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Ernest Chiang dwchiang

View GitHub Profile
| Library | Insert | findPk | complex| hydrate| with | memory usage | time |
| --------------------------------:| ------:| ------:| ------:| ------:| ------:| ------------:| ------:|
| PDO | 72 | 12 | 29 | 69 | 220 | 1,689,176 | 0.41 |
| Maghead | 395 | 9 | 176 | 205 | 365 | 10,485,760 | 1.16 |
| | | | | | | | |
| LessQL | 366 | 70 | 377 | 364 | 363 | 10,078,872 | 1.55 |
| | | | | | | | |
| YiiM | 714 | 86 | 436 | 292 | 614 | 8,388,608 | 2.16 |
| YiiMWithCache | 693 | 83 | 435 | 303
danieleggert / GPG and git on
Last active September 11, 2024 14:52
How to set up git to use the GPG Suite

GPG and git on macOS


No need for homebrew or anything like that. Works with and the command line.

  1. Install -- I'd suggest to do a customized install and deselect GPGMail.
  2. Create or import a key -- see below for
  3. Run gpg --list-secret-keys and look for sec, use the key ID for the next step
  4. Configure git to use GPG -- replace the key with the one from gpg --list-secret-keys
set -e
[ $# -eq 0 ] && { echo "Usage: sudo $0 \$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v '1.8*')" ; exit 1; }
curl -sf | sh
multirust update
cargo install racer
cd /usr/local/src
git clone
nano ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="$HOME/.multirust/toolchains/stable/cargo/bin:$PATH"
hlb / Brewfile
Last active June 14, 2022 02:48 — forked from saetia/gist:1623487
Clean Install Script
cask_args appdir: '/Applications'
tap 'caskroom/cask'
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap 'caskroom/versions'
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "hsatac/toybox"
brew "coreutils"
brew "gnu-sed"
vitorbritto /
Last active September 15, 2024 06:38
Remove MySQL completely from Mac OSX

Remove MySQL completely

  1. Open the Terminal

  2. Use mysqldump to backup your databases

  3. Check for MySQL processes with: ps -ax | grep mysql

  4. Stop and kill any MySQL processes

  5. Analyze MySQL on HomeBrew:

    brew remove mysql
AndreasStokholm /
Created September 24, 2012 21:00 — forked from aronwoost/
Auto-deploy with php and github on an Ubuntu Amazon EC2 box

##Auto-deploy with php and github on an Ubuntu Amazon EC2 box

Fork from other gist Build auto-deploy with php and git(hub) on an EC2 AMAZON AMI instance - Covers a basic Ubuntu isntall

When ever it says www-data below, it's the user Apache runs under. So if your apache user is called something else, change it to that.

##Install git

sudo aptitude install git-core