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Created March 1, 2012 14:53
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Duvals Algorithm for generating Lyndon words
Algorithms on strings and sequences based on Lyndon words.
David Eppstein, October 2011."""
import unittest
from Eratosthenes import MoebiusFunction
def LengthLimitedLyndonWords(s,n):
"""Generate nonempty Lyndon words of length <= n over an s-symbol alphabet.
The words are generated in lexicographic order, using an algorithm from
J.-P. Duval, Theor. Comput. Sci. 1988, doi:10.1016/0304-3975(88)90113-2.
As shown by Berstel and Pocchiola, it takes constant average time
per generated word."""
w = [-1] # set up for first increment
while w:
w[-1] += 1 # increment the last non-z symbol
yield w
m = len(w)
while len(w) < n: # repeat word to fill exactly n syms
while w and w[-1] == s - 1: # delete trailing z's
def LyndonWordsWithLength(s,n):
"""Generate Lyndon words of length exactly n over an s-symbol alphabet.
Since nearly half of the outputs of LengthLimitedLyndonWords(s,n)
have the desired length, it again takes constant average time per word."""
if n == 0:
yield [] # the empty word is a special case not handled by main alg
for w in LengthLimitedLyndonWords(s,n):
if len(w) == n:
yield w
def LyndonWords(s):
"""Generate all Lyndon words over an s-symbol alphabet.
The generation order is by length, then lexicographic within each length."""
n = 0
while True:
for w in LyndonWordsWithLength(s,n):
yield w
n += 1
def DeBruijnSequence(s,n):
"""Generate a De Bruijn sequence for words of length n over s symbols
by concatenating together in lexicographic order the Lyndon words
whose lengths divide n. The output length will be s^n.
Because nearly half of the generated sequences will have length
exactly n, the algorithm will take O(s^n/n) steps, and the bulk
of the time will be spent in sequence concatenation."""
output = []
for w in LengthLimitedLyndonWords(s,n):
if n % len(w) == 0:
output += w
return output
def CountLyndonWords(s,n):
"""The number of length-n Lyndon words over s symbols."""
if n == 0:
return 1
total = 0
for i in range(1,n+1):
if n%i == 0:
total += MoebiusFunction(n/i) * s**i
return total//n
def ChenFoxLyndonBreakpoints(s):
"""Find starting positions of Chen-Fox-Lyndon decomposition of s.
The decomposition is a set of Lyndon words that start at 0 and
continue until the next position. 0 itself is not output, but
the final breakpoint at the end of s is. The argument s must be
of a type that can be indexed (e.g. a list, tuple, or string).
The algorithm follows Duval, J. Algorithms 1983, but uses 0-based
indexing rather than Duval's choice of 1-based indexing."""
k = 0
while k < len(s):
i,j = k,k+1
while j < len(s) and s[i] <= s[j]:
i = (s[i] == s[j]) and i+1 or k # Python cond?yes:no syntax
j += 1
while k < i+1:
k += j-i
yield k
def ChenFoxLyndon(s):
"""Decompose s into Lyndon words according to the Chen-Fox-Lyndon theorem.
The arguments are the same as for ChenFoxLyndonBreakpoints but the
return values are subsequences of s rather than indices of breakpoints."""
old = 0
for k in ChenFoxLyndonBreakpoints(s):
yield s[old:k]
old = k
def SmallestSuffix(s):
"""Find the suffix of s that is smallest in lexicographic order."""
for w in ChenFoxLyndon(s):
return w
def SmallestRotation(s):
"""Find the rotation of s that is smallest in lexicographic order.
Duval 1983 describes how to modify his algorithm to do so but I think
it's cleaner and more general to work from the ChenFoxLyndon output."""
prev,rep = None,0
for w in ChenFoxLyndon(s+s):
if w == prev:
rep += 1
prev,rep = w,1
if len(w)*rep == len(s):
return w*rep
raise Exception("Reached end of factorization with no shortest rotation")
def isLyndonWord(s):
"""Is the given sequence a Lyndon word?"""
if len(s) == 0:
return True
return ChenFoxLyndonBreakpoints(s).next() == len(s)
# If run standalone, perform unit tests
class LyndonTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testCount(self):
"""Test that we count Lyndon words correctly."""
for s in range(2,7):
for n in range(1,6):
def testOrder(self):
"""Test that we generate Lyndon words in lexicographic order."""
for s in range(2,7):
for n in range(1,6):
prev = None
for x in LengthLimitedLyndonWords(s,n):
self.assert_(prev < x)
prev = list(x)
def testSubsequence(self):
"""Test that words of length n-1 are a subsequence of length n."""
for s in range(2,7):
for n in range(2,6):
smaller = LengthLimitedLyndonWords(s,n-1)
for x in LengthLimitedLyndonWords(s,n):
if len(x) < n:
def testIsLyndon(self):
"""Test that the words we generate are Lyndon words."""
for s in range(2,7):
for n in range(2,6):
for w in LengthLimitedLyndonWords(s,n):
self.assertEqual(isLyndonWord(w), True)
def testNotLyndon(self):
"""Test that words that are not Lyndon words aren't claimed to be."""
nl = sum(1 for i in range(8**4) if isLyndonWord("%04o" % i))
def testDeBruijn(self):
"""Test that the De Bruijn sequence is correct."""
for s in range(2,7):
for n in range(1,6):
db = DeBruijnSequence(s,n)
self.assertEqual(len(db), s**n)
db = db + db # duplicate so we can wrap easier
subs = set(tuple(db[i:i+n]) for i in range(s**n))
self.assertEqual(len(subs), s**n)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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