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Created October 21, 2013 07:41
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JS Core: Task 4. Objects Session
* This self-invoking anonymous function consists of:
* - DOM_Sniffer which inspects the DOM of the page;
* - the helper function for adding event listeners;
* - the InfoBlock constructor: the element which contains data of sniffed object
* It encloses variables and functions in it's scope and helps us keep them out of Global
* This is the most simple scenario of Module pattern.
var infoBox, // the DOM object that will contains the information about a sniffed element
DOM_Sniffer = {}, //the object which manages the sniffing actions on the page,it uses Singleton pattern
advanced = true; // the value that switches red overlay ("true" - the red overlay is shown on the sniffed objects, "false" - red overlay is absent)
* Helper function to create event listeners
* @param element - DOM object that is the event target
* @param event - a string representing the event type to listen for
* @param func - the event listener function that is called when the event occurs
function addEvents(element, event, func){
element.addEventListener(event, func, false);
else if(element.attachEvent)
element.attachEvent('on' + event, func); //IE browser
DOM_Sniffer.overlay = null; //overlay which is created when "advanced" variable is true
* Fires when the mousemove event occures. Gets the object data and inserts it into infoBox.
* The code is written in such a way to append the object information to the DOM only once. If every attribute is appended to the DOM separately it will be an unprofitable operation
* @param e - event object
* @param advancedOverlay - responsible for the displaying the overlay on the sniffed element
DOM_Sniffer.sniffElement = function(e, advancedOverlay) {
var eventTarget,
attrList = '<span class="itemTitle">Attributes: </span>', //attributes title in the infoBox
dimensionsList = '<span class="itemTitle">Dimensions: </span>', // dimensions title in the infoBox
typeName = '<span class="itemTitle">Object Type: </span>'; // object type title in the infoBox
if (!e) {
e = window.event; // gets event object in IE (window.event contains the last event that took place)
else if ( { //gets event target
eventTarget =;
else if (e.srcElement) { //gets event target in IE browser
eventTarget = e.srcElement;
// checks if the object exists
if (!infoBox) {
infoBox = new InfoBlock().element;
infoBox.innerHTML = ''; //makes the inner html to be an empty string
objectInfo = (advancedOverlay) ? DOM_Sniffer.getElementInfoWithOverlay(e, eventTarget) : DOM_Sniffer.getElementInfo(eventTarget); //gets the object type, its attributes, dimensions and coordinates
attrLength = objectInfo.attrs.length; //gets the amount of attributes of the object
typeName += objectInfo.objType; // writes the type of the object
// checks if the amount of attributes is not zero
if (attrLength) {
//loops through the attributes of the object and writes them into "attrList" variable
for (var i = 0; i < attrLength; i++) {
attrList += objectInfo.attrs[i].name + ' = ' + objectInfo.attrs[i].value;
if (i < attrLength - 1) {
attrList += ',<br/>'
else {
attrList += 'don\'t exist';
dimensionsList += 'height = ' + objectInfo.dimensions.objectHeight + '; width = ' + objectInfo.dimensions.objectWidth; //gets the dimensions (height and width) of the element
infoBox.innerHTML += typeName + '<br/>' + attrList + '<br/>' + dimensionsList; //inserts the object's information to the infoBox element
* Gets the object data (atrributes, dimensions, type and coordinates), also creates the overlay for the object
* @param event -
* @param object - the object that is sniffed
* @returns {Object} - its properties are atrributes, dimensions, type and coordinates of the sniffed element
DOM_Sniffer.getElementInfoWithOverlay = function(event, object) {
var objInfo;
// checks if the "DOM_Sniffer.overlay" object exists, if not - it is created and appended with the class name "snifferOverlay" to the body element
if (!DOM_Sniffer.overlay){
DOM_Sniffer.overlay = document.createElement('div');
DOM_Sniffer.overlay.className = 'snifferOverlay';
// if the overlay is captured by a mouse, it hides the overlay and reassign the object value
if (object.className === 'snifferOverlay') { = 'none';
object = document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY); //returns the element from the document whose elementFromPoint method is being called which is the topmost element which lies under the given point
objInfo = DOM_Sniffer.getElementInfo(object);
//sets the position of the overlay and makes it visible = objInfo.coords.yPosition + 'px'; = objInfo.coords.xPosition + 'px'; = objInfo.dimensions.objectHeight + 'px'; = objInfo.dimensions.objectWidth + 'px'; = 'block';
return objInfo;
* Gets the object data (atrributes, dimensions, type and coordinates)
* @param object - the object that is sniffed
* @returns {Object} - its properties are atrributes, dimensions, type and coordinates of the sniffed element
DOM_Sniffer.getElementInfo = function(object) {
return {
objType: DOM_Sniffer.getObjectType(object),
attrs: DOM_Sniffer.getObjectAttributes(object),
dimensions: DOM_Sniffer.getDimensions(object),
coords: DOM_Sniffer.getObjectCoordinates(object)
* Gets the object atrributes
* @param object - the object that is sniffed
* @returns {Object} - atrributes list of the sniffed element
DOM_Sniffer.getObjectAttributes = function (object) {
return object.attributes;
* Gets the object dimensions
* @param object - the object that is sniffed
* @returns {Object} - height and width properties of the sniffed element
DOM_Sniffer.getDimensions = function(object) {
return {
objectHeight: object.clientHeight || object.offsetHeight,
objectWidth: object.clientWidth || object.offsetWidth
* Gets the object type
* @param object - the object that is sniffed
* @returns {String} - tag name of the sniffed element
DOM_Sniffer.getObjectType = function(object) {
return object.tagName;
* Gets the object coordinates
* @param object - the object that is sniffed
* @returns {Object} - coordinates of the sniffed element
DOM_Sniffer.getObjectCoordinates = function(object) {
for (var x = 0, y = 0; object !== null; x += object.offsetLeft, y += object.offsetTop, object = object.offsetParent);
return {xPosition: x, yPosition: y};
* Constructor function, creates the DOM element DIV, that constains information about any sniffed element
* @constructor
function InfoBlock () {
var self = this; //this variable is created to use the RequestsQueue object reference in the inner function
this.element = document.createElement('div');
* Appends the element to the body and creates class name attribute for it
* @private
function _init() {
self.element.className = 'infoBox';
addEvents(window, 'load', snifferDOM);
* Runs when the DOM is loaded. Creates event listener to the mouse move event in the document
function snifferDOM() {
addEvents(document, 'mousemove', function(e){DOM_Sniffer.sniffElement(e, advanced)});
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