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Last active September 4, 2018 05:24
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fn main() -> ! {
let (mut delay, mut leds): (Delay, Leds) = aux5::init();
loop {
state => [on off]
period => [500 100]
for led in 0..8 {
delay.delay_ms($period as u16);
macro_rules! foreach {
() ->
([$($name:ident)*] [$([$($variant:tt)*])*])
[$d:tt { $($body:tt)* }]
) => {{
macro_rules! __foreach_substitute {
($($d$name:tt)*) => {
($name:ident => [$($variant:tt)*] $($rest:tt)*) ->
([$($names:tt)*] [$([$($variants:tt)*])*])
) => {
($($rest)*) ->
([$($names)* $name] [$([$($variants)* $variant])*])
$name:ident => [$($variant:tt)*]
$($names:ident => [$($variants:tt)*])*
{ $($body:tt)* }
) => {
($($names => [$($variants)*])*) ->
([$name] [$([$variant])*])
[$d { $($body)* }]);
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