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Last active January 12, 2016 05:56
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samurAI manager
#include "samurai.hpp"
#include <thread>
#include <signal.h>
Role::Role(int id, CommentedIStream& cs): id(id) {
int reachSize;
cs >> reachSize;
for (int k = 0; k != reachSize; k++) {
int x, y;
cs >> x >> y;
reach.emplace_back(Coordinates(x, y));
cs >> vision >> activity >> homeX >> homeY;
Setting::Setting(CommentedIStream &cs) {
string samuraiDBname;
string scoreDBname;
cs >> samuraiDBname >> scoreDBname;
samuraiDB = SamuraiDB(samuraiDBname, scoreDBname);
cs >> gameName >> turns >> timeAllowed
>> width >> height >> cureTurns;
int armySizes[2];
cs >> armySizes[0] >> armySizes[1];
for (int a = 0; a != 2; a++) {
for (int s = 0; s != armySizes[a]; s++) {
void Setting::sendSettingInfo(ostream& os, const int weapon) {
os << "# <number of turns>\n" << turns << endl;
os << "# <samurai ID>\n" << weapon << endl;
os << "# <field width> <field height>\n" << width << ' ' << height << endl;
os << "# Home positions of samrai\n";
for (int a = 0; a != 2; a++) {
for (Role& role: roles[a]) {
os << role.homeX << ' ' << role.homeY << endl;
void SamuraiState::init
(Setting& setting, BattleField& field, int id, int sd, int wp) {
samurai = &setting.samuraiDB.samuraiList[id];
side = sd;
weapon = wp;
role = &setting.roles[side][weapon];
position = field.section(role->homeX, role->homeY);
curePeriod = 0;
hidden = false;
char cdirname[] = "/tmp/SamurAIXXXXXX";
if (mkdtemp(cdirname) == 0)
throw ErrorReport("Filed to make a temporary directory: "+errno);
dirname = cdirname;
toAIpath = dirname + "/toAI";
mkfifo(toAIpath.c_str(), 0600);
fromAIpath = dirname + "/fromAI";
mkfifo(fromAIpath.c_str(), 0600);
processId = fork();
if (processId == -1) {
throw ErrorReport("Failed to fork an AI process: "+errno);
} else if (processId == 0) {
// Child process
string command(samurai->invocation);
string programDir(setting.samuraiDB.programDir);
if (programDir.back() != '/') programDir += '/';
for (size_t pos = command.find("$1");
pos != string::npos;
pos = command.find("$1")) {
command.replace(pos, 2, programDir + samurai->progname);
system((command + " <" + toAIpath + " >" + fromAIpath).c_str());
} else {
toAI = new ofstream(toAIpath);
ifstream* fromAIstream = new ifstream(fromAIpath);
fromAI = CommentedIStream(*fromAIstream);
bool SamuraiState::move(GameState& state, int direction, ostream& comments) {
Section* p = position->neighbors[direction];
if (p == 0) {
comments << "Invalid move direction: " << direction
<< " from " << position->coords.toString();
return false;
for (int a = 0; a != 2; a++) {
for (int w = 0; w != 3; w++) {
SamuraiState& ss = state.samuraiStates[a][w];
if (&ss != this &&
ss.role->homeX == p->coords.x &&
ss.role->homeY == p->coords.y) {
comments << "Moving to home of another samurai: "
<< position->coords.toString();
return false;
if (hidden)
if (p->state < 0 || p->state/3 != role->id/3) {
comments << "Hidden move to non-territory from: "
<< position->coords.toString()
<< " to " << p->coords.toString();
return false;
if (dump) {
*ds << "Samurai " << side << "." << weapon
<< " moves from " << position->coords.toString()
<< " to " << p->coords.toString() << endl;
position = p;
return true;
bool SamuraiState::occupy(GameState& state, int direction, ostream& comments) {
if (hidden) {
comments << "Hidden samurai tried occupation";
return false;
state.battleField.occupy(state, *role, direction, *position);
return true;
bool SamuraiState::hide(ostream& comments) {
if (hidden) {
comments << "Hidden samurai tries to hide itself further";
return false;
assert(position->apparent == this);
if (position->state < 0 || position->state/3 != role->id/3) {
