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Created December 4, 2020 02:01
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Redex model of Checked C (monolithic style)
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require redex/reduction-semantics)
;; Redex model of Achieving Safety Incrementally with Checked C,
;; by Ruef, Lampropoulos, Sweet, Tarditi, & Hicks, POST'19.
;; This is written in a monolithic-style where there is a single judgment
;; "⊢" that takes a relation name and input and ouput (in order to be
;; extensible).
(caching-enabled? #f) ; don't cache so that parameters are consulted
(define *D* (make-parameter (term ()))) ; struct table
(define *H* (make-parameter (term ()))) ; global heap (for type system)
;; Syntax
(define-language CoreChkC
(m ::= c u)
(τ ::= int (ptr m ω))
(ω ::= τ (struct T) (array n τ))
(e ::= (n : τ) x (let x = e in e) (malloc ω) (cast τ e)
(e + e) (& e → f) (* e) (* e = e) (unchecked e))
(n l k ::= natural)
(D ((T fs) ...))
(fs ((τ f) (τ f) ...))
(x f T ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned)
(H ::= ((n : τ) ...))
(r ::= e ε)
(ε ::= Null Bounds)
(E ::= hole (let x = E in e) (E + e) ((n : τ) + E)
(& E → f) (cast τ E) (* E) (* E = e) (* (n : τ) = E) (unchecked E))
;; static
(Γ ::= ((x : τ) ...))
(σ ::= ((n : τ) ...)))
(define-judgment-form CoreChkC
#:contract (⊢ any any any)
#:mode (⊢ I I O)
[(⊢ ↝ (H ((n_1 : τ_1) + (n_2 : τ_2))) (H (n_3 : τ_3)))
(where n_3 ,(+ (term n_1) (term n_2)))
(⊢ binop-type (τ_1 n_1 n_2) τ_3)
[(⊢ ↝ (H (cast τ (n : τ_′))) (H (n : τ)))
[(⊢ ↝ (H (* (n : τ))) (H (n_1 : τ_1)))
(⊢ deref-ok? τ #t)
(⊢ heap-defined? (H n) #t)
(⊢ heap-lookup (H n) (n_1 : τ_1))
[(⊢ ↝ (H (* (n : τ) = (n_1 : τ_1))) (H_′ (n_1 : τ_1)))
(⊢ heap-defined? (H n) #t)
(⊢ deref-ok? τ #t)
(⊢ heap-update (H n (n_1 : τ_1)) H_′)
[(⊢ ↝ (H (& (n : τ) → f_i)) (H (n_0 : τ_0)))
(⊢ & (τ f_i n) (n_0 : τ_0))
[(⊢ ↝ (H (malloc ω)) (H_′ (n_1 : (ptr c ω))))
(⊢ types (,(*D*) ω) (τ_1 τ_2 ...))
(where ((n : τ) ...) H)
(where H_′ ((n : τ) ... (0 : τ_1) (0 : τ_2) ...))
