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Created March 28, 2013 12:46
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Messing around with an IO type in C#
using System;
namespace Workshop.Terminal
// Meh, close enough
public sealed class Unit { }
public sealed class IO<T>
private readonly Func<T> ioAction;
public IO(Func<T> ioAction) { this.ioAction = ioAction; }
public IO<TNext> Then<TNext>(IO<TNext> next)
return new IO<TNext>(() => {
return next.ioAction();
public IO<TNext> Then<TNext>(Func<T, IO<TNext>> useValue)
return new IO<TNext>(() => {
var value = ioAction();
var nextIO = useValue(value);
return nextIO.ioAction();
public IO<TB> SelectMany<TA, TB>(Func<T, IO<TA>> useValue, Func<T, TA, TB> selector)
return new IO<TB>(() => {
var value = ioAction();
var nextIO = useValue(value);
var nextValue = nextIO.ioAction();
return selector(value, nextValue);
public IO<TNext> Select<TNext>(Func<T, TNext> selector)
return new IO<TNext>(() => selector(ioAction()));
public T UnsafePerformIO() { return ioAction(); }
public static class IO
private static Random random = new Random();
public static IO<Unit> WriteLine(string s)
return new IO<Unit>(() => { Console.WriteLine(s); return new Unit(); });
public static IO<string> ReadLine() { return new IO<string>(Console.ReadLine); }
public static IO<int> Random(int min, int max)
return new IO<int>(() => random.Next(min, max));
class Program
public static void SideEffecty()
Console.WriteLine("Hi, I'm C#. What's your name?");
var name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Nice to meet you " + name);
public static Action NotSoSideEffecty()
return () =>
Console.WriteLine("Hi, I'm C#. What's your name?");
var name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Nice to meet you " + name);
public static IO<Unit> GuessNumber(int i)
return IO.ReadLine()
.Select(int.Parse) // should use Option type here for error handling
.Then(guess =>
if (guess > i)
return IO.WriteLine("Too high!").Then(GuessNumber(i));
else if (guess < i)
return IO.WriteLine("Too low!").Then(GuessNumber(i));
return IO.WriteLine("You got it!");
static void Main(string[] args)
var program =
from a in IO.WriteLine("Hi, I'm C#. What's your name?")
from name in IO.ReadLine()
from b in IO.WriteLine("Nice to meet you " + name +
". I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Try and guess it!")
from rand in IO.Random(1,10)
from c in GuessNumber(rand)
select new Unit();
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dtchepak commented Apr 5, 2013

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