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Created November 21, 2018 03:56
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  • Save dwelch2344/476247fded6cf865fe7c860943827d76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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function validateBusinessSummaryPage() {
try {
var isValidForm = jQuery("#business_summary_update_company").validate({
rules: {
"business_summary_update_company:duns_number_input": {
number: true,
"business_summary_update_company:company_name_input": {
required: true,
maxlength: 90
"business_summary_update_company:address_input": {
required: true,
maxlength: 30,
physicalAddress: true
"business_summary_update_company:city_input": {
required: true,
maxlength: 30,
validCity: true
"business_summary_update_company:state_input": {
required: true
"business_summary_update_company:zip_input": {
required: true,
maxlength: 5,
minlength: 5,
number: true
"business_summary_update_company:mailing_address_input": {
maxlength: 30
"business_summary_update_company:mailing_city_input": {
maxlength: 30
"business_summary_update_company:mailing_state_input": {
required: true
"business_summary_update_company:year_started_input": {
required: true,
number: true
"business_summary_update_company:legal_structure_business_input": {
required: true
"business_summary_update_company:telephone_input": {
required: true,
phoneUS: true
messages: {
"business_summary_update_company:duns_number_input": {
number: "D-U-N-S Number must be a number",
"business_summary_update_company:company_name_input": {
required: "Company Name is a required field",
maxlength: "Company Name cannot be more than 90 characters"
"business_summary_update_company:address_input": {
required: "Address is a required field",
maxlength: "Address cannot be more than 30 characters"
"business_summary_update_company:city_input": {
required: "City is a required field",
maxlength: "City cannot be more than 30 characters"
"business_summary_update_company:state_input": {
required: "State is a required field"
"business_summary_update_company:zip_input": {
required: "Zip code is a required field",
maxlength: "Please enter a 5-digit zip code",
minlength: "Please enter a 5-digit zip code",
number: "Please enter a 5-digit zip code"
"business_summary_update_company:mailing_address_input": {
maxlength: "Mailing Address cannot be more than 30 characters"
"business_summary_update_company:mailing_city_input": {
maxlength: "Mailing City cannot be more than 30 characters"
"business_summary_update_company:mailing_state_input": {
required: "State is a required field"
"business_summary_update_company:year_started_input": {
required: "Year Started is a required field",
number: "Year Started must be a number"
"business_summary_update_company:legal_structure_business_input": {
required: "Legal Structure of the Business is a required field"
"business_summary_update_company:telephone_input": {
required: "Telephone is a required field",
phoneUS: "Telephone is not a valid phone number (10 digits only)"
invalidHandler: function(form, validator) {
jQuery.each(validator.errorList, function() {
if (this.element.type == "select-one") {
jQuery(this.element).css("border", "3px solid #FF9A9A");
jQuery(this.element).css("height", "33px");
} else {
var parentElement = this.element.parentElement;
removeValids(form, validator);
errorLabelContainer: ".error_label_container",
wrapper: "li",
errorClass: "error_font",
validClass: "success"
var validSicCode = validateSicCode();
var sicErrorList = jQuery(".sicError");
var errorContainer = jQuery(".error_label_container")[0];
if (!validSicCode) {
if (isValidForm) {
isValidForm = false;
var newElement = document.createElement('li');
if (sicErrorList.length <= 0) {
newElement.setAttribute("class", "error_font sicError");
newElement.innerHTML = "Please add a valid SIC code to the list and/or remove duplicates.";
} else {
// TODO actually fix this? I think it just closes the error container if opened
//if (sicErrorList.length > 0 && jQuery.contains(errorContainer, sicErrorList)) {
} catch (err) {
return false;
return isValidForm;
function validateSicCode() {
var valid = true;
var removedCounter = 0;
var sicCodeList = jQuery("[id='remove_sic_description']");
valid = sicCodeList.length > 0;
var usedSicList = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < sicCodeList.length; i++) {
var sicTypeCodeElement = jQuery("#business_summary_update_company\\:sicCodes\\:" + i + "\\:removeCheckbox");
var sicTypeRemoved = sicTypeCodeElement[0].checked;
if (sicTypeRemoved) {
return valid
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Line 159 is the true bug – nothing was being returned here so you were hardcoded to be invalid :(

After that, the if statement on 134 also blew up, but I think that's more of a browser quirk or something. Something about sicErrorList.length or the latter statement was blowing up, and I'm pretty sure it just was to hide the error dialog so commented it out

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