(where n_1 ,(add1 (length (term H))))
[(⊢ ↝ (H (let x = (n : τ) in e)) (H e_′))
(⊢ subst (e x (n : τ)) e_′)
[(⊢ ↝ (H (unchecked (n : τ))) (H (n : τ)))
[(⊢ ↝ (H (* (n : τ))) (H Bounds))
(where (ptr c (array 0 τ_1)) τ)
[(⊢ ↝ (H (* (n : τ) = (n_1 : τ_1))) (H Bounds))
(where (ptr c (array 0 τ_1)) τ)
[(⊢ ↝ (H (* (0 : τ))) (H Null))
(where (ptr c ω) τ)
[(⊢ ↝ (H (* (0 : τ) = (n_1 : τ_′))) (H Null))
(where (ptr c (array l τ_1)) τ)
[(⊢ ↝ (H (& (0 : τ) → f)) (H Null))
(where (ptr c (struct T)) τ)
[(⊢ ↝ (H ((0 : τ) + (n : τ_′))) (H Null))
(where (ptr c (array l τ_1)) τ)
;; ⟶
[(where (in-hole E e_0) e)
(⊢ ↝ (H e_0) (H_′ e_0′))
(where e_′ (in-hole E e_0′))
(⊢ mode E m_′)
(⊢ check-mode (m m_′) #t)
------ C-Exp
(⊢ ⟶ (H e m) (H_′ e_′))]
[(where (in-hole E e_0) e)
(⊢ ↝ (H e_0) (H_′ ε))
(⊢ mode E m_′)
(⊢ check-mode (m m_′) #t)
------- C-Halt
(⊢ ⟶ (H e m) (H_′ ε))]
;; binop-type : (τ n n) × τ
[(⊢ binop-type ((ptr c (array l τ)) n_1 n_2)
(ptr c (array n_3 τ)))
(where n_3 ,(max (term 0) (- (term l) (term n_2))))
(side-condition ,(not (= 0 (term n_1))))] ; fn 8
[(⊢ binop-type ((name τ int) n_1 n_2) τ)]
[(⊢ binop-type ((name τ (ptr m (struct T))) n_1 n_2) τ)]
[(⊢ binop-type ((name τ (ptr u (array l _))) n_1 n_2) τ)]
[(⊢ binop-type ((name τ (ptr m int)) n_1 n_2) τ)]
;; heap-defined? : (H n) × #t
[(⊢ heap-defined? (H n) #t)
(side-condition ,(< 0 (term n) (add1 (length (term H)))))]
;; heap-lookup : (H n) × (n : τ)
[(⊢ heap-lookup (H n) ,(list-ref (term H) (sub1 (term n))))]
;; heap-update : (H n (n : τ)) × H
[(⊢ heap-update (H n (n_1 : τ_1))
,(list-set (term H) (sub1 (term n)) (term (n_1 : τ_1))))]
;; heap-from : (H n) × H
[(⊢ heap-from (H n) ,(drop (term H) (sub1 (term n))))]
;; struct-lookup : (D T) × fs
[(⊢ struct-lookup (((T fs) _ ...) T) fs)]
[(⊢ struct-lookup (((T_!_1 _) (T_′ fs) ...) T_1) fs_1)
(⊢ struct-lookup (((T_′ fs) ...) T_1) fs_1)]
;; deref-ok? : τ × #t
[(⊢ deref-ok? int #t)]
[(⊢ deref-ok? (ptr u ω) #t)]
[(⊢ deref-ok? (ptr c int) #t)]
[(⊢ deref-ok? (ptr c (struct T)) #t)]
[(⊢ deref-ok? (ptr c (array n τ)) #t)
(side-condition ,(not (= 0 (term n))))]
;; types : (D ω) × (τ ...)
[(⊢ types (D τ) (τ))]
[(⊢ types (D (array l τ)) ,(make-list (term l) (term τ)))]
[(⊢ types (D (struct T)) (τ ...))
(⊢ struct-lookup (D T) ((τ f) ...))]
;; & : (τ f n) × (n : τ)
;; fixes a minor bug in paper: should be τ_0 f_0; ...; τ_k f_k, 0 <= i <= k,
;; i.e. 0-based counting, not 1-based
[(⊢ & ((ptr m (struct T)) f_i n) (n_i : τ_i′))
(⊢ struct-lookup (,(*D*) T) ((τ_0 f_0) ... (τ_i f_i) _ ...))
(where n_i ,(+ (term n) (length (term ((τ_0 f_0) ...)))))