comments <<"Trying to hide itself at non-territory: ";
return false;
hidden = true;
position->apparent = 0;
return true;
bool SamuraiState::appear(ostream& comments) {
if (!hidden) {
comments << "Non-hidden samurai tries to appear";
return false;
if (position->apparent != 0) return false;
hidden = false;
position->apparent = this;
return true;
void SamuraiState::cure() {
if (curePeriod > 0) curePeriod -= 1;
void SamuraiState::house(BattleField& field) {
Section* home = field.section(role->homeX, role->homeY);
hidden = false;
position = home;
void SamuraiState::die(BattleField& field) {
if (dump) {
*ds << "Samurai " << side << "." << weapon << " disqualified" << endl;
alive = false;
void SamuraiState::injure(BattleField& field, Setting& setting) {
if (dump) {
*ds << "Samurai " << side << "." << weapon << " injured" << endl;
curePeriod = setting.cureTurns;
void readResponse(SamuraiState& ss) {
ss.fromAI >> ss.response;
ss.done = true;
GameState::GameState(Setting& stng, int players[]):
battleField(BattleField(setting.width, setting.height)) {
for (int side = 0; side != 2; side++) {
vector<Role>& roles = setting.roles[side];
unsigned int armySize = roles.size();
samuraiStates[side] = new SamuraiState[armySize];
for (unsigned int s = 0; s != armySize; s++) {
SamuraiState& ss = samuraiStates[side][s];
ss.init(setting, battleField, players[side*armySize+s], side, s);
for (int side = 0; side != 2; side++) {
vector<Role>& roles = setting.roles[side];
unsigned int armySize = roles.size();
for (unsigned int s = 0; s != armySize; s++) {
SamuraiState& ss = samuraiStates[side][s];
sendGameInfo(*ss.toAI, side, s);
if (logif) {
sendGameInfo(ifs[3*side+s], side, s);
ss.response = -1;
ss.done = false;
thread* readerThread = new thread(readResponse, ref(ss));
chrono::system_clock::time_point till =
chrono::system_clock::now() +
while (!ss.done) {
chrono::system_clock::time_point now =
if (now >= till) break;
ss.alive = ss.done;
if (!ss.alive) {
cerr << "Time out at initiation" << endl;
kill(ss.processId, SIGKILL);
} else {
delete readerThread;
if (ss.response != 0) {
cerr << "Wrong response at initiation" << endl;
ss.alive = false;
turn = 0;
void GameState::sendGameInfo(ostream& os, const int side, const int weapon) {
os << "# <# turns> <side> <weapon> <width> <height> <cure period>\n"
<< setting.turns << ' ' << side << ' ' << weapon << ' '
<< battleField.width << ' ' << battleField.height << ' '
<< setting.cureTurns << endl;
os << "# Home positions\n";
for (int a = 0; a != 2; a++) {
for (int w = 0; w != 3; w++) {
os << setting.roles[(a+side)%2][w].homeX << ' '
<< setting.roles[(a+side)%2][w].homeY << endl;
os << "# Ranks and scores of samurai\n";
for (int a = 0; a != 2; a++) {
for (int w = 0; w != 3; w++) {
SamuraiState& ss = samuraiStates[(a+side)%2][w];
os << ss.samurai->rank << ' ' << ss.samurai->score << endl;
void GameState::sendTurnInfo(ostream& os, const int side, const int weapon) {
SamuraiState ss = samuraiStates[side][weapon];
if (ss.alive) {
os << "# Turn information for samurai of side " << side
<< " with weapon " << weapon << endl;
os << "# <turn>\n" << turn << endl;
os << "# <cure period>\n" << ss.curePeriod << endl;
const int width = battleField.width;
const int height = battleField.height;
bool visible[width*height] = {};
for (int weapon = 0; weapon != 3; weapon++) {
const int v = setting.roles[side][weapon].vision;
const Section& s = *samuraiStates[side][weapon].position;
int x0 = s.coords.x;
int y0 = s.coords.y;
for (int dy = -v; dy <= v; dy++) {
int y = y0+dy;
if (0 <= y && y < height) {
int v1 = v-abs(dy);
for (int dx = -v1; dx <= v1; dx++) {
int x = x0+dx;
if (0 <= x && x < width) {
visible[y*width+x] = true;
os << "# Samurai states: <position x> <position y> <hiding>\n";
for (int a = 0; a != 2; a++) {
