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Last active January 8, 2021 21:03
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Let's Encrypt for UniFi Cloud Key G2+

Install acme

  • curl | sh

  • --upgrade --auto-upgrade --accountemail ""

Configure acme Let's Encrypt

Put following in your.bashrc file

export JOKER_USERNAME="userName"
export JOKER_PASSWORD="password"

Configure acme --force --issue --dns dns_joker -d --pre-hook "tar -zcvf /root/`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S`.tgz /data/unifi-core/config/unifi-core.*" --fullchainpath /data/unifi-core/config/unifi-core.crt --keypath /data/unifi-core/config/unifi-core.key --reloadcmd "systemctl restart unifi-core.service"
  • Adjust controller’s hostname

Let acme renew the certs

crontab -e

0 0 * * * "/root/"/ --cron --home "/root/" >> /var/log/letsencrypt.log
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