(where τ_i′ (ptr m τ_i))
(side-condition ,(or (eq? (term m) 'u) (not (= 0 (term n)))))]
;; check-mode: (m m) × #t
[(⊢ check-mode (u _) #t)]
[(⊢ check-mode (m m) #t)]
;; mode
[(⊢ mode hole c)]
[(⊢ mode (unchecked E) u)]
[(⊢ mode (let x = E in e) m) (⊢ mode E m)]
[(⊢ mode (E + e) m) (⊢ mode E m)]
[(⊢ mode ((n : τ) + E) m) (⊢ mode E m)]
[(⊢ mode (& E → f) m) (⊢ mode E m)]
[(⊢ mode (cast τ E) m) (⊢ mode E m)]
[(⊢ mode (* E) m) (⊢ mode E m)]
[(⊢ mode (* E = e) m) (⊢ mode E m)]
[(⊢ mode (* (n : τ) = E) m) (⊢ mode E m)]
;; subst : (e x (n : τ)) × e
[(⊢ subst ((n : τ) x _) (n : τ))]
[(⊢ subst (x x (n : τ)) (n : τ))]
[(⊢ subst ((name x_1 x_!_1) x_!_1 _) x_1)]
[(⊢ subst ((let x = e_1 in e_2) x (n : τ)) (let x = e_1′ in e_2))
(⊢ subst (e_1 x (n : τ)) e_1′)]
[(⊢ subst ((let (name x_′ x_!_1) = e_1 in e_2) (name x_1 x_!_1) (n : τ))
(let x_′ = e_1′ in e_2′))
(⊢ subst (e_1 x_1 (n : τ)) e_1′)
(⊢ subst (e_2 x_1 (n : τ)) e_2′)]
[(⊢ subst ((malloc ω) x _) (malloc ω))]
[(⊢ subst ((cast τ e) x (n : τ)) (cast τ e_′))
(⊢ subst (e x (n : τ)) e_′)]
[(⊢ subst ((e_1 + e_2) x (n : τ))
(e_1′ + e_2′))
(⊢ subst (e_1 x (n : τ)) e_1′)
(⊢ subst (e_2 x (n : τ)) e_2′)]
[(⊢ subst ((& e → f) x (n : τ))
(& e_′ → f))
(⊢ subst (e x (n : τ)) e_′)]
[(⊢ subst ((* e) x (n : τ)) (* e_′))
(⊢ subst (e x (n : τ)) e_′)]
[(⊢ subst ((* e_1 = e_2) x (n : τ))
(* e_1′ = e_2′))
(⊢ subst (e_1 x (n : τ)) e_1′)
(⊢ subst (e_2 x (n : τ)) e_2′)]
[(⊢ subst ((unchecked e) x (n : τ))
(unchecked e_′))
(⊢ subst (e x (n : τ)) e_′)]
;; Typing
[(⊢ ty-env-lookup (Γ x) τ)
------------- T-Var
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m x) τ)]
[(where (_ ... (n : τ) _ ...) σ)
------------- T-VConst
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (n : τ)) τ)]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_1) τ_1)
(where ((x_′ : τ_′) ...) Γ)
(⊢ ty (((x : τ_1) (x_′ : τ_′) ...) σ m e_2) τ)
------------- T-Let
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (let x = e_1 in e_2)) τ)]
[(⊢ base? (n τ) #t)
------------- T-Base
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (n : τ)) τ)]
[(where (ptr c ω) τ)
(⊢ types (,(*D*) ω) (τ_0 ..._1))
(⊢ heap-defined? (,(*H*) n) #t)
(⊢ heap-from (,(*H*) n) ((n_1 : τ_1) ..._1 _ ...))
(where ((n_′ : τ_′) ...) σ)
(⊢ ty (Γ ((n : τ) (n_′ : τ_′) ...) m (n_1 : τ_1)) τ_0) ...
------------- T-PtrC
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (n : τ)) τ)]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e) (ptr m (struct T)))
(⊢ struct-lookup (,(*D*) T) (_ ... (τ_f f) _ ...))
------------- T-Amper
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (& e → f)) (ptr m τ_f))]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_1) int)
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_2) int)
------------- T-BinopInt
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (e_1 + e_2)) int)]
[(⊢ types (,(*D*) ω) (τ_1 τ_2 ...))