for (int w = 0; w != 3; w++) {
SamuraiState& ss = samuraiStates[(a+side)%2][w];
int x = ss.position->coords.x;
int y = ss.position->coords.y;
if (a == 0 || (visible[y*width+x] && !ss.hidden)) {
os << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << (ss.alive ? (ss.hidden ? 1 : 0) : -1) << endl;
} else {
os << -1 << ' ' << -1 << ' ' << (ss.alive ? 1 : -1) << endl;
os << "# Battle field states\n";
for (int y = 0; y != height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x != width; x++) {
if (visible[y*width+x]) {
Section* sect =, y));
int sectState =
(sect->state == -1 ? 8 :
(side == 0 ? sect->state :
(sect->state >= 3 ? sect->state -3 :
sect->state + 3)));
os << ' ' << sectState;
} else {
os << ' ' << 9;
os << '\n';
void readActions(SamuraiState& ss) {
while (!ss.actions.empty()) {
while (true) {
int action;
ss.fromAI >> action;
if (!ss.fromAI.good()) {
ss.alive = false;
if (action == 0) break;
if (dump) *ds << ' ' << action;
if (dump) { *ds << endl; ds->flush(); }
ss.done = true;
void GameState::receiveActionCommands
(CommentedIStream& is, const int side, const int weapon, ostream& log) {
log << "# Turn " << turn << '/' << setting.turns << endl;
log << "# <samurai id>\n" << side*3+weapon << endl;
log << "# <think time> <used time>\n"
<< setting.timeAllowed << ' ' << 0 << endl;
ostringstream turnComments;
SamuraiState& ss = samuraiStates[side][weapon];
if (ss.alive) {
ss.done = false;
thread* readerThread = new thread(readActions, ref(ss));
chrono::system_clock::time_point till =
chrono::system_clock::now() +
while (!ss.done) {
chrono::system_clock::time_point now =
if (now >= till) break;
if (!ss.done) {
cerr << "Timed out @ turn " << turn << endl;
turnComments << "Timed out";
kill(ss.processId, SIGKILL);
goto DEAD;
delete readerThread;
log << "# Actions\n";
int power = ss.role->activity;
if (!ss.actions.empty() && ss.curePeriod != 0) {
turnComments << "Trying to act under recovery";
goto FINISH;
while (!ss.actions.empty()) {
int action = ss.actions.front();
if (action < 0 || action > 10) {
turnComments << "Invalid action specified: " << action;
goto FINISH;
} else {
static int required[] = {0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1};
power -= required[action];
if (power < 0) {
turnComments << "Action limit exceeded";
goto FINISH;
if (dump) {
*ds << "Samurai " << ss.side << "." << ss.weapon
<< " performs action: " << action << endl;
if (action <= 4) {
if (!ss.occupy(*this, action-1, turnComments)) goto FINISH;
} else if (action <= 8) {
if (!ss.move(*this, action-5, turnComments)) goto FINISH;
} else if (action == 9) {
if (!ss.hide(turnComments)) goto FINISH;
} else if (action == 10) {
if (!ss.appear(turnComments)) goto FINISH;
log << action << ' ';
log << '0' << endl
<< "# Comments" << endl
<< "\"" << turnComments.str() << "\"" << endl;
} else {
turnComments << "Disqualified";
log << "-1" << endl
<< "# Comments" << endl
<< "\"" << turnComments.str() << "\"" << endl;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Setting& setting) {
cout << "Game Name: " << setting.gameName << endl
<< "Turns: " << setting.turns << endl
<< "Time Allowed: " << setting.timeAllowed << endl
<< "Field Size: " << setting.width << " x " << setting.height << endl
<< "Samurai Set:" << endl
<< setting.samuraiDB;
for (int a = 0; a != 2; a++) {
cout << "Army " << a << endl;
for (auto&& role: setting.roles[a]) {
cout << role;
return os;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Role& role) {
os << "Reach:";
for (auto&& c: role.reach) {
os << " " << c.toString();
os << endl;
os << "Vision: " << << "; "
<< "Activity: " << role.activity << "; "
<< "Home: " << Coordinates(role.homeX, role.homeY).toString() << ";"
<< endl;
return os;
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