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Last active August 8, 2016 21:44
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Notes for POODR - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Acquiring Behavior Through Inheritance

What is inheritance?

When is inheritance useful?

  • Create highly related types that share common behavior but differ along some dimension.
    • EX: All classes that inherit from ActiveRecord::Base exist to communicate with a DB table, the difference is just the columns on the table and the extra behavior added to that class.
  • When code has a generalization -> specialization relationship

Concrete VS. Abstract

  • Abstract classes are simply the shared bits, they should never be instantiable of their own.
  • Concrete classes inherit from the abstract and implement specializations.

Using Inheritance properly

  • Wait until your abstraction is mature.
    • Know what behavior is alright to share, and what should remain private
    • Feel confident it is worth introducing the dependency to the codebase
    • Have a clear separation between the concrete and the abstract.
  • It is inherently easier to move code from a subclass up to a superclass than from a superclass down to a subclass.
    • When refactoring a class to use inheritance, try to start by implementing a concrete class, and pulling behavior into the superclass as peers require it.
    • Promoting abstractions is easier than demoting concretions.

Template Method Pattern

  • Abide by the "Hollywood Principle", that is, "Don't call us, we'll call you".
  • Write 'template methods' that defines an algorithm in abstract operations that subclasses can override to implment concrete behavior
  • Implement the invariant parts of an alorthithm once, subclasses will fill in the variants.
  • Raise a helpful error message if a programmer fails to implement a required method


  • Knowing things about other classes creates coupling, so inheritance can create very tightly coupled code.
  • Forcing a subclass to know how to interact with a superclass is a common cause of errors
  • Explicit hooks allow subclasses to know less about the parent class
    • Adding a post_initalize hook instead of relying on programmers to call super in the subclass.

Discussion points:

  • Good examples of inheritance:
    • ApplicationController
    • ApplicationModel (or ActiveRecord::Base)
  • Bad examples:
    • Provider < User
    • HospitalityBooking < Booking
  • Sandi discusses how fields like 'category', 'type' and 'style' can be signs of embedded types. What embedded types might we have in Handybook that are dying to break free?
  • In the AccountingService, TipsDecorator is going to get some company, what methods currently in TipsDecorator will be needed in FeesDecorator as well?
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