------------- T-Malloc
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (malloc ω)) (ptr c ω))]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ u e) τ)
------------- T-Unchecked
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (unchecked e)) τ)]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e) τ_′)
(⊢ cast-ok? (m τ) #t)
------------- T-Cast
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (cast τ e)) τ)]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e) (ptr m_′ ω))
(⊢ deref-type ω τ)
(⊢ mode-ok? (m_′ m) #t)
------------- T-Deref
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (* e)) τ)]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_1) (ptr m_′ (array n τ)))
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_2) int)
(⊢ mode-ok? (m_′ m) #t)
------------- T-Index
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (* (e_1 + e_2))) τ)]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_1) (ptr m_′ ω))
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_2) τ)
(⊢ deref-type ω τ)
(⊢ mode-ok? (m_′ m) #t)
------------- T-Assign
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (* e_1 = e_2)) τ)]
[(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_1) (ptr m_′ (array n τ)))
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_2) int)
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m e_3) τ)
(⊢ mode-ok? (m_′ m) #t)
------------- T-IndAssign
(⊢ ty (Γ σ m (* (e_1 + e_2) = e_3)) τ)]
;; ty-env-lookup : (Γ x) × τ
[(⊢ ty-env-lookup (((x : τ) _ ...) x) τ)]
[(⊢ ty-env-lookup (((x_!_1 : _) (x_′ : τ_′) ...) (name x x_!_1)) τ)
(⊢ ty-env-lookup (((x_′ : τ_′) ...) x) τ)]
;; base? : (n τ) × #t
[(⊢ base? (n int) #t)]
[(⊢ base? (n (ptr u ω)) #t)]
[(⊢ base? (0 τ) #t)]
[(⊢ base? (n (ptr c (array 0 τ_′))) #t)]
;; cast-ok? : (m τ) × #t
[(⊢ cast-ok? (u τ) #t)]
[(⊢ cast-ok? (c int) #t)]
[(⊢ cast-ok? (c (ptr u ω)) #t)]
;; deref-type τ × τ
[(⊢ deref-type τ τ)]
[(⊢ deref-type (array n τ) τ)]
;; mode-ok? : (m m) × #t
[(⊢ mode-ok? (u u) #t)]
[(⊢ mode-ok? (c _) #t)])
(define ~~>
CoreChkC #:domain (H r)
(--> (H e) (H_′ r_′) (judgment-holds (⊢ ↝ (H e) (H_′ r_′))))))
(define (---> m)
#:domain (H r)
(--> (H e) (H_′ r)
(judgment-holds (⊢ ⟶ (H e ,m) (H_′ r))))))
;; Tests
(module+ test
(parameterize ((*D* (term ((foo ((int x) (int y)))))) ; a struct defn
(*H* (term ((5 : int))))) ; a heap for the type system tests
;; ↝
;; E-BinOp
(test--> ~~>
(term (() ((3 : int) + (4 : int))))
(term (() (7 : int))))
(test--> ~~>
(term (() ((3 : (ptr c (array 5 int))) + (4 : int))))
(term (() (7 : (ptr c (array 1 int))))))
(test--> ~~> ; going off the end in checked mode
(term (() ((3 : (ptr c (array 5 int))) + (7 : int))))
(term (() (10 : (ptr c (array 0 int))))))
(test--> ~~> ; ptr arith on null in unchecked mode
(term (() ((0 : (ptr u (array 5 int))) + (4 : int))))
(term (() (4 : (ptr u (array 5 int))))))
;; E-Cast
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (cast (ptr c (array 5 int)) (0 : int))))
(term (() (0 : (ptr c (array 5 int))))))
;; E-Deref
(test--> ~~>
(term (((7 : int)) (* (1 : int))))
(term (((7 : int)) (7 : int))))
(test--> ~~> ; dereferencing a valid checked ptr to an array, steps
(term (((7 : int)) (* (1 : (ptr u (array 1 int))))))
(term (((7 : int)) (7 : int))))
(test--> ~~> ; dereferencing an unchecked ptr to a nullary array, steps
(term (((7 : int)) (* (1 : (ptr u (array 0 int))))))
(term (((7 : int)) (7 : int))))
;; E-Assign
(test--> ~~>
(term (((7 : int)) (* (1 : int) = (2 : int))))
(term (((2 : int)) (2 : int))))
(test--> ~~> ; assigning a valid checked ptr to an array, steps
(term (((7 : int)) (* (1 : (ptr u (array 1 int))) = (2 : int))))
(term (((2 : int)) (2 : int))))
(test--> ~~> ; assigning an unchecked ptr to a nullary array, steps
(term (((7 : int)) (* (1 : (ptr u (array 0 int))) = (2 : int))))
(term (((2 : int)) (2 : int))))
;; E-Amper
