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Last active October 17, 2015 21:18
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@echo off
REM check usage
if not exist .\procmon.exe goto ERR_RES
if not exist .\psexec.exe goto ERR_RES
if not defined HOSTNAME goto USAGE
REM check to see if remote host is online
echo -Checking remote host availability
ping -n 1 -w 300 %HOSTNAME% | find /i "REPLY" >NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto ERR_OFFLINE
REM check that you have remote admin access
echo -Checking remote host access level
dir \\%HOSTNAME%\C$ >nul
if errorlevel 1 goto ERR_ACCESS
REM copy resource files to remote directory
echo -Copying resources to remote host
if not exist "\\%HOSTNAME%\C$\LocalApps" md "\\%HOSTNAME%\C$\LocalApps"
if not exist "\\%HOSTNAME%\C$\LocalApps\ProcMonCapture" md "\\%HOSTNAME%\C$\LocalApps\ProcMonCapture"
copy .\procmon.exe "\\%HOSTNAME%\C$\LocalApps\ProcMonCapture" /y >nul
REM start remote resource (do not wait for completion)
echo -Launching procmon remotely
psexec.exe -d -s \\%HOSTNAME% "C:\LocalApps\ProcMonCapture\procmon.exe" /AcceptEula /Nofilter /BackingFile C:\LocalApps\ProcMonCapture\Capture.PML >nul 2>&1
REM prompt user for go-ahead to stop remote resource
echo Capture in progress. Press any key to stop...
pause >nul
REM stop remote resource (wait for completion)
echo -Terminating capture
psexec.exe -s \\%HOSTNAME% "c:\LocalApps\ProcMonCapture\procmon.exe" /AcceptEula /Quiet /Terminate >nul 2>&1
REM copy logfiles created by remote resource
echo -Copying trace logs
if not exist ".\Captures" md ".\Captures"
if not exist ".\Captures\%HOSTNAME%" md ".\Captures\%HOSTNAME%"
copy "\\%HOSTNAME%\C$\LocalApps\ProcMonCapture\*.PML" ".\Captures\%HOSTNAME%\*.PML" /y >nul
REM remove remote resource files
echo -Cleaning up remote resource files
rmdir /s /q "\\%HOSTNAME%\C$\LocalApps\ProcMonCapture"
REM print out the take
echo -Operation complete! Captures available in .\Captures\%HOSTNAME%\*.PML
CHOICE /C YN /M "Review capture file now? "
if errorlevel 2 goto EOF
if errorlevel 1 goto CAP_OPEN
".\procmon.exe" /AcceptEula /Quiet /OpenLog ".\Captures\%HOSTNAME%\Capture.PML"
goto EOF
echo ERROR: script resoures not available
echo please ensure psexec.exe and procmon.exe are in same directory as script.
goto EOF
echo ERROR: missing argument ^<target_hostname^>
goto EOF
echo ERROR: specified host is not available (%HOSTNAME%)
goto EOF
echo ERROR: unable to access system volume on remote resource (%HOSTNAME%)
goto EOF
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2015-10-17 16_54_02-clipboard

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