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Created May 28, 2016 12:29
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Run this PHP script and it will start a "bot" user on Slack that does Google Searches for you
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use PhpSlackBot\Bot;
// Custom command
class MyCommand extends \PhpSlackBot\Command\BaseCommand {
protected function configure() {
protected function execute($message, $context) {
$text = substr($message['text'],7);
$query = ''.urlencode( $text ).'&cx=CSECODEHERE&num=5&key=APIKEYHERE';
$ch = curl_init($query);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
$results = json_decode( curl_exec( $ch ), true);
if($results && count($results['items'])){
$reply = 'What up yo! I found "'.$results['items'][0]['title'].'" over at '.$results['items'][0]['link']. " on the Google machine. It has something to do with: \n\n";
$reply .= $results['items'][0]['snippet'];
if(count($results['items']) > 1){
$reply .= "\n\n\nThere's also:";
for($x=1; $x<4; $x++){
if(isset($results['items'][$x])) {
$reply .= " " . ( $x != 1 ? "and " : "" ) . $results['items'][ $x ]['link'];
$this->send($this->getCurrentChannel(), null, $reply);
$this->send($this->getCurrentChannel(), null, "OH SHIT THE GOOGLE IS DOWN! NO RESULTS!");
$bot = new Bot();
$bot->setToken('SLACKTOKENHERE'); // Get your token here
$bot->loadCommand(new MyCommand());
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