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (& (4 : (ptr u (struct foo))) → x)))
(term (() (4 : (ptr u int)))))
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (& (4 : (ptr c (struct foo))) → x)))
(term (() (4 : (ptr c int)))))
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (& (4 : (ptr c (struct foo))) → y)))
(term (() (5 : (ptr c int)))))
;; E-Malloc
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (malloc int)))
(term (((0 : int)) (1 : (ptr c int)))))
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (malloc (array 3 int))))
(term (((0 : int) (0 : int) (0 : int))
(1 : (ptr c (array 3 int))))))
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (malloc (struct foo))))
(term (((0 : int) (0 : int)) (1 : (ptr c (struct foo))))))
(test--> ~~> ; alloc'ing a nullary array gets stuck
(term (() (malloc (array 0 int)))))
;; E-Let
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (let x = (5 : int) in x)))
(term (() (5 : int))))
;; E-Unchecked
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (unchecked (7 : int))))
(term (() (7 : int))))
;; X-DerefOOB
(test--> ~~> ; dereferencing a checked ptr to a nullary array
(term (((7 : int)) (* (1 : (ptr c (array 0 int))))))
(term (((7 : int)) Bounds)))
;; X-AssignOOB
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (* (1 : (ptr c (array 0 int))) = (7 : int))))
(term (() Bounds)))
;; X-DerefNull
(test--> ~~> ; dereferencing a checked ptr to a nullary array
(term (((7 : int)) (* (0 : (ptr c (array 1 int))))))
(term (((7 : int)) Null)))
;; X-AssignNull
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (* (0 : (ptr c (array 1 int))) = (7 : int))))
(term (() Null)))
;; X-AmperNull
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (& (0 : (ptr c (struct foo))) → f)))
(term (() Null)))
;; X-BinopNull
(test--> ~~> ; ptr arith on null in checked mode
(term (() ((0 : (ptr c (array 5 int))) + (4 : int))))
(term (() Null)))
;; X-AssignOOB and X-AssignNull overlap
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (* (0 : (ptr c (array 0 int))) = (7 : int))))
(term (() Bounds))
(term (() Null)))
;; X-DerefOOB and X-DerefNull overlap
(test--> ~~>
(term (() (* (0 : (ptr c (array 0 int))))))
(term (() Bounds))
(term (() Null)))
;; ⟶
(---> 'c)
(term (()
(let p = (malloc (array 3 int)) in
(let _ = (* (1 : (ptr c int)) = (6 : int)) in
(let _ = (* (2 : (ptr c int)) = (7 : int)) in
(let _ = (* (3 : (ptr c int)) = (8 : int)) in
(term (((6 : int) (7 : int) (8 : int))
(1 : (ptr c (array 3 int))))))
(---> 'c)
(term (()
(let p = (malloc (array 3 int)) in
(let _ = (* p = (6 : int)) in
(let p = (p + (1 : int)) in
(let _ = (* p = (7 : int)) in
(let p = (p + (1 : int)) in
(let _ = (* p = (8 : int)) in
(let p = (p + (1 : int)) in
(term (((6 : int) (7 : int) (8 : int))
(4 : (ptr c (array 0 int))))))
(---> 'c)
(term (()
(let p = (malloc (struct foo)) in
(let _ = (* (& p → x) = (7 : int)) in
(let _ = (* (& p → y) = (8 : int)) in
(term (((7 : int) (8 : int))
(1 : (ptr c (struct foo))))))
(---> 'c)
(term (() ; Bounds
(let p = (malloc (array 3 int)) in
(* (p + (4 : int)) = (7 : int)))))
(term (((0 : int) (0 : int) (0 : int))
;; Subst
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ subst (x x (0 : int)) (0 : int)))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ subst (y x (0 : int)) y))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ subst ((let x = x in x) x (0 : int))
(let x = (0 : int) in x)))
;; Structures
(define-term DT
((foo ((int x) (int y)))
(bar ((int q)))))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ struct-lookup (DT foo) ((int x) (int y))))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ struct-lookup (DT bar) ((int q))))
;; E-Amper helper
