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Convert iTunes Music Library.xml path locations
Convert iTunes Music Library.xml path locations
usage: convert.php library.xml old_library_path new_library_path
converted library is written to stdout
old and new library paths have to include trailing slashes and
lead to the corresponding iTunes Media directories
works for Windows and Mac iTunes Libraries
To reload the iTunes Media Library from the converted XML:
$newlib = $argv[2];
$oldlib = $argv[3];
$lib = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
$match1 = '/(Music Folder<\/key><string>)([[:print:]]+)(<\/string>)/';
$lib = preg_replace($match1, '$1'.$path.'$3', $lib);
$oldlib = str_replace(array('[', '(', ')', ']', '.', '/'), array('\[', '\(', '\)', '\]', '\.', '\/'), $oldlib);
$match2 = '/(Location<\/key><string>)('.$oldlib.')([[:print:]]+)(<\/string>)/';
$lib = preg_replace($match2, '$1'.$path.'$3$4', $lib);
print $lib;
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