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Forked from ffeldhaus/
Created February 1, 2021 15:27
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Bootstrap Synology ds215j using optware-ng

Bootstrap the Synology DS215j with optware-ng

I tried the instructions described in the Blogpost Bootstrap DS215j to install optware for ds215j but was unsatisfied with the long outdated packages it provided. Luckily, there now is optware-ng which is a fork of optware and provides recent packages.

This is how I managed to install optware-ng on my Synology ds215j inspired by the instructions in the Gist Boostrap the Synology DS215j with optware, ipkg, and sudo:

Download & Install ipkg in a persistent manner

# become root
sudo -i

# Create a directory that won't get nuked during DSM security updates
mkdir /volume1/@optware
cd /volume1/@optware

# Download & configure ipkg
wget -O - | sh

# Move the extracted /opt files to our persistent optware directory & symlink /opt
mv /opt/* /volume1/@optware/
rm -r /opt
ln -s /volume1/@optware /opt

# Make sure that the symlink gets recreated on every boot
echo "/bin/ln -sf /volume1/@optware /opt" >> /etc/rc.local
echo "/bin/sed -i 's|PATH=/sbin|PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:/sbin|' /etc/profile" >> /etc/rc.local

# Make ipkg available immediately to all users
sed -i 's|PATH=/sbin|PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:/sbin|' /etc/profile
# Logout & Login
sudo -i

Install Packages

ipkg install nano

Uninstall optware-ng

# become root
sudo -i

# unlink opt folder
unlink /opt

# remove optware folder
rm -rf /volume1/@optware

# remove entry in .bashrc
vi ~/.bashrc
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