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Last active March 2, 2023 15:17
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For the Python Tenacity library, mock the retry decorator for faster tests that don't actually wait
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential
@retry(reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(5), wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=4, max=10))
def do_something_flaky(succeed):
print('Doing something flaky')
if not succeed:
raise Exception('Failed!')
from unittest import TestCase, mock, skip
from main import do_something_flaky
class TestFlakyRetry(TestCase):
def test_succeeds_instantly(self):
except Exception:'Flaky function should not have failed.')
def test_raises_exception_immediately_with_direct_mocking(self):
do_something_flaky.retry.sleep = mock.Mock()
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
def test_raises_exception_immediately_with_indirect_mocking(self):
with mock.patch('main.do_something_flaky.retry.sleep'):
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
@skip('Takes way too long to run!')
def test_raises_exception_after_full_retry_period(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
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Nice one!

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