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Declan Valters dvalters

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DavidBuchanan314 / cursed_mandelbrot.c
Last active June 28, 2023 15:12
Compile-time mandelbrot in pure C. Outputs a PGM image file to stdout. Output can be seen at
#include <stdio.h>
#define SQ(x) (x)*(x)
#define M0(x,y) SQ(x)+SQ(y)<4?0:0xe0
#define M1(x,y,x0,y0) (SQ(x)+SQ(y)<4)?M0(SQ(x)-SQ(y)+(x0),2*(x)*(y)+(y0)):0xc0
#define M2(x,y,x0,y0) (SQ(x)+SQ(y)<4)?M1(SQ(x)-SQ(y)+(x0),2*(x)*(y)+(y0),x0,y0):0xa0
#define M3(x,y,x0,y0) (SQ(x)+SQ(y)<4)?M2(SQ(x)-SQ(y)+(x0),2*(x)*(y)+(y0),x0,y0):0x80
#define M4(x,y,x0,y0) (SQ(x)+SQ(y)<4)?M3(SQ(x)-SQ(y)+(x0),2*(x)*(y)+(y0),x0,y0):0x60
#define M5(x,y,x0,y0) (SQ(x)+SQ(y)<4)?M4(SQ(x)-SQ(y)+(x0),2*(x)*(y)+(y0),x0,y0):0x40
shafik /
Last active September 20, 2024 14:24
What is Strict Aliasing and Why do we Care?

What is the Strict Aliasing Rule and Why do we care?

(OR Type Punning, Undefined Behavior and Alignment, Oh My!)

What is strict aliasing? First we will describe what is aliasing and then we can learn what being strict about it means.

In C and C++ aliasing has to do with what expression types we are allowed to access stored values through. In both C and C++ the standard specifies which expression types are allowed to alias which types. The compiler and optimizer are allowed to assume we follow the aliasing rules strictly, hence the term strict aliasing rule. If we attempt to access a value using a type not allowed it is classified as undefined behavior(UB). Once we have undefined behavior all bets are off, the results of our program are no longer reliable.

Unfortunately with strict aliasing violations, we will often obtain the results we expect, leaving the possibility the a future version of a compiler with a new optimization will break code we th

mbinna /
Last active September 16, 2024 15:44
Effective Modern CMake

Effective Modern CMake

Getting Started

For a brief user-level introduction to CMake, watch C++ Weekly, Episode 78, Intro to CMake by Jason Turner. LLVM’s CMake Primer provides a good high-level introduction to the CMake syntax. Go read it now.

After that, watch Mathieu Ropert’s CppCon 2017 talk Using Modern CMake Patterns to Enforce a Good Modular Design (slides). It provides a thorough explanation of what modern CMake is and why it is so much better than “old school” CMake. The modular design ideas in this talk are based on the book [Large-Scale C++ Software Design](

ymollard / clean_git_repository.bash
Created February 4, 2016 00:54
Clean a git repository by deleting history and data of old deleted files
# This script, executed at the root of a git repository, deletes traces of every old file in this repository, index + blob on all branches
# It can take 10-30 minutes to run and will print regular warning stating than some references are unchanged
# time ./clear_git_repositor.bash >cleaning.log
# We need several passes to clean files renamed multiple times (git log --find-renames prevents its deletion for each renaming)
# MAXIMUM_PASSES should be more than the maximum number of renamings/movings for any file, if not then we might keep some traces of former files
MAXIMUM_PASSES=10 # Maximum number of passes




C++ Coding Standards Part 0: Automated Code Analysis

Automated analysis is the main advantage to working with a modern statically typed compiled language like C++. Code analysis tools can inform us when we have implemented an operator overload with a non-canonical form, when we should have made a method const, or when the scope of a variable can be reduced.

amercader / gist:927079
Created April 19, 2011 09:55
British National Grid to WGS84 with pyproj
import pyproj
# Define two projections, one for the British National Grid and one for WGS84 (Lat/Lon)
# You can use the full PROJ4 definition or the EPSG identifier (PROJ4 uses a file that matches the two)
#bng = Proj("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs towgs84='446.448,-125.157,542.060,0.1502,0.2470,0.8421,-20.4894'")
#wgs84 = Proj('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
bng = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:27700')
wgs84 = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')