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ & ((ptr u (struct foo)) x 5) (5 : (ptr u int))))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ & ((ptr u (struct foo)) y 5) (6 : (ptr u int))))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ & ((ptr c (struct foo)) x 5) (5 : (ptr c int))))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ & ((ptr c (struct foo)) y 5) (6 : (ptr c int))))
(test-equal (judgment-holds (⊢ & ((ptr c (struct foo)) x 0) any) any) '())
(test-equal (judgment-holds (⊢ & ((ptr c (struct foo)) y 0) any) any) '())
;; Malloc helper
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ types (DT int) (int)))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ types (DT (array 3 int)) (int int int)))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ types (DT (struct foo)) (int int)))
;; Heaps
;; Heaps are represented as a list addressed by position counting from 1.
;; Allocation appends elements at the end of the list.
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ heap-lookup (((7 : int)) 1) (7 : int)))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ heap-lookup (((4 : int) (7 : int)) 1) (4 : int)))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ heap-lookup (((4 : int) (7 : int)) 2) (7 : int)))
(test-equal (judgment-holds (⊢ heap-defined? (((7 : int)) 0) #t)) #f)
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ heap-defined? (((7 : int)) 1) #t))
(test-equal (judgment-holds (⊢ heap-defined? (((7 : int)) 2) #t)) #f)
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ heap-defined? (((4 : int) (7 : int)) 2) #t))
(test-equal (judgment-holds (⊢ heap-defined? (((4 : int) (7 : int)) 3) #t)) #f)
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ heap-update (((7 : int)) 1 (9 : int))
((9 : int))))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ heap-update (((4 : int) (7 : int)) 1 (9 : int))
((9 : int) (7 : int))))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ heap-update (((4 : int) (7 : int)) 2 (9 : int))
((4 : int) (9 : int))))
;; Type system
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (((x : int)) () c x) int))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() ((5 : int)) c (5 : int)) int))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() ((5 : int)) c (let x = (5 : int) in x)) int))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (0 : int)) int))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (4 : int)) int))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (0 : (ptr c int))) (ptr c int)))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (1 : (ptr c (array 0 int))))
(ptr c (array 0 int))))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (1 : (ptr u (array 5 int))))
(ptr u (array 5 int))))
(test-equal (judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (1 : (ptr c (array 5 int)))) τ) τ)
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (1 : (ptr c int))) (ptr c int))) ; T-PtrC
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (& (malloc (struct foo)) → x))
(ptr c int)))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c ((1 : int) + (2 : int))) int))
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (malloc int)) (ptr c int)))
(test-equal (judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (malloc (array 0 int))) τ) τ)
(test-judgment-holds (⊢ ty (() () c (cast int (0 : (ptr c (array 5 int))))) int))
(test-judgment-holds ; unchecked cast to ptr type succeeds
(⊢ ty (() () c (cast (ptr u int) (5 : int))) (ptr u int)))
(test-equal (judgment-holds ; checked cast to ptr type fails
(⊢ ty (() () c (cast (ptr c int) (5 : int))) τ) τ)
(test-judgment-holds ; unchecking checked cast
(⊢ ty (() () c (unchecked (cast (ptr c int) (5 : int)))) (ptr c int)))
(⊢ ty (() () c (* (malloc (array 3 int)))) int))
(⊢ ty (() () c (* ((malloc (array 3 int)) + (1 : int)))) int))
(⊢ ty (() () c (* (malloc (array 3 int)) = (5 : int))) int))
(⊢ ty (() () c (* ((malloc (array 3 int)) + (1 : int)) = (5 : int))) int))))
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