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Last active May 22, 2020 18:08
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Save duncanbeevers/0ce95190d4b2c6b8d537 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JavaScript implementation of Michael Vose's constant-time weighted random outcome generator.
// Based on Darts, Dice, and Coins: Sampling from a Discrete Distribution
export default class AliasVose {
constructor(list) {
// Determine relative probabilities.
const scalar = list.length /
list.reduce((acc, item) => { return acc + item.weight; }, 0);
// Partition outcomes into tiny and big work queues.
const [tinys, bigs] = reduce(list, (acc, item) => {
const prob = item.weight * scalar;
acc[prob < 1 ? 0 : 1].push({ prob: prob, item: item });
return acc;
}, [[], []]);
this.table = [];
while (tinys.length && bigs.length) {
const tiny = tinys.pop();
const big = bigs.pop();
// Add tiny work item to table, top off with big work item.
this.table.push({ prob: tiny.prob, item: tiny.item, alias: big.item });
// Reduce big work item probability by top-off amount.
big.prob += tiny.prob - 1;
// Return big work item to tiny or big work queue.
(big.prob < 1 ? tinys : bigs).push(big);
// Add all remaining work items to table.
while (bigs.length || tinys.length) {
this.table.push({ prob: 1, item: (bigs.pop() || tinys.pop()).item });
rand() {
// Choose a table entry, then choose its tiny or top-off item.
const bucket = this.table[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.table.length)];
return Math.random() < bucket.prob ? bucket.item : bucket.alias;
// // Usage:
// // Create an outcome producer by initializing with outcomes and weights.
// const vose = new AliasVose([
// { weight: 20, label: 'Aloof' },
// { weight: 32, label: 'Bereft' },
// { weight: 16, label: 'Complicit' },
// { weight: 40, label: 'Dependent' },
// { weight: 16, label: 'Egregious' },
// { weight: 16, label: 'Fickle' },
// { weight: 20, label: 'Garrulous' }
// ]);
// // Generate outcomes, and tally how many times each outcome occurs.
// const results = {};
// for (var i = 50000; i > 0; i--) {
// const out = vose.rand();
// results[out.label] = (results[out.label] || 0) + 1;
// }
// Take a look at the results.
// {
// "Aloof": 6142,
// "Bereft": 9951,
// "Complicit": 5147,
// "Dependent": 12510,
// "Egregious": 4961,
// "Fickle": 5003,
// "Garrulous": 6286
// }
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