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Created July 29, 2020 19:57
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A short AI Dungeon game played by dweekly July 29, 2020
You are Muffy, a peasant living in a small village in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pitchfork and nothing else. You dream of getting out of your village and having an adventure. You go to your fields and begin working. You look up and see a large crowd of people outside. You go to see what it is and you see a lot of people dressed in red cloaks. They are religious warriors and they have come to your village to kill evil.
> You learn how to fight with swords.
You walk up to a warrior and begin chatting. After a while he asks you a question, "Why are you here?"
You think for a moment, "To learn how to fight."
> You save up for and purchase a sword.
You save up all your money and buy a basic steel sword for yourself. It's very sharp and effective, but heavy. You practice with it every day and soon you are able to easily deflect any attack.
> You ask a mage to bless your sword.
You walk into a magic shop and ask the owner if he can bless your sword for protection. He agrees and begins to mumble some sort of incantations.
> You sharpen your sword.
You practice your swordplay and hone your skills. You decide to sharpen your sword because you hear it's good to have a razor-sharp blade.
Which choice would you make?
> You acquire armor.
You walk down the road and come across a general store. You go in and acquire some iron armor. You leave the store and feel much safer knowing that you have some protection.
Which choice would you make?
> You look at the people in red cloaks.
You walk up to a red cloaked man and ask him some questions.
"What are you?"
"We are the Blood Blades, sent here by the god Kharpol."
"What do you want?"
> You ask the people in red cloaks what they want.
"We want tribute. Gold, weapons, armor, food and any other valuables that you may have.
> You tell the red cloaks to fuck off.
You tell the red cloaks to leave, and they comply. However, you notice that they are heavily armed and armored. You feel like you might need to defend yourself.
Which choice would you make?
> You watch the red cloaks leave.
You don't feel like fighting so you leave. You notice some of the villagers walking outside their homes and going towards the Blood Blades, giving them tribute.
> You take tribute back from Blood Blades.
You walk outside with a bag of goods. You feel nervous, but the warrior standing there is about your size so you assume he'll understand.
The warrior nods at you, "Thanks. Just doing my job."
> You give tribute back to villagers.
You walk back to the village and hand the bag over to the nearest villager. You hope you have done the right thing...
> You whistle loudly for your horse.
You see your horse tied to a tree outside the village. You walk over to it and begin working to untie it. You have never been on a real mission so you don't know what to expect.
> You ride your horse into the wilderness while singing loudly and off key.
You ride your horse out of the village and into the nearby wilderness. You hope no one tries to steal it while you are gone...
Which choice would you make?
> You look around.
You look around and see the landscape. It's starting to get dark so you quickly look for a suitable place to camp for the night.
> You pitch your tent and start a fire.
You quickly find a tree and start setting up the tent. You light a fire inside and cook some of the meat you brought with you. You spend the rest of the night near the fire.
> You sing a song badly around the campfire.
You sing a song badly around the campfire.
> You sing louder.
You sing louder.
> You sing at the top of your lungs, very badly.
You sing at the top of your lungs, very badly.
Which choice would you make?
> You go to sleep.
You wake up before dawn. You go over to the horse and untie it, then begin walking back to the village.
> You practice kung fu.
You keep walking and by the time the sun is overhead, you are back at the village. You walk around a bit and then approach the Blood Blades. They notice you and a larger one approaches you.
> You look at the larger one.
He looks mean. He is armored in iron and his eyes bear the marks of multiple battles.
"What do you want?"
"I came to give you back your tribute.
> You thank the large man.
"What's your name?"
"Thank you, sir."
You take your bag of goods and give it to the Blood Blade.
> You high five Urias.
You high five Urias.
"See you around, kid."
You leave the village and travel further afield on your own adventure.
> You celebrate.
You celebrate your victory and drink until dawn. The next morning you wake up with a pounding head and realize the extent of your foolishness.
A month passes and you are still in the area, hunting and gathering.
> You hunt a deer.
You see a deer and begin walking towards it.
A voice comes from behind you, "I see you, human."
You turn around and see a humanoid creature standing in the undergrowth.
> You look at the creature.
It looks at you and snarls.
"I'm not going to attack you," it says.
"Good," you reply, "I'm hungry and I'm sure you have something I can eat."
> You hug the creature.
You hug the creature.
"I'm glad you're here," you say.
It snarls and lunges at you, it's teeth sinking into your neck.
> You remove creature from neck.
You grab the creature by the shoulders and pull it away from you. You slap it several times across the face to make it let go of your neck.
> You hug creature.
You hug the creature.
"I'm glad you're here too," you say.
It gently puts its arms around you and you both walk towards the village.
"You look hungry," it says.
> You nod.
"Yeah, I am."
The creature gently grabs your arm and leads you into the woods. It begins pulling branches off trees and builds a small fire. It begins handing you pieces of raw meat to eat.
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