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Last active January 19, 2022 00:12
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How to setup Hangul input on Linux (Ubuntu 21.10)

How to setup Hangul input on Linux (Ubuntu 21.10)

Install Fcitx 5 and Hangul plugin:

sudo apt install fcitx5 fcitx5-hangul

Launch im-config, congfirm and select fcitx5 as your new default input method.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-01-19 00-35-03

Add these lines to your /etc/profile so you can use it with all applications:

export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx

Make fcitx5 autostart after login:

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop .config/autostart/


Launch Fcitx5 Configuration (fcitx5-congfigtool), add the Hangul layout and change its settings how you like. You probably want to switch the layout to Romaja and disable Hanja Mode.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-01-19 00-54-33

You can play with the settings and add other input methods like fcitx5-mozc (Japanese input). Note that you have to restart fcitx5 to be able to select new plugins in the config